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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Online Thread


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Ok, for anyone that might be interested, let me explain (or try to explain :heh:) the Captain Toad stage... :hehe: 

Not sure how familiar you guys are with the more enigmatic features of stage builder, but basically there's a certain way of drawing and then scaling shapes to produce various different effects. They're often just visual, but sometimes they can modify terrain properties in a way which will then have an impact on gameplay, for example: if you draw a thin shape that covers the entire length and height of a stage, and then completely reduce its scale vertically, it becomes so thin that it deactivates collision! :D
I use this one a lot when making the surface of "water", as the terrain remains visible but players, items and regular terrain can freely pass through it. You'll have seen this on the Nintendogs bath and Mii swimming pool stages.

Other drawing/resizing techniques can cause the face of a 3D shape to disappear, with only the sides visible from specific angles, good for creating "invisible walls". ;)

Others can allow characters to pass through in one direction, but not the opposite, etc.

There are seemingly many of these types of tricks within stage builder, I learnt the majority of them from this fantastic YouTube channel: :cool:

But yeah, when creating the PaRappa stage, I unexpectedly discovered a brand new one (again by resizing a larger shape) that somehow prevented characters from being able to jump! :o That was when I decided to instead use it for a new stage, and the first theme that popped into my head for it was Captain Toad. :grin:
At this point I had no idea about the other aspects of that gimmick though, so when testing it outside of the editor I was very surprised to see that this piece of terrain also made picking up items impossible (unless using Villager's pocket) and would cause all players to instantly fall through it on a Sudden Death! :laughing:

Three quirks for the price of one! :heh:

Actually though, there are 4...

Yep, you see when creating stages I also do some test battles with only CPU fighters, just to focus more on the stage and therefore spot anything that might need to be tweaked. Well, when I set the CPU on this particular stage, let's just say it made for some revealing insights into their AI. :eek: Unfortunately, I no longer have my capture device, otherwise I'd record some footage of it, but this collection of a post-match results screen will also paint quite a good picture of what happens:


That's right, alongside not being able to jump, pick up items, and getting instantly KO'd upon Sudden Deaths, the CPU can't even attack while on this stage! :laughing:
They literally just walk about (mainly into the corners) occasionally dashing from side to side in the centre, for the entire match! So yeah, I was really happy with this discovery, until I started to test attacking the CPU myself and realised that once a character gets launched (or initiates a Final Smash) they regain the ability to jump and can once again interact with items. :( Hence the ruleset I suggested yesterday.

Having said that, I reckon the stage will be OK for regular time/stock/stamina battles, because as you'll have probably noticed last night, when your character is in the no jump phase they're much more difficult to launch, plus you can use certain attacks a lot faster than normal. Once respawned you get back the ability to jump plus the advantage of items, but you'll also be easier to launch than anyone who's still grounded.
It might actually be weirdly kind of balanced in a way. :p

Anyway, that's enough rambling from me. :geek:
I'm glad everyone enjoyed the stage, it's unlikely that I'll be topping that gimmick in any other creations before I hit the inevitable 100 stage limit, but I'll certainly try my best!


Edited by RedShell
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3 hours ago, RedShell said:

Not sure how familiar you guys are with the more enigmatic features of stage builder, but basically there's a certain way of drawing and then scaling shapes to produce various different effects. They're often just visual, but sometimes they can modify terrain properties in a way which will then have an impact on gameplay,

Not familiar at all. :cheeky: Has this been determined that this drawing and resizing is an intended effect, or is it just a weird consequence of doing it? It seems odd that Nintendo would have them specifically react that way when I don’t think they use it themselves in any stages. 
Either way it has made for some insane stage building and easily the funniest stage you’ve built to date. 

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4 minutes ago, BowserBasher said:

Not familiar at all. :cheeky: Has this been determined that this drawing and resizing is an intended effect, or is it just a weird consequence of doing it? It seems odd that Nintendo would have them specifically react that way when I don’t think they use it themselves in any stages. 
Either way it has made for some insane stage building and easily the funniest stage you’ve built to date. 

