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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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Thanks for the 10 for the Juno Sig!


I really like yours. The luminous colour really makes it stand out. It looks a little bad image quality wise though. Save it as a .png and re-upload it. :)





Hope you like my new sig...OMG AVRIL IS BACK! :p


(My avatar is just a stand in until I make proper one :))

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It looks Ok, but i find abit difficult to see that samus is actually there.


hmm 6/10


Its supposed to be that way




The fonts just don't work and overall it looks too much like it was made in paint. If you fixed the fonts it could also do with a different background. It just seems a little bit bland. 6.

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I didn't make it in paint. (Fireworks) It's 16kb in size.... what do you expect?


In all honesty I really don't like your sig... it's too busy and distracts me in a bad way. Looks far too "photoshopped" to me (ie far too many basic effects)




Edit: "signatures should not have a file size that is larger than 50kb"



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Shoot, I must have uploaded the wrong image.


Also, I said it looks like it was made in paint.


What basic Effects are you talking about. The only basic effect in the entire signature is the glow on the text.


The file I get in finder is bigger than the one I'm saving. I'll replace it soon.

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