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Monster Hunter Rise


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Got to HR8, and after a few quests I wondered when I would get the notification that I got promoted to HR9. When suddenly bam! HR20 urgent. So that escalated quickly haha. And now I'm ready or my HR30.

Kind of undecided what I want to do next. Started using the Lance more so I'm upgrading that. But I don't know what armour I want to go for. Maybe Diablos as it has good Lance skills.

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Beat my solo Narwa record from yesterday by 11 seconds haha.
Tried it again with same set from yesterday but couldn't get under 10mins again. Even when using Mega Demondrug and Demon Powder.
Swapped to a Dragon Attack/Crit Boost set and went 11 seconds faster, after getting a talisman with Dragon Attack level 3 AND Weakness Exploit level 2 and 2 level 1 slots :D

Video of the end (Spoilers for Narwa)


Probably could have been a few seconds faster if I didn't miss with dive on the Soaring Wyvern Blade Slikbind




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Well, that Hunter is dead. Luckily, I found a replacement!


Dino Chav from Generations Ultimate got it on with a Jaggia and now Dino Chav Jr is here to hunt monsters 4 times his size, wear people clothes, and show nothing but disrespect!

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For me, Rampages ruin this game.

Having to do them just makes me want to drop the game altogether.

I’m loving it aside from them, if they weren’t involved I’d definitely keep playing, but they’re just that off-putting it completely ruins the game for me.

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59 minutes ago, Kav said:

For me, Rampages ruin this game.

Having to do them just makes me want to drop the game altogether.

I’m loving it aside from them, if they weren’t involved I’d definitely keep playing, but they’re just that off-putting it completely ruins the game for me.

I don't know, with a group of four to help split up tasks and draw attention from monsters, I think Rampages are a lot of fun.

They're absolutely miserable if you're on your own though.

Also, there's only 3 Rampages you actually have to do to progress?

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4 hours ago, Kav said:

For me, Rampages ruin this game.

Having to do them just makes me want to drop the game altogether.

I’m loving it aside from them, if they weren’t involved I’d definitely keep playing, but they’re just that off-putting it completely ruins the game for me.

Which Rampage is it?

I think there's only like 2 or 3 that are part of Urgents within the Hub quests.

Apex Azuros and Ibushi HR4 and HR6...I think is there a Rathian one in HR2or3 that is more a tutorial?

As Glen said they are better with a group and I think the Ibushi one is better, as are the newer Apex Rathalos and Apex Diablos ones....though I hope they get their own standard hunts in next update.

Apex Azuros is the only Apex Rampage that is required as it part of the story all other are optional.

I think I also started to enjoy them a bit better when I learned how to use the installations and Villagers like Elder Fugen a bit more strategically.

But yeah as said there's only like 2 or 3 that are required, make a plan, meet us online we'll bash through it with ya and then it'll be over :)

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53 minutes ago, Mokong said:

Apex Azuros and Ibushi HR4 and HR6...I think is there a Rathian one in HR2or3 that is more a tutorial?

Oh wait, that reminds me. @Kav, did you do the Village Rampage quest first? Because that actually gets you tutorial pop-ups.

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5 hours ago, Mokong said:

Which Rampage is it?

I think there's only like 2 or 3 that are part of Urgents within the Hub quests.

Apex Azuros and Ibushi HR4 and HR6...I think is there a Rathian one in HR2or3 that is more a tutorial?

As Glen said they are better with a group and I think the Ibushi one is better, as are the newer Apex Rathalos and Apex Diablos ones....though I hope they get their own standard hunts in next update.

Apex Azuros is the only Apex Rampage that is required as it part of the story all other are optional.

I think I also started to enjoy them a bit better when I learned how to use the installations and Villagers like Elder Fugen a bit more strategically.

But yeah as said there's only like 2 or 3 that are required, make a plan, meet us online we'll bash through it with ya and then it'll be over :)

When we've played you've been the only sensible voice when it comes to Fugen; I'd have him front and centre first wave if you'd let me 😂🤦‍♂️

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16 hours ago, Kav said:

@Mokong it’s the Apex Azuros one. Don’t think I’ll bother to do it as I don’t play when you lot are on.

I've seen you playing offline while I been online a few times :p

Go on when's good for you, we can make a plan. I usually play to about 10:30 to 11ish during the week (but try stay a bit later if you only get on for 11) or to midnight sometimes later Friday and Saturdays.


Alternatively (though this is a bit scummy) you could use the join request option from the board to try join into someone elses on going Apex Azuros rampage. You could then sit idle at base till they finish it :p

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3 minutes ago, Mokong said:

Alternatively (though this is a bit scummy) you could use the join request option from the board to try join into someone elses on going Apex Azuros rampage. You could then sit idle at base till they finish it :p

Wow, I mean, I can understand if people can't get the hang of installing defenses and all that, but to actually join that quest and do absolutely nothing?

Like, the least you can do is run around and hack at a few monsters!

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6 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Wow, I mean, I can understand if people can't get the hang of installing defenses and all that, but to actually join that quest and do absolutely nothing?

Like, the least you can do is run around and hack at a few monsters!

Hey I did say it would be a bit scummy :p

But if he really wants to avoid it...

Of course if the host knows how you could always kick someone mid quest.

I noticed someone stood still for ages in a normal quest once. Gave him about 5 mins and he never moved so kicked him :p

It is also possible you could join a rampage like 2 mins before it ends. I tried joining a few to help some randoms out and a couple of times the quest was pretty much over.

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I get a worrying feeling that all of the event quests in Rise are only going to reward things like stickers, gestures and titles :zzz: rather than cool armour/weapons based on Capcom and Nintendo games. :hmm: Meaning we either won’t be seeing any of that stuff at all, of worse yet they make it paid DLC. :shakehead 

Anyway, I’m only 2 awards away from 100% completion on the guild card now, but they’re both pretty straightforward and just a matter of collecting and hunting a certain amount. Glad you don’t need to bother with the monster size crowns this time. :grin: 

But yeah, I’ve been enjoying this game so much that a while back I actually made a 2nd character and blasted through all the hub keys again! :D Will probably start using that character on N-E hunts now too (for a bit of variety) so if you’re ever joined online by Zia, that be me. :hehe: 


Edited by RedShell
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37 minutes ago, RedShell said:

I get a worrying feeling that all of the event quests in Rise are only going to reward things like stickers, gestures and titles :zzz: rather than cool armour/weapons based on Capcom and Nintendo games. :hmm: Meaning we either won’t be seeing any of that stuff at all, of worse yet they make it paid DLC. :shakehead

I was worried about this when they first revealed that there was even layered armour that you had to buy with real money.

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