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Monster Hunter Rise


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16 hours ago, Mokong said:

Have they ever had Giggi and Khezu both in the one game?

That would be a hell of a double hunt quest

No, they haven't. Gigginox has been absent since 3 Ultimate.

Was kinda hoping after Khezu was in MH 4 and Generations, they'd shift back to Gigginox again, but nope.

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Seen this today....

An easy game becomes even easier. I’ve tried it and it works a treat. I’ve seen a fair few people online using it as well. It’s essentially infinite health, with traps and bombs being placed left, right and centre. I imagine Capcom will want to get this patched ASAP. 

I also didn’t realise that you can use any amiibo that you have lying around for the lottery in the main hub. I thought it had to be MH amiibo. You can do the classic time skip trick with them as well. You don’t even have to close the game down. 

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So was doing some farming of a High Rank Rathian yesterday afternoon. And realised if I go for a mounted discharge, if she goes airbourne like for her poison tail flip I don't get thrown off haha.

Even managed to mount onto her tail as she began flip....and blew her tail off with the discharge explosion :)

How can I can more satisfaction from cutting off a tail....by blowing it off, just feels more epic haha




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2 hours ago, Glen-i said:

It's certainly hilarious, @Mokong, but I did notice that you still take the damage, and that's very ouchies!

Now you've gotta aim for mounting the tail and then getting killed while you're on it.

Ah shit, I noticed taking damage and poison in 2nd clip off the tail but figured I got hit just as I mounted the tail.

Didn't notice I took damage when was on the head in first clip. Think when I was playing I thought I had that health before I mounted head.

Lol surprised I haven't been carted off it now

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Some clips from hunts tonight

Didn't notice Pukei fell asleep and kept goinv with my combo :p



Just blasting myself two floors down :p

Mans best friend indeed

You set a trap with only one monster in area then another just drops from the sky...wtf


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The credits have rolled this weekend after taking down Magnamalo and unlocking the 5-star quests. I whacked my way through it with only my Switch Axe and Aknosom armour, but before continuing I crafted a better bow and a hunting horn for some online play. Join quest works like a charm, almost every quest I started ended with a full house and a second or third player would usually join after minutes. Haven't tried setting up a lobby though, does that work okay with randoms?

The game looks amazing and is full of charm; the rural Japanese setting, your animal friends including the cohoot, the happy song when eating bunny dango, loving it. I disliked how unclear upgrading weapons was in MHGU, so I'm glad it's now much more obvious how weapon paths branch out. The wirebug is a great addition as well and gives you plenty of wiggle room.

I didn't have any trouble so far. Got knocked down 3 times; once by Tobi-Kadachi and twice by Magnamalo, but haven't failed a quest yet. On the one hand I think it's because I've played a bunch of MH games before. Even with the new monsters you can quickly recognize the patterns as they are taken from the behaviour of older monsters. Plus the game is much easier. There are healing items in the wild and I'm auto-crafting First Aid Med+, no need for micro management like hot/cold items, and stamina depletion seems hardly an issue now (I almost never run out of breath and can survive on a single ration). Only sharpening is something that can leave you vulnerable. So although I'm loving most of the QoL/streamlining, it does make the game a bit too easy. Hopefully High Rank can fix it a bit.

Anyway, enjoying it to the fullest despite these gripes. It's a shame most of you are UK based as you all start playing when I'm off to bed haha. But even with randoms online is fun.

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24 minutes ago, Mokong said:

I think they patched the unlimited Max Potion glitch @Hero of Time
posted also

Yeah, they did. Not like it was needed though. :p

I see there's a nasty glitch involving the talismans. Some people have been getting the same ones over and over again. Capcom have said they know about it and are looking into it.

I'm still picking away at the game. With no new quests to do, I've set a task of trying to unlock all of the guild card achievements. They've even made these easier! You no longer have to get every gold crown in the game. It's still a grind though as you need to do things like kill 1000 monsters and collect 1000 guilded insects.

