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I've not even done a single Raid in Destiny 2! When my clan played there was always load to do a raid and i missed out on slots, they left and there was only me! Now theres enough for Gambit and thats been about it. I can't see any reason why we won't be up for raiding, i know one of our group has been desperately trying to get us to commit to one! I want rid of the Rat king bounty and the other one i have for Leviathan
Hey man I'm ready to go now! Any and all raids I'm raring to go.

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So the big news yesterday was that Bungie and Activision Blizzard are parting ways with Bungie keeping the rights to the Destiny IP as well as publishing rights for it and future additions to the IP going forward.

As has been a recurring thought repeated all over social media, it's about time Bungie got out from under Activision Blizzard as there's clearly been tensions right from the get go with Destiny, most noticeable in how the original game underwent massive changes a year out from launch. It also seems like it's been a while coming and from people on the inside, the staff at Bungie were apparently celebrating this news so clearly things were rocky behind the scenes between the two.

It must be a mutual split if they're being allowed to maintain the rights to the IP as Activision Blizzard aren't one for just giving up on something without getting something in return. But it'll be interesting to see how this impacts future Destiny content going forward and, more importantly, how it'll impact Bungie.

Activision Blizzard seem to be doing a bit of house cleaning at the moment and in the wake of Heroes of the Storm being shut down and Blizzard being told flat out that they need to be releasing more and bringing in more money, I can't quite tell whether this was then cutting their losses after being unhappy with the sales of Forsaken or if this is a longer issue on that front. It could also be that they are looking to maintain certain games as a service products they've already got and are looking at bolstering those revenue streams through further monetization while also getting back into game publishing in a wider sense with Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice being the first such title they have on the slate.

I didn't pick up Forsaken myself as I again felt burnt by Destiny 2. It just seems like there's so much potential in the IP that isn't fully being realised. Part of me wonders whether that's because of Activision Blizzard (and it's clear that it has been to an extent) but part of me also wonders whether it's because Bungie dropped the ball and weren't up to the task of fleshing out the idea. After all, they've been getting assistance on development from High Moon and Raven so I do wonder if the wheels will fall off further now that it's squarely on them.

I'd like to think that there'll be renewed optimism from them and that they'll be able to get Destiny where they want it now they're independent of a big publisher (and one of the worst ones at that) but I just get this feeling that is won't get there. Of course this'll have big ramifications for whatever else they're working on over at Bungie outside of Destiny as there was that logo trademarked last year pertaining to a possible new title they said they were working on.

In any way, it'll definitely be interesting to see how Bungie manage going forward and whether someone will step up to bring then under their wings or not (both Playstation and Microsoft have put out messages of support for them so they'll no doubt be keeping and eye and maybe even having discussions going forward). For now, it's up to them to show that they've got it and whatever steps forward they've made with Forsaken news to be expanded on to keep Destiny going, just maybe without the idiocy of saying that all major content will be free and then sticking out an annual pass which itself contains the most major of the content updates so far from the looks of it.

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I think I'd have returned for Destiny 3 either way, but it's definitely a more promising outlook now. I had a lot of love for D1 and the only reason I was burned by D2 was the weak content releases and weighted focus on loot boxes. By all accounts, Forsaken fixed a lot of that but it was too late for me and most of the NE clan.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm still surprised that Bungie decided to make the D2 a free to play game with year 1 DLCs (which are craps) after removed Activision. Also didn't they mentioned that they are gonna add the old D1 contents back like Cosmodrome and make the black garden a raid for this Shadowkeep DLC? 

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I picked up Forsaken and played it over the weekend.

I'm not sure if it's just because my expectations were super low, but I just loved it. Did the Barons and then the 'Nothing Left to Say' mission. There were hints of it during Taken King but this is what Destiny missions should have been from day one. Genuinely well written (it's not Shakespeare, not that that really needs saying, but it really delivers what it's trying to), varied objectives, surprising mechanics. The tone walked a great line between serious, epic and fun.

I'd definitely like to give the raids a go if anyone is up for it.

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2 hours ago, Daft said:

I picked up Forsaken and played it over the weekend.

I'm not sure if it's just because my expectations were super low, but I just loved it. Did the Barons and then the 'Nothing Left to Say' mission. There were hints of it during Taken King but this is what Destiny missions should have been from day one. Genuinely well written (it's not Shakespeare, not that that really needs saying, but it really delivers what it's trying to), varied objectives, surprising mechanics. The tone walked a great line between serious, epic and fun.

I'd definitely like to give the raids a go if anyone is up for it.

