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Cartoons of the prophet muhummed, muslims have now gone "LIAR KILLER DEMON".

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I am a muslim and these cartoons were wrong. Islam does not allow mockery of any other religion. so yes the arab papers who have made mockery of Judasim are wrong.


i do not agree with this whole freedom of speech/expression that allows religion to be made fun of. how is that a good society?


the danish paper should of know the reaction they was gonna get? unlike christianity and Judasim, Islam has not accepted secularism. the church doesnt really have a problem when papers make fun of Jesus.


I remember a few years ago when the WWE had a promotion video making fun of Jesus and it was a muslim group that actually complained about it.


oh and there will be a peaceful protest by Hizb-ut-Tahrir today at 11AM, 4TH Feb 2006

Location:The Danish Embassy

55 Sloane Street

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I am a muslim and these cartoons were wrong. Islam does not allow mockery of any other religion. so yes the arab papers who have made mockery of Judasim are wrong.


i do not agree with this whole freedom of speech/expression that allows religion to be made fun of. how is that a good society?


the danish paper should of know the reaction they was gonna get? unlike christianity and Judasim, Islam has not accepted secularism. the church doesnt really have a problem when papers make fun of Jesus.


I remember a few years ago when the WWE had a promotion video making fun of Jesus and it was a muslim group that actually complained about it.


oh and there will be a peaceful protest by Hizb-ut-Tahrir today at 11AM, 4TH Feb 2006

Location:The Danish Embassy

55 Sloane Street


I agree with you there, but for a question from the otherside of the spectrum. the danes would think its ok, because of certain muslims saying how its good to kill jews and such. at the end of the day, the muslims that are seen on TV are unfortunatly mostly the terrorists, thats what is giving everyone the perception.

I agree with you there, but for a question from the otherside of the spectrum. the danes would think its ok, because of certain muslims saying how its good to kill jews and such. at the end of the day, the muslims that are seen on TV are unfortunatly mostly the terrorists, thats what is giving everyone the perception.


Well i would say that any muslim who doesnt accept the state of israel can be seen as some kind of terrorist.


It doesnt help when mr blair tells people this..




oh and there will be a peaceful protest by Hizb-ut-Tahrir today at 11AM, 4TH Feb 2006

Location:The Danish Embassy

55 Sloane Street


With banners saying "Remember London Bombings" and "Do you want another one" I imagine.


Muslims shouldn't be in this country, there beleifs are totally different to us, they're too violent with their religon and they scare many people here. This is why the BNP are gaining popularity every day.

Muslims shouldn't be in this country, there beleifs are totally different to us, they're too violent with their religon and they scare many people here. This is why the BNP are gaining popularity every day.


thats a joke! just because muslims have different beliefs doesnt mean they cannot live in the UK. i was born here, pay my taxes and i am a good citizen. but because I refuse to vote or support western liberal secularism i must leave. do you know how silly that sounds.


what would you do with the non muslims who don't support liberal secularism? what about the white english converts to islam.

Muslims shouldn't be in this country, there beleifs are totally different to us, they're too violent with their religon and they scare many people here. This is why the BNP are gaining popularity every day.


That's total bull shit, next you'll be saying Christians aren't violent.


So you're saying Muslims born in this country should also shouldn't be here? They shuold be kicked out?

Muslims shouldn't be in this country, there beleifs are totally different to us, they're too violent with their religon and they scare many people here. This is why the BNP are gaining popularity every day.


So, i'm guessing that at this moment in time, you're pretty scared of me then. :P

Muslims shouldn't be in this country, there beleifs are totally different to us, they're too violent with their religon and they scare many people here. This is why the BNP are gaining popularity every day.

You'd better kill yourself before they take over the country, so you'll be safe from their violent scary religion.


Even freedom of speech has its limitations. Limited, it can be beautiful, but left alone, it's as ugly and dangerous as it can get.


Muslims shouldn't be in this country, there beleifs are totally different to us, they're too violent with their religon and they scare many people here. This is why the BNP are gaining popularity every day.


