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Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl (19th November 2021)

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18 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Righto, @Julius. I'll be available all day today, so just give me a heads up for when you're ready to go.

I still need the Diamond exclusives you have, including Seedot, which you forgot to mention.

Out of the three rare Pokémon you mentioned, I only have Bonsly, so I can get you one of those. (You imply that you actually have a Feebas now, I could've given you one instead of you torturing yourself fishing, but oh well)

I also have a couple of trade evolutions to do as well, namely Scyther and Dusclops.

I have every starter except Treecko, now. So I can get you a Charmander, Squirtle, and Chikorita as well if you want. Wouldn't mind a Treecko in return.

Haven't actually looked for the Magmarizer yet though, been focusing on catching every Pokémon I can. Will let you know when I get one.

I'll get to work on the eggs now.

Yeah, my bad, Seedot somehow got shifted our of my dedicated trading Box - it's still to the side, don't worry! :D

Would love a Bonsly! As for Feebas, only took me about 10 minutes or so, but as I found out a few days ago, someone has also made a very helpful tool on GitHub for finding Feebas. I tested it yesterday and caught a couple more, so if anyone is hunting for one, that's a really helpful tool. 

Will just get to work on the Treecko egg now, so shouldn't be too long. Wouldn't say no to the other starters (wasn't particularly looking for them, but how do you say no to starters?!) if you don't mind :smile:


Will do. 

Also, did you need a Larvitar? I think it's an exclusive and I have one, but I think I've somehow avoided mentioning it until now. Can breed one if you need! 

Just now, Julius said:

Will do. 

Also, did you need a Larvitar? I think it's an exclusive and I have one, but I think I've somehow avoided mentioning it until now. Can breed one if you need! 

Nope, already got one.

Just now, Glen-i said:

Nope, already got one.

Okay cool

Egg is ready, Link Code is 11235813 :peace:

Shall we start with the Trade Evo's? 

1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

Right, that's all of them now.

And once again, the two of us alone have made this thread "Hot!" Good work!

Thanks as always Glen, appreciate it! :smile:

Posted (edited)

So Masuda doesn't give you a new pointless piece of paper for catching all 151 in the Sinnoh Dex as opposed to seeing them, so this will have to do:



Thanks for your help @Glen-i

It's the first time I've done this since the original Diamond, and I think I may have caught a Pokémon-catching fever :D need to try and hold it off until Legends: Arceus! 

Edited by Julius
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Something just hit me with something you said earlier.

12 hours ago, Julius said:

End of the Sinnoh Dex and Living Sinnoh 107 (well, 103 for now!) is finally in sight,

103? That's not right. There's only 3 Mythical Pokémon not legally available in BDSP at the moment, Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus.

Have you got a Phione?

2 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Something just hit me with something you said earlier.

103? That's not right. There's only 3 Mythical Pokémon not legally available in BDSP at the moment, Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus.

Have you got a Phione?

I have, it's the Palkia, though technically I've got some from older games, but I could say the same for the rest I guess :laughing:


@Julius, I've got a Magmarizer. Took me ages to find a Magby, but the first one I found had one, which I yoinked with Thief. I also caught a Nosepass yesterday, in case you're still looking for one.

I take it you're up for a Rizer trade this weekend?

5 hours ago, Glen-i said:

@Julius, I've got a Magmarizer. Took me ages to find a Magby, but the first one I found had one, which I yoinked with Thief. I also caught a Nosepass yesterday, in case you're still looking for one.

I take it you're up for a Rizer trade this weekend?

Yeah, I'm up for it :peace:

I also caught a Nosepass yesterday, so I'm good there thanks.

Now it's just that illusive Yanma...

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, MindFreak said:


Well, hot damn.

That would match Sword & Shield's first week of sales, meaning it's double what Let's Go did in its first week. The remakes don't tend to have legs when it comes to sales anyways (so don't expect it to keep pace with Sw/Sh), and I know the Switch install base has grown significantly since Let's Go released in 2018, but considering this was outsourced to ILCA and likely cost less to produce than Let's Go, it's hard to not see them being given a shot at more Pokémon titles. I really just hope they get more time next time around. 

Will be very surprised if we return to Johto in a Let's Go game rather than remakes of HeartGold & SoulSilver by ILCA. The overlevelling might help with the awful level curve (or lack of one altogether) in the second half of those games, and the foundational knowledge of faithfully remaking a DS game in Unity is there for all to see, so would be happy to revisit that adventure relatively stress-free. 

Edited by Julius
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8/9/8/9 (34/40) in Famitsu btw. 

Diamond--which I reserved for day one purchase--was where I bowed out of Pokémon until testing the waters again with Shield (which proved to be every bit as lacklustre as I feared). I remember a Drifloon and a beach area, but mainly I remember it feeling heavy and slow to play and not much of an advancement over the first three games at all, despite the jump to DS. After a few online trades and matches with people here such as @Coolness Bears and the like (the headsets that Game bundled in made that aspect pretty novel!), I quietly moved on to other things without getting very many gym badges at all. I didn't consciously know my last time playing Diamond was my last time playing it, it just ended up being that way. :(

And yet I find myself side-eyeing these re-releases with their vile box-art when I see them on shop shelves. The pull of Pokemon is strong, as shown by the 6 mill these shifted in short order. 

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4 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Got a Yanma, @Julius!

Want me to breed one for you?

Yes please!

My Great Marsh luck has been terrible. Kangaskhan was my daily Pokémon but not one of the ten I ran to would get in the damn Safari Ball before fleeing the next turn :blank:

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