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Monolithsoft Starting Their Next Project


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Beautiful artwork. 

Here are some details from the website which Duckroll over on Neogaf has posted. I'm not sure if he translated them or has got the details from somewhere else.


This is a brand new project that will offer something different from Monolithsoft's usual brand image. It is a new challenge they are tackling. They are looking for programmers and battle planners for the action portion of the game, specifically people who have experience in action games and able to handle responsive combat.

This is definitely a fantasy action RPG.

Taken from the website. They are recruiting "action game staff" in particular, and the individual recruitment pages for the action part programmers and action part battle planners specify desired action game experience and responsiveness and enemy AI as things they want to emphasize. For the battle planners, they are also looking for those with an interest in medieval fantasy and understanding of western entertainment trends.


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Looks gorgeous! I'm always up for a good action RPG and I'll pretty much buy anything from Monolith Soft at this point!


Wonder if they'll end up working with Platinum Games on this one?  Seems like a no-brainer if they're working on an action game (especially given Nintendo's working relationship with them) and they did a fantastic job with Nier Automata!

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3 minutes ago, ArtMediocre said:

Looks amazing! I can't wait to see what they end up creating. The artwork resembles Zelda Breath of the Wild/Skyward Sword art style, and that is okay with me. And are we looking at a female protagonist? With *gasp* actual, functioning armor???

Makes sense considering that they worked on both of those games, I wouldn't be surprised to see the actual game to re-use much of their work on BOTW either.  The concept art looks like kind of like a mix of BOTW and Amano's concept art for the older Final Fantasies.  Me likey :D

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Good point on Amano's concept art as well, I can see the resemblance.

Speaking of re-using assets: I actually hope they use Breath of the Wild's engine, seeing as it is optimised for Switch. And the engine looks beautiful on the system, so it wouldn't be a bad deal. 

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This sounds absolutely awesome, and the artwork looks great, but it instantly brought Atlus's Project Re Fantasy, another fantasy RPG brought to life by a Japanese studio, to mind. 

Just found it weird to find out another great JRPG studio was working on a fantasy RPG is all, but this looks great so far, and to announce this project ahead of XC2's release later this year only reaffirms my belief that they're much further along than many believe (in translation, general code clean-up and scoring still is my guess) with that game. 

Bring it on is all I have to say, I'm all for a fantasy action JRPG coming to Switch! :D

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Monolith managed to run a pretty big tab of credit for me from Xenoblade Chronicles alone - enough to help sell me the WiiU. Depending what comes of this it could definitely be a decider for a Switch choice later down the line. Definitely interested to see what they come up with - I think as ever we may be pleasantly surprised!

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Not gonna lie, first thing that woman reminded me of was Captain Marvel.


You know, Marvel does have a medieval reality called Marvel 1066... And now I'm wondering whether Monoith would be allowed to make a game in that setting :heh:


This is a brand new project that will offer something different from Monolithsoft's usual brand image.

This is definitely a fantasy action RPG.

...I honestly laughed at this.

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