Hot damn, you just solved the problem. No flaws at all. None. Another win for induction.

Muslims shouldn't be in this country, there beleifs are totally different to us, they're too violent with their religon and they scare many people here. This is why the BNP are gaining popularity every day.


Ok that HAS to be a terrible attempt at an ironic joke. If not, you poor poor person. I feel so sorry for you.


Wowsers, that's a pretty violent reaction to a pretty stupid point of view (assuming he's not joking). I think my faith in humanity just jumped 20 points.

Muslims shouldn't be in this country, there beleifs are totally different to us, they're too violent with their religon and they scare many people here. This is why the BNP are gaining popularity every day.


v.v;; I really hope that was sarcastic...... Like seriously... v.v;;


Oh and I should mention, my last post seemed to be targeted at all muslims.... It's actually aimed at what I guess you could call the extremist muslims... The ones who are actually taking this reaction to far.... I'm also guessing many of these people (refering to England specifically) went along just to cause trouble, like when there were the big anti Iraq war protests many went along without having any views on it just because it would be fun to cause problems....




I've got a question, why is it that all of these protests are taking place outside Denmark embassy's? Why must these complaints be targetted at people who have nothing to do with the cartoons? It seems like those protesting wants everyone they can possibly link to the comics to appologise.... Blaiming the whole of Europe (whilst living in Europe themselves which seems odd) for the actions drawings of one person and poor dicisions of those in a couple of newspapers seems odd. :-/


I've got a question, why is it that all of these protests are taking place outside Denmark embassy's? Why must these complaints be targetted at people who have nothing to do with the cartoons? It seems like those protesting wants everyone they can possibly link to the comics to appologise.... Blaiming the whole of Europe (whilst living in Europe themselves which seems odd) for the actions drawings of one person and poor dicisions of those in a couple of newspapers seems odd. :-/


Good point. I suppose it's just them generaliseing? It's the same as Mr BNP up there calling all muslims evil because 4/1billion blew themselves up on the Underground. Then again, I doubt their media is having any less of a field day on this than ours is. Certain news organisations are probably portraying western governments to support the cartoons. Note, this has no evidence behind it, it's pure speculation.


Perhaps the fact that the Danish government hasn't done anything to stop the newspapers from being published may have something to do with it?


Edit: Also, it's probably not specifically targeted at the people inside the embassys, it's just a place to meet and protest.


I still don't understand why the bomb would be on his head. I am by no means educated in suicide bomber etiquette, but I would imagine that from a logistical perspective it would be a fucking nightmare.


You're all trying way to much to protect these people when they obviously dont deserv it, you go to they're country's and you follow their rules wich for our patterns are way too stritc but is still they're country, if they come to our country's they should try to understand our values and our way of living, there's not such a thing as limited freedom of speech you either have or don't have it, and is one of the fundementals of the western world so much that the author of the comic didn't think it would make such a mess.


If they like the freedom to expresse them selfs in such a violent way as shown, then they better put up with this little things with no real importance.

Also, it's probably not specifically targeted at the people inside the embassys, it's just a place to meet and protest.


Well I'm sure that is what it is for some, but, the fact is that the people behind the comic have appologised this does not seem to be enough for those protesting. And someone said in this thread that at one embassy an official came out and appologised (for something he did not have anything to do with) and the protests dispersed.... This says to me that this is exactly what they want... The whole world saying sorry to the muslims of this world out of what is essentially fear.... It has some of the fundamentals of terrorism (obviously without the killing.)


It's kind of like how when the war on Iraq was about to get underway many thousands of people of all races/sex/religion took to the streets of London in protest.... The terrorist attacks in London were then carried out on these very same people...


