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Super Mario Maker 2 challenge - June challenge has started!


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@Glen-i Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, I actually totally forgot that clear conditions erase checkpoints! I actually did have checkpoints throughout my level and totally forgot that they would get nuked when I added the clear condition!!

By the point where I realised and remembered this though? I just thought Sod It! I don’t have time to redo the whole thing!

So yeah... not my finest hour! :heh:

Edited by Dcubed
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Yeah I did take it into account.. I started 2 new levels (for a total of 4) because of it. But I couln't finish those, so I set out to finish this one as is, as I explained in the rant. Also, I didn't test it, but I don't think my level forces you to take a hit. Neither did DCubed's I think? 

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I think @Dcubed level has a forced hit right in front of the icicle-hits-the-POW moment, on the icecube through the lava. I think it's impossible to get through that bit with a mushroom. Don't know for @Sméagol's. 

Managed to find your weirdface route @RedShell! And I also managed to grab the speed record. Could have been even faster but for now I'm happy taking it :laughing:

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1 hour ago, Sméagol said:

Yeah I did take it into account.. I started 2 new levels (for a total of 4) because of it. But I couln't finish those, so I set out to finish this one as is, as I explained in the rant. Also, I didn't test it, but I don't think my level forces you to take a hit. Neither did DCubed's I think? 

@Vileplume2000 beat me to @Dcubed's one, but how do you explain the big massive jump past the 4th coin to reach a one block high tunnel? Unless you actually expect someone to crouch jump into it and then spend a minute jumping through it to slowly edge their way past.

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27 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

I think @Dcubed level has a forced hit right in front of the icicle-hits-the-POW moment, on the icecube through the lava. I think it's impossible to get through that bit with a mushroom. Don't know for @Sméagol's. 

Managed to find your weirdface route @RedShell! And I also managed to grab the speed record. Could have been even faster but for now I'm happy taking it :laughing:

That’s not a forced hit, you can crouch jump through it very easily.


There was no other way to make it so that you have to watch the POW block make all those delicious coins go bye bye while you watch helplessly, so a crouch jump it is!

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32 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

@Vileplume2000 beat me to @Dcubed's one, but how do you explain the big massive jump past the 4th coin to reach a one block high tunnel? Unless you actually expect someone to crouch jump into it and then spend a minute jumping through it to slowly edge their way past.

Well, I think that's exactly what you need to do in @Sméagol's level, as you need to be big to get the goomba to drop right?

@DcubedI never managed to pull that off! I always hit one of the spikes or slipped from the ice cube! And you call it easy haha.

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46 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Well, I think that's exactly what you need to do in @Sméagol's level, as you need to be big to get the goomba to drop right?

@DcubedI never managed to pull that off! I always hit one of the spikes or slipped from the ice cube! And you call it easy haha.

Oh! You’re talking about the bit before the icicle? (I thought you were talking about the icicle POW block itself).  Ok, yeah, fair enough.  That jump isn’t easy.  You do have to crouch jump; it can be done though!

If you can get to the Lava Lift bit with a mushroom unscathed, then that part is basically trivial; so I didn’t want to make it too easy to get to with a mushroom intact.  Figured that it should be a reward for doing the first part well (though I did originally design that whole underground section with a checkpoint before and after before I dun-goofed of course!).  There’s a mushroom right after the Lava Lift bit though, so I don’t think it’s THAT hard overall; it’s basically the only hard part of the level.

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27 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

If you can get to the Lava Lift bit with a mushroom unscathed, then that part is basically trivial;

Speak for yourself, I got there with a Mushroom once and still immediately died because I touched a Spike Block and couldn't keep up with the speed of the lift.

Edited by Glen-i
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Right! I’ve played them all now.  Here’re my thoughts...

@Vileplume2000 Great stuff.  You made great use of the theme with some clever platforming challenges.  Really fun! Really enjoyed this one! I liked how you could also cheese some of the parts of the course if you go out of order and get the Superball first.  Time limit is just right as well; strict, but not too strict.  Just short enough to keep you on your toes! It was varied, interesting and creative; nice job!

