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1-2 Switch (March 3rd 2017)


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Still don't understand why you'd keep playing this game bar the original play through... Weirdly the more I see the LESS I want it and I have it preordered...

Soda was in 42 games in 1.... FORTY TWO GAMES, and most of them were substantial - lots of darts, pool, bowling games, chess etc meaty games; me and my mates played it an insane amount. We used to play Soda to see who'd get the next beers...


But this?!?! Just don't understand what Nintendo are thinking charging for it....


It's a multiplayer party game, that's where the replay value comes in. I don't think there's much of a single player aspect to it, but it's the kind of thing you'd bust out when you've got friends around.

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It's a multiplayer party game, that's where the replay value comes in. I don't think there's much of a single player aspect to it, but it's the kind of thing you'd bust out when you've got friends around.

Yeah. Get a few beers in, a few friends and bam. Hilarity ensues

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It's a multiplayer party game, that's where the replay value comes in. I don't think there's much of a single player aspect to it, but it's the kind of thing you'd bust out when you've got friends around.


A lot of the complaints I've seen for this is that the games just dont seem to have the same last appeal as something like Wii Sports, even with multiplayer. A lot of people seem to think it would be fun to show once and then thats it.

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A lot of the complaints I've seen for this is that the games just dont seem to have the same last appeal as something like Wii Sports, even with multiplayer. A lot of people seem to think it would be fun to show once and then thats it.


Maybe, but we haven't really seen it there's any hidden depth or other modes available. If they have some sort of tourney mode like the challenge train in Nintendo Land, it could be a pretty fun multiplayer mainstay. It definitely channels that same Wario Ware/Game & Wario vibe, so it'll surely be a hoot just seeing your friends act like morons, even if you've played it before.

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Maybe, but we haven't really seen it there's any hidden depth or other modes available. If they have some sort of tourney mode like the challenge train in Nintendo Land, it could be a pretty fun multiplayer mainstay. It definitely channels that same Wario Ware/Game & Wario vibe, so it'll surely be a hoot just seeing your friends act like morons, even if you've played it before.


Possibly. As I said I'm only really repeating what I've seen others say. I'm not interested in it because its motion control crap and not because of any possible lack of content :p

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I'm still not sold on it and I don't think I ever will be.


I can see the creativity in it of course and I have respect for the developers but I just can't see myself playing it. :hmm:


So I'll just wait for the next Wario Ware... if we get one because I would not like this to become the new "replacement" for it, on any level. :blush:


Though I understand why Nintendo need this at launch but it still feels more like a collection of tech demos.


"I would do anything for Switch... but I won't do that!" :heh:

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It's a multiplayer party game, that's where the replay value comes in. I don't think there's much of a single player aspect to it, but it's the kind of thing you'd bust out when you've got friends around.


Yeah I get that, but there still needs to be a point. I had said drunken parties on Smooth Moves and the wii party games and such; I know how good they can be, but this I'm just not seeing it yet. Some of them could be okay like the gun game, but most just feel like do it once and done... And why? There needs to be s scoring system of sorts, knockout tournament, a 'game' to it! I can imagine any party that would enjoy pretending to shave for no reason for more than 30 seconds.


Maybe, but we haven't really seen it there's any hidden depth or other modes available. If they have some sort of tourney mode like the challenge train in Nintendo Land, it could be a pretty fun multiplayer mainstay. It definitely channels that same Wario Ware/Game & Wario vibe, so it'll surely be a hoot just seeing your friends act like morons, even if you've played it before.


Yeah, kind of what I was just hinting at. It needs something to hang it all on and it could be pretty good. The challenge train is amazing.... god I love nintendoland.

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So this has 28 games. Reasonable, not great.


Watched a few of the videos. Some like runway and baby make me cringe, not sure I'll even play them once. Then I saw stuff like sword fight, Joy con rotate and a few others and I think there's something there!


Looks to me like tech demos for HD rumble.


Only 7 use it so that's worrying!

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Joy-Con Rotate reminds me heavily of Design from Game & Wario; only this time, each player sets the angle/length to copy!


Only 7 use it so that's worrying!



They all use it, just that seven of them seem to have their gameplay specifically built around it.

Edited by Dcubed
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This is part of the reason I'm glad I'm going to this Switch event thing next Friday.

I am curious about this game, only because I feel it's going to be the best showcase for the 'HD rumble', but not curious enough to want to purchase it. Not based off what I've seen anyway.


But playing it for 10 mins next week might just scratch that itch and then I can move on!

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