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Stars Catalogue Delivery Delayed

The Peeps

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During the last Stars Catalogue update in late January, I ordered a Nintendo Wi-Fi Connector thing but it still hasn't arrived yet. The email I got said that I should wait 28 days but it's been about 35 days now and I haven't got it. I sent an email to Nintendo a few days ago but I haven't got a reply yet.


Has anyone else had delivery problems with the Stars Catalogue? If so, how long did you have to wait until it arrived? I remember when I ordered my DS from the catalogue (VIP Pack) it took longer than they said it would so maybe they just send everything late :indeed:

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I had to complain to get a copy of Starfox that I'd ordered. It hadn't arrived after 30 days or something. They took a little while to get back to me so I sent another e-mail with a sharper tone. I think I used this address:

[email protected]


After some checking they sent me my game with no qualms. Keep hassling them. People don't do anything unless they're hassled.

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Nintendo Service Centre

Codestorm House

Walton Road




Telephone: 0870 6060 247 (Calls are charged at the National Rate to the caller)


Cheers, I'll give them a couple of days to reply before I phone them.

I expect they're pretty over run with emails at the moment.

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