@Glen-i I hate love your fake pipes, you knew it’d annoy me trying to figure out how to get to them :laughing:

Your level is basic and simple, but fun.  I wouldn’t say it made particularly great use of the theme though...

@Sméagol Once again you have made a sadistic hate trap, whose difficulty is made outrageous by the lack of checkpoints.  I really like some of the ideas on display, like the cannon ball climb, but it’s simply just too hard to be enjoyable.  Maybe if you had checkpoints here, it’d be a different story... (speaking of which, you could’ve deleted the clear condition entirely and it wouldn’t have a made a single difference to your level).

@RedShell Great kinda clearly think alike! You’re welcome for the Yoshi Egg spawning idea ;) You did it in such a bloody clever way though that I cracked a huge smile when I figured it out!

Brilliant level design as always; loved the pipe at the end, took me an embarrassingly long time to figure it out! And Baby Face made me very happy (Got the 999 coins too!)

For me it’s a vote between @Vileplume2000 and @RedShell... and I’m sorry Vileplume, but Redshell wins this month; no I’m not voting out of being flattered! No! Absolutely not!!

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How much of that route was meticulously designed and planned out? And how much of it was a happy accident when designing it?

I know when I’ve built levels with a secret speed running route before, a lot of it actually came out organically by accident :hehe:

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6 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

How much of that route was meticulously designed and planned out? And how much of it was a happy accident when designing it?

I know when I’ve built levels with a secret speed running route before, a lot of it actually came out organically by accident :hehe:

Yeah, it was probably about 50/50. There was actually no speed running route planned initially but what with the theme being coin collection I figured it’d be a good addition, so eventually started working it into the level. It was a little bit problematic getting the timing of that falling 1-Up just right so it wouldn’t be missed at the start of the level, but I got there in the end. 

The jump at the very first pink coin is quite brutal too, took me many attempts to get it right on the clear-check, as the timing has to be pretty much pixel perfect in order to make it through. :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, Sméagol said:

I forgot it's the start of a new month already. @RedShell, your turn.

OK, this time the challenge will be to make a level in the default size, in other words, exactly 3 and a half screens wide. This is the size all new levels start at in the editor, you can also use the Reset Rocket to ensure you’re working at the correct size. There can be no sub-area either, everything has to be in the main area! 

It’s a small stage to work on, so you’ll have to be creative about how you make use of that limited space. ;) But there are no restrictions on which theme or parts you can use, other than Pipes of course. Clear Pipes in the SM3DW theme are ok BTW. Also, you can edit the height of both the start point and the goal, but just be careful not to change the width of the goal by accident! There should be a 2 square gap between the edge of the 3rd screen and the goal terrain.

To recap:

  • Levels must be default size (exactly 3.5 screens wide) no bigger, no smaller
  • No sub-area allowed
  • No Pipes allowed (other than Clear Pipes if using SM3DW style)





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7 minutes ago, Glen-i said:


When you say "No pipes", do you mean no pipes that take you to a sub-area?

Like, could I still use a pipe if the player can't actually go into it?

I mean no pipes (apart from the clear type) can be used. I want the fact that there is no sub-area on these levels to be very clear.

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2 hours ago, RedShell said:

I mean no pipes (apart from the clear type) can be used. I want the fact that there is no sub-area on these levels to be very clear.

Just to be clear, you don't care about the height at all? Because someone like me (and probably @Dcubed) is going to abuse the shit out of that! :p

Edited by Sméagol
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2 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Just to be clear, you don't care about the height at all? Because someone like me (and probably @Dcubed) is going to abuse the shit out of that! :p


7 minutes ago, RedShell said:

The height of what?

I think he means if he can do vertical levels? But seeing as you've banned sub-areas, it doesn't matter.

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12 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Just simply the height. Max height is double the size. Adding a scrollstopping floor/ceiling  and some doors is enabling even more options.

Well the height of a horizontal level cannot be adjusted, so yeah, those things you mention are not a problem.

As long as you don’t adjust the overall length of the stage (in either direction) via the goal, and don’t use any pipes (other than the clear type), anything else you can come up with within the 3.5 screen width restriction is absolutely fine.

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