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I listened to prophecies of war and laughed as soon as he started singing. It's a bit too.. posy that one..

That stigmata one was ok, but the voice still gets to me.. it's like i've heard it before, many times.>

The intro to riding the wings is good. I think that was the best song but the vocalist needs firing imo

Ok band, new vocalist!


Ok this was inspired by zatoichis thread. but this one deserves a thread of its own


the band: ARNOCORPS

the type of music: Action Adventure Hardcore Rock and Roll

based on austrian folks tales


they simply own

myself, viper, fierce link and twozzok think so to.


do you!







and yes, they have 2 bassists


sounds a bit cheesy to me :P nice guitar work tho, cant comment on vocals tho since i know nothing about singing :P seems to be a bit high tho if i had to say something, could do to either be quieter or sung in a lower key (not sure if thats the right word)


I think the vocals could be worked on but they aren't terrible or anything. I was reminded of Slayer actually, in some parts by the vocals. I was never much a fan of Slayers vocals but, well, Slayer :P


Otherwise, its all rather awesome.


what the christ, as someone who listens to a lot of this kinda music, i'm wondering what the hell guys are thinking, the vocalist is fine for it. in fact, he's pretty good. Kinda makes me think of an Ozzy/Metallica mix, with a bit of Dream Theater.


E: i'm commenting on riding the wings at the moment.


E^2: Loving the intro to Stigmata, and the vocals are fine for it, more Slayer'ish as Rizz said.


Rather than having a new thread for everyone's band y'all can post them in here to discuss. Merged the two threads that existed in general into this one. And yes, that makes it a bit messy but what you gonna do?

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