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Enter the Gungeon


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3 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

Any tips Drahkon? Would love to beat this one - its currently sitting in my big pile of unfinished games.

When it comes to rogue-likes I always say: "Just play and learn.", which isn't really helpful, I know :p But to me, that's the beauty of the genre. At first, if you're not good at the game and die early you still come out with more positives (experience, helpful unlocks, knowledge etc.) than negatives, so it's a good approach to "just jump in".

Anyway, in my opinion, it's most important to immediately identify what a weapon can be used for, i.e. is it a room-clearer or a boss killer? There are no real indicators so you just have to try them out (or look it up).
Also: dodge-roll is not the be-all-end-all for survival. Usually it's best to think of the game as a bullet-hell type. Try to avoid enemy bullets rather by moving instead of rolling.

Think about whether you want to use keys for treasure chests. There will be other locks that might be more important to open (e.g. special floors). And speaking of treasure chests: They come in different colours:

Brown - they usually suck
Blue - ok
Green - pretty good
Red - high-tier items
Black - cursed items
Synergy chests - have a chance to drop items that give a synergy
Rainbow - ALWAYS OPEN THEM,  trust me :p 

That's it for now. If you have more question, feel free to ask.

Edited by drahkon
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Managed to unlock another Gungeoneer. And during that run I got the trophy for beating all 5 bosses without getting hit. Yay me :D  Then I intentionally died during the "past" for another trophy. I've killed that particular past anyway, so no big deal.

The new Gungeoneer is quite something.


The Robot.

Only has armor...so "healing" will be quite tough. Looking forward to do some runs with this little fella :D 


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13 hours ago, drahkon said:

The new Gungeoneer is quite something.

  Gungeoneer Spoiler (Reveal hidden contents)

The Robot.

Only has armor...so "healing" will be quite tough. Looking forward to do some runs with this little fella :D 


Killed the little fella's past after two failed attempts. Third time's the charm, aye? 

Anyway, his past is awesome :D 


Yes, it's a Terminator reference :cool:  The music is awesome!


And now it's time to unlock the last character. Shame that it's locked behind RNG, but in this case it's ok. There is so much I have to do and unlock anyway, it's simply a matter of time.

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Managed to beat another new boss which was added in a patch. Getting to him was a bit of a pain but he's not too difficult. Made some sloppy plays and in the end had to tank my way through the fight, though. Thank God I had a lot of HP thanks to beating the first few bosses without getting hit (you get +1 max HP for each boss you kill flawlessly). :D 

Unlocked more items and guns to find but made no progress with regards to the final Gungeoneer :( 

Fair to say: this game's got me hooked.

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Yes, I'm gonna make sure to double, triple, quadruple post in here :p

Managed unlock the final Gungeoneer. His starting weapon changes the way how you have to play, it's awesome. Here's hoping you can somehow unlock that weapon to be found with other Gungeoneers. :peace: Edit: Yes, you can :D 

Made some progress with unlocking shortcuts to later floors. Almost done with the shortcut to floor 4. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally beat the end boss last night! Only took me 50 hours... 

I managed to get a good run going with a number of decent weapons - including 3 parts of the statue in the hub world. I don't know where the part is in world 3 / 4.

This game is so, so good. It'll probably take me another 50 hours to unlock all the weapons and find all the secrets. Amazing game, especially considering it was under a fiver in the sale.

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  • 2 years later...

So I've gotten back into this game and am really enjoying it. Last night I had a great run, getting Lead God (killing all 5 bosses without getting hit in one run) and the trophy for completing Bullet Hell, all in one run. It's so satisfying when you get a good run and your weapons/items all synergise so well. Such a cleverly designed game.

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  • 2 weeks later...


And it's done! Definitely the hardest plat I've ever earned.


Getting the chandelier kills was the last trophy I had to unlock, as well as finishing Frifle's challenges. While hunting 5 dragun I actually had an utterly insane run. On the first floor I found a rainbow chest that had wax wings (flight), an AKEY-47 (a gun which fires keys so you can unlock all chests/doors for free), a gungine (powerful weapon), a bunch of other powerful weapons and health upgrades. I also got cigarettes and ended up using them to boost coolness probably about 70 times, so I was getting a reward after pretty much every room clear. I eventually switched it for an elder blank and was able to blank almost constantly due to the very short cooldown due to my coolness level.


To top it off, on the same run I found Clone in a black chest. Basically, this means that whenever you die you respawn on floor 1 with all (you read that right), all of your stuff, including all the extra hearts you accumulated and weapons/money etc. So as I was hunting 5 high dragun, I deliberately killed myself after killing dragun in chamber 5 to have another shot at killing him again but will all my stuff. This was the most overpowered run you can imagine. I made sure to do everything along the way; every hidden floor, the rat boss, etc. By the time I killed the dragun again I had thirteen hearts and about 35 keys (since I wasn't using them), 5 armour and probably in the region of 30 guns. It was taking forever to cycle through my guns to find my AKEY-47 every time!72332043c030c05f60716b6fa448f308.jpg

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