Glad you're enjoying it, for me Forsaken is some of the best Destiny content Bungie have done. It gets even better once you reach the dreaming city as well. 

Me @MilaGi, @Deathjam and Kirsty are always playing so give us a shout if you want a hand with anything or wanna team up for gambit, always up for the raid as we've struggled for enough people previously.


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I’m jumping back into Destiny! Haven’t played it sine Curse of Osiris but I’ve heard good things about Forsaken and it looks like we might be able to get enough people together for raids (didn’t realise that anyone was still playing :p)!

Would folks be interested in running the older raids? I did the very first one but imagine there are now 2 or 3 that came with other expansions?

I’d probably wanna play for a week or so to get back into it before attempting any though!

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@Map @MilaGi @Deathjam @Eddage

I'm definitely for some raiding. Like Eddage, I've only done the first raid. Would be neat to do the others. I'm like light level 600 odd at the moment. I don't know what the requirements for the raids are.

I know @DriftKaiser has recently got back into the game so hopefully we'll be able to get a team together

I think I'll be playing it far more casually than I ever used to so whenever is good for everyone

Edited by Daft
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The hardest part was getting from 300 to 330 lol. Since passing that level, maybe I hit a part of the story that allowed it, I have skyrocketed up. Maybe I've been lucky with drops too.

But there was a point where Ikora gave me a package and I was like 'Why do I want this blue trash' and it was like 150+ light levels than what I was on.

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It's nice to see some are returning. Would be really great to get some raids going. There is so much that the ones who remained playing in the clan have missed out on because we could not stomach lfg but we didn't have the members and we didn't want to join some random clan. Really been wanting to show my girlfriend kirsty what the raiders experience is like

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Yeah I think there has been 5 raids since the first one, a few are only raid lairs but a lot of content to catch up on.

Also for those returning, don't miss some content in warmind. Escalation protocol is good but the whisper quest is amazing and not to be missed.

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I'm torn between looking stuff up and just letting stuff happen. I'm going to resist the temptation to check which one the Whisper quest is...but I think I have a good idea.

Just to get the ball rolling...

We've all done the first raid.

What is the 'raid' after and what is the light level requirement?

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2 hours ago, Daft said:

I'm torn between looking stuff up and just letting stuff happen. I'm going to resist the temptation to check which one the Whisper quest is...but I think I have a good idea.

Just to get the ball rolling...

We've all done the first raid.

What is the 'raid' after and what is the light level requirement?

After the first raid there are 2 raid lairs on the leviathan. First one is 300 light the next 370.

Then the the last wish raid in the dreaming city is 550.

The raids with the annual pass are scourge of the past at 640 and the latest crowns of sorrow I think is 720.

Happy to run them all at some point as none of us have done them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone want to do the OG Leviathan raid tonight? Or the raid lairs or one of the other ones?


Also, I just want to say I have been having so much fun on this. I feel like it's finally become the game I always hoped it would be and (especially having seen the choices Digital Extremes have made with Warframe) I am super excited to see where Bungie take it now they are independent.

The absolute highlight has been Zero Hour. I don't think I've played a bit of content that needed repeating as often and was still as engaging every time I ran through it.

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51 minutes ago, Daft said:

Anyone want to do the OG Leviathan raid tonight? Or the raid lairs or one of the other ones?


Also, I just want to say I have been having so much fun on this. I feel like it's finally become the game I always hoped it would be and (especially having seen the choices Digital Extremes have made with Warframe) I am super excited to see where Bungie take it now they are independent.

The absolute highlight has been Zero Hour. I don't think I've played a bit of content that needed repeating as often and was still as engaging every time I ran through it.

I'm up for a Raid, maybe the OG Leviathan on Prestige? Would be good to start at the beginning and then work through them.

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Anyone want to do the OG Leviathan raid tonight? Or the raid lairs or one of the other ones?


Also, I just want to say I have been having so much fun on this. I feel like it's finally become the game I always hoped it would be and (especially having seen the choices Digital Extremes have made with Warframe) I am super excited to see where Bungie take it now they are independent.

The absolute highlight has been Zero Hour. I don't think I've played a bit of content that needed repeating as often and was still as engaging every time I ran through it.

Ahem, 4 of us have been ready for a like year [emoji39]


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Austringer with 'Subsistence' and 'Rampage' is low-key fucking insane (Plus Accurized Rounds). Obviously the diminished reserves is a real sticking point. But...holy hell, in the right circumstances this thing is an exotic-level weapon. Imagine never needing to reload and proc-ing Rampage x3 with ease...until you run out of ammo.

I'm keeping it for when they buff Subsistence.

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