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Dead or Alive: Xtreme 3 Scarlett


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When you thougt the Switch couldn't have any other big reveals coming this year, but Tecmo Koei brings you the game of the year...



Dead or Alive Xtreme on the Nintendo Switch, for the first time on a Nintendo console in history!

But(t) in all seriousness, this game was announched for the Switch and PS4 yesterday, and the PS4 edition has already been censored. I recon that the Switch will gain a few weebs from PS4 now that their new censoring rules hit every big game, while, ironically enough, Nintendo let's everything go as long as it's no nudity. Switch version censoring? None. 

The game will release in Japan on March 20th 2019, will feature the incredible Soft 4D engine (which is DoA:X3's Soft engine 2.0, but with added HD Rumble for... reasons), and will feature two new characters, if not more. The game will probably get english language judging by how Tecmo Koei have treated these games previously, but the Switch version might get localized. 

There will be a Free-2-Play version at a later date, but for now, please enjoy the full, Soft 4D experience next year <3. 

And just a heads up: Preorder now, and you'll get the “Forbidden Swimsuit” costumes (two costumes) download code. Naughty you ;).

For more detailes, please click this link.

For a rundown on the censoring, click here!

Edited by ArtMediocre
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Oh, this is the one that the Game Grumps played!...Yeah, it's not good. Even as an eyecandy game, it's ridiculous (SNK Heroines looks to be much better).

Now, if this was a straight-up volleyball game, I'd be hella interested. Branch out, Koei! Games can appeal to more than one niche!

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14 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Oh, this is the one that the Game Grumps played!...Yeah, it's not good. Even as an eyecandy game, it's ridiculous (SNK Heroines looks to be much better).


I don't know, I reckon Tecmo have always been the best at this kind of thing.  It can't be easy to arrange some polygons and actually make it look like a female figure, but they do it very well.  I've always been fascinated with the depiction of female figures, in an artistic way - which proportions to exaggerate etc - and I appreciate the way Tecmo doesn't shy away from sex appeal.  They emphasise it better than anyone else, which is genuinely an art in itself.



Now, if this was a straight-up volleyball game, I'd be hella interested. Branch out, Koei! Games can appeal to more than one niche!


Yeah, you might have a point there.  The outfits could be just as skimpy, but people could pretend they were buying it for the volleyball!

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On 21/11/2018 at 3:36 PM, Grazza said:


I don't know, I reckon Tecmo have always been the best at this kind of thing.  It can't be easy to arrange some polygons and actually make it look like a female figure, but they do it very well.  I've always been fascinated with the depiction of female figures, in an artistic way - which proportions to exaggerate etc - and I appreciate the way Tecmo doesn't shy away from sex appeal.  They emphasise it better than anyone else, which is genuinely an art in itself.

True, I'm not knocking them based on animation and technical prowess (except for Xtreme 2's really weird boob physics), and the ladies look great. My criticisms stem mostly from them wasting that prowess on a shallow minigame collection. They could make a full-fledged dating sim, or a volleyball game, or a resort management game (where keeping the ladies happy is your main goal)...but instead we get half-baked versions of all of those ideas, none of which are satisfying.

SNK Gals is a game that actually commits to developing a fun (if simple) game, and looks far more rewarding as a result.

On 21/11/2018 at 3:36 PM, Grazza said:

Yeah, you might have a point there.  The outfits could be just as skimpy, but people could pretend they were buying it for the volleyball!

Or the other way around, for those nerdy circles that look down on sports.

  • "So, you're into volleyball these days, huh?"
  • "N-No, I'm in it for the boobs, I swear!"
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On 4/1/2019 at 8:47 AM, ArtMediocre said:


It's my new favorite commuting game! People must be jealous, because I'm sure getting a lot of looks!

Sweet Joy-Cons there! Yours look very similar to my custom ones (I went for transparent purple though); did you get one with a d-pad mod?


Nice to see a fellow Genki user too! :peace:

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