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I Was Saying Boo-ris!


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The Tories are very good at hitting the reset button. The next leader will fight an election on a "allow us to improve the economy" kind of message even though they will have been in power 12+ years by that point (and there's a chance the leader will even be the former chancellor)

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Ashley said:

So the next prime minister will either be the "low tax" tax raising millionaire or queen of the pork markets. 

What a future. 

Honestly, given the other possibilities? It genuinely could be worse. Could also be a million times better, but still.

Edited by Glen-i
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  • 10 months later...

Good riddance to the worst prime minister the UK's ever had.  Hopefully one day we'll see him rotting in prison.  In the meantime, at least we don't have to listen to any more of his nonsense.  Alexander "Boris" Johnson - liar, criminal, narcissist.  History will view him as the country's biggest-ever traitor.

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When I see stories about Johnson plotting with others to make a new party, I think "Good, split the vote".


It's pretty disgusting, really, the damage they have done to this country and they're squabbling about the "Honours" list.  Honour!  I am not a vengeful person, but I don't think we can move on until the right people are punished.  And we haven't forgotten about the WhatsApp messages either.

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The committee report is out and they would have recommended 90 days suspension. Only glanced at it but multiple uses of the phrase "serious contempt". There's even a whole section dedicated to his resignation and how that, and his statements, broke the confidentiality of the report and thus is another serious contempt. 

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Boris Johnson: Privileges Committee Partygate report - DocumentCloud


For ze report in full.

I'm a bit confused as to why they're complaining about Boris whining about the report after they gave it him. I was under the impression that they were giving him the final version prior to publication, so he knew what was coming. Not only were they surprised he made claims about it (which anyone would see coming from a politician), but then appear to have gone back and revised it, implying the report wasn't completely finished at all. 

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Boris Johnson: Privileges Committee Partygate report - DocumentCloud


For ze report in full.

I'm a bit confused as to why they're complaining about Boris whining about the report after they gave it him. I was under the impression that they were giving him the final version prior to publication, so he knew what was coming. Not only were they surprised he made claims about it (which anyone would see coming from a politician), but then appear to have gone back and revised it, implying the report wasn't completely finished at all. 

They revised it to add a bit about him commenting on it, which he wasn't supposed to do.






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17 minutes ago, bob said:

They revised it to add a bit about him commenting on it, which he wasn't supposed to do.

They seem to have added quite a bit. However it does mention that it was more of a summary of sorts was provided to Boris and his legal peeps, not the final version. Which was from the repeated assurances of Good Morning Britain. I didn't mislead anyone. Honest.

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I would assume it being labelled as a draft is just perfunctory as it's not the final one, not necessarily that any changes would be made, just it's literally not the final one. Any changes at that stage I would imagine to be largely technical (formatting and all that boring stuff) rather than anything substantive.

And by quitting and slagging off the committee he gave away it's findings when the contents are supposed to be confidential until it's public release. Hence why there's a whole section about how him doing that is a further breach. He had a right to read it prior to it's publication, he did not have a right to publicly discuss it to try and get ahead of its publication. 

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