Oh I'm pretty sure none of this stuff is intentional, just stage builder specific glitches that can be consistently utilised by following the right methods.
Nintendo would probably be patching this stuff out if they were still updating the game. In fact, some of my earlier stages did get changed/stop working as intended back when they were. :hehe:

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Thanks for the games. :smile:

Yet another Terry-ific evening of Smash. :D

Here's a link to this week's stream... :peace:

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N-Europe Saturday Smash! (04/05/2024)

- - - - -

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14 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

Once again, @RedShell stage is awesome and when me and @Glen-i thought we knew how it worked you changed it up the second time when the appearances reversed. 

Thanks. :)

Was a right pain to get that one working. :hehe: It still isn't quite right either (the spawn locations in 4-player matches are messed up :shakehead) but I can't figure out how to solve it.
On the plus side though, Jessica's arm no longer has a hole in it! :D

Anyway, cheers for the games everyone!


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13 minutes ago, RedShell said:

On the plus side though, Jessica's arm no longer has a hole in it!

Yay indeed, however after last nights games on that level, the arm was never the issue. More people fall in between the hands and can’t  get back :bouncy: very funny, (that’s not a request to change that bit)

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Posted (edited)

Right, theme time!

Super Heavyweight Tier


I wanted to name it "Super Heavyweight Class". but there's only space for 22 characters in Arena titles...

Much like that time I made a theme based around the lightest characters in the game, this time we're playing with the 18 heaviest characters in Smash Ultimate. It's based on the Classic route for King K.Rool, which is odd, because he's actually the second heaviest character.

Miis are not allowed, and if you play as Pokémon Trainer, you're only allowed to use Charizard. Remember, you can press Y after selecting them to choose which Pokémon you start with.



Peach's Castle
Kongo Jungle
Hyrule Castle
Dream Land
Saffron City
Mushrrom Kingdom
Princess Peach's Castle
Rainbow Cruise
Kongo Falls
Jungle Japes
Yoshi's Island (Melee)
Fountain of Dreams
Green Greens
Pokémon Stadium
Brinstar Depths
Delfino Plaza
Mushroomy Kingdom
Figure-8 Circuit
WarioWare, Inc.
Bridge of Eldin
Frigate Orpheon
Pokémon Stadium 2
Castle Siege
Pirate Ship
3D Land
Golden Plains
Gerudo Valley
Dream Land GB
Mushroom Kingdom U
Mario Galaxy
Mario Circuit
Super Mario Maker
New Donk City Hall
Dracula's Castle
King of Fighters Stadium
Mishima Dojo

Stages generally match games the characters appear in, except Ike and Incineroar, who have no appropriate stages, so I just gave them the more vague Fire Emblem and Pokémon stages there.



Items follow a similar philosophy. Except Sandbag, because that has an actual weight, and it's actually heavier then most of the characters pictured.

Format - 3 Stock, 10 minutes
FS Meter - On

See you at 7:30!

Edited by Glen-i
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Posted (edited)

Sorry about the last match, that was on my end, internet just went down randomly. Still, got one Terryific match in there at least.

Edited by Glen-i
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Right I’m taking over tonight as @Glen-i has said he can’t make it. 

So Time matches tonight. 7:30 for custom matches. 8pm normal. I’ve been checking the set up and have found the setting for custom so will be good for that. If I can’t turn them off, @RedShell just go over to normal stages with random selected for 8pm. 
See you there. 

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15 minutes ago, Ike said:

Where was everyone tonight. Bingo?

Jope you weren’t waiting 30 minutes before I joined @BowserBasher

Nah, @Glen-i couldn’t make it and @RedShell said he’d be late. So I just turned on a bit before 8 in the hopes @S.C.G would turn up. Had some good fun 1v1 matches before he did though. And at least Redshell made it eventually. 

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