I think this is the first MH game since the PSP days where I've played on my own. Outside of a couple of quests with people on here, I've spent the rest of the time just hunting with randomers. It's probably why I've been able to make such quick progress. I've been able to concentrate on what I want done without needing to wait my turn. With the quick hunt option, which has made lobbies obsolete (same thing happened in World), it's super easy to hunt with players that have the same objectives. 

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Completed a new armour set for me and my doggy....was slightly annoying as main item required can only be got from Meowcenaries. (Bit more grinding to have my cat matching)

The hunter armour set has Rapid Morph level 2 skill which is perfect for me as a Switchaxe user. And I got a tailisman to take it to level 3 :)


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Upgraded my power and armour charms this morning; just checked the item combination bit and I had the parts to do so, just need the zenny to rebut the original charms again now 🤷‍♂️

Magnamalo Lance is fully upgraded now (after defeating the high rank version about 3 times, got to be a record!) Got high rank armour but nothing specific, just the best I can get to get me through. Once I've finished the hr7 quests I'll look properly at decorations etc and get myself a decent set together ready for the cap ceiling to be lifted 😎

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Did the Village quests up to Magnamalo and absolutely slaughtered the poor thing.

I didn’t play against him in the demo so it was my first experience of him... he’s a fun fight, with his fast dashes and dives, but I should’ve chose a weapon other than Lance, I demolished the poor sod - stood right up in his face constantly stabbing and countering everything he threw at me.

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Up to HR7 but only done 2 Keys that I did for farming. Almudron and Magnamalo so I could upgrade and max out their Switchaxes.

Will probably hold off doing more keys till the weekend, if there any N-E Hunters looking to fo HR7 keys and urgent (or help out) be nice to do them as a group :)


Thank the RNGeebus, 5th High Rank Magnamalo...2 Orbs!


I love a good mounted discharge with my Switchaxe...but I gotta pay attention for damage taken while stuck to monsters :p


That poor Aknosom didn't stand a chance


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24 minutes ago, Mokong said:

Will probably hold off doing more keys till the weekend, if there any N-E Hunters looking to fo HR7 keys and urgent (or help out) be nice to do them as a group :)

If it's any consolation, once I get back online in May (hopefully), I'll have every quest to do along with the arena quests. So people here will have opportunities to play with N-E.

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8 hours ago, Glen-i said:

If it's any consolation, once I get back online in May (hopefully), I'll have every quest to do along with the arena quests. So people here will have opportunities to play with N-E.

Oh I'll still be playing in May :)

Planning to try out different weapons if helping others with low rank so I not too overpowered....unless you want me to be overpowered then my Switchaxe is at your service :)

Not done any arena yet actually so I still have all that to do too.

... actually is there any armour or weapons that are exclusive to arena item rewards?

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23 minutes ago, Mokong said:

... actually is there any armour or weapons that are exclusive to arena item rewards?

No idea, but seeing as that has never been the case in previous games, I wouldn't bet on it.

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11 hours ago, Mokong said:

Will probably hold off doing more keys till the weekend, if there any N-E Hunters looking to fo HR7 keys and urgent (or help out) be nice to do them as a group :)

I’ll help out.
Just make sure you set up the lobby without a password though (or use the N-E default of 4444 :heh:) as I’ve tried joining you before but couldn’t get in. :D

I need you to send me your Guild card again too as I didn’t actually get it last time we played. Didn’t realise they had to be manually accepted, thought it would be automatic like it was in MH World. :hmm: 

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12 hours ago, Glen-i said:

No idea, but seeing as that has never been the case in previous games, I wouldn't bet on it.

I thought I remembered getting items from arena awards that were used to make armour?

11 hours ago, RedShell said:

I’ll help out.
Just make sure you set up the lobby without a password though (or use the N-E default of 4444 :heh:) as I’ve tried joining you before but couldn’t get in. :D

I need you to send me your Guild card again too as I didn’t actually get it last time we played. Didn’t realise they had to be manually accepted, thought it would be automatic like it was in MH World. :hmm: 

Ah I forgot the old N-E code....will use that from now on

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