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Mario Sports SuperStars (3DS) - Spring 2017


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Yup. I dunno how the match making will work but i'm gonna assume it will be like the Mario Golf/Tennis games.


Probably yeah, as long as it's not like Wii U Mario Tennis where you can't play with friends...


Saying that, I don't know if I can justify getting this so close to Switch; will I really play it with having Zelda, Bomberman and my whole library of VC games on such a nice portable screen...?!

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I don't get this game.


What is it like a fully fledged collection of Mario sports titles? Or is it just a bite size portion of each one, so play a couple of games of tennis before getting involved in a round of baseball etc? Or will it be like a main tennis game and baseball game in the cartridge. I don't know?!


Also, wish it was a Switch title. Would have been good to have that to look forward to.

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The artwork for this game is