My point is that both of these situations have targeted the wrong people in some way.... (Obviously I'm not saying this about muslims as a whole which I must keep pointing out seeing as what I'm saying seems rather generalised as well.) I'm saying that the slightly extremist views of these people who are rushing to the streets are the ones that needs to be more focused.... Aim complaints at specific people...... I'm not going to say aim your terrorism at specific people, because I'm obviously against this. hehe



Shino, you have to understand, in many situations comedy is taken too far by what people are ready for... Obviously there is a first time for every comedic situation, but, this was not the right time for this.. Especially with such shody comedic work.... That's why you always hear people talking about the bounderies of comedy.... They are there to be broken, but, the world wasn't ready for this one to be...... That being said, the reaction was, like I said, very overblown.





Adding to this protestors have set fire to the danish embassy in Syria...... It's now past being overblown.... v.v

My point is that both of these situations have targeted the wrong people in some way....


I couldn't agree more!


I should note that I was talking about the non-violent protests in my post, which I feel are very much justified. I don't think the the violent protests are at all justified.


You're all trying way to much to protect these people when they obviously dont deserv it


I'm not trying to protect them, and I'm deffinately not trying to protect those who have engaged in violent forms of protest. I'm trying to point out that those cartoons were much more offensive than most people in the west (and quite reasonably so) seem to think. They're in no way comparable to satire of any other religion's figureheads. I'm also trying to point out that you can bet your bottom dollar that the media has made their reactions seem a lot worse than they are.

oh and there will be a peaceful protest by Hizb-ut-Tahrir today at 11AM, 4TH Feb 2006

Location:The Danish Embassy

55 Sloane Street


Peaceful!? yeah right.


I walked passed some of those protesters yesterday and it was far from peaceful. Peaceful would be a nice little march with some chants such as "we want an apology" and "you have offended us and islam" etc


The people i saw was far from peaceful, infact it was more like an angry mob shouting all kinds of nastyness. (some of which i didnt understand as it was in a different language) They were holding up lots of offensive and nasty signs. None of which i would say was peaceful especially those who wished death on people all because of a cartoon. Nice people.


I got the paper today and they have a picture of the so called protesters, i myself call them the angry mob. Anyway here are some of the banners and signs they are holding up:


"Europe your 9/11 will come" (how nice)

"Democracy go to hell" (go back to your mother country then if you dont like it)

"As Muslims we unite and are ready to fight" (quite catchy that one)

"BBC = British, Blasphemic Crusaders" (HAHA)

"Behead those who insult islam"

"Massacre those who insult islam"

"Anihilate those who insult islam" (Im getting the feeling they dont like anyone who says one bad thing about their crappy religion - thats my opinion of course that islam is a crappy religion and i stick by it, freedom of speech and all that ;))


I also was watching sky news and they filmed some guy who was on a microphone shouting all kinds of things like "Islam is gonna take over the world, it's gonna take over Britain, you silly people keep making mistakes and handing your countries to us on a plate. Britain and Europe will be an islamic state!"


Oh whatever mate. Come to Britain and start. Im sure your very close to treason and The Queen still has the power to hang people for that.


Bah im fed up with it all. Crappy relgion's. Im a christian myself and dont care much about any religion anymore as they just seem to cause too much hassle in the world. But seriously i cant believe a little FUNNY cartoon has caused so many people this much anger.


And im spent. My post in no way is meant to offend anyone's race, religion or sexuality so if it does i dont really care, come to my house and protest, ill chuck eggs at you.


Platty, that's the same protest I saw on the news a lot... I mean damn.... I can't believe some of the stuff they said on there banners...... And like I was saying before, I would be arrested for saying some of the things they were next to an officer.....




Well said there Platty.


Although I don't think religion is the problem, it's just the fucking idiot individuals using religion as a way to act like fucking idiots and kill people just for their sick gratification and preach to other idiots etc.


If you pay attention to the violent and crazy ones, what do you expect to see? I can assure you, for every deranged one out there, there were hundreds of civilised ones. But no-one cares to point them out.


It''s the same with the media. Of course they're going to film the batshit insane one. It's not good T.V. other wise.


Yes i agree Arthriller the media will probably pay more attention to the angry mob. But i also saw them with my own eyes whilst walking to work and was pretty intimidated so i hurried along and gave a worried smile to a nice lady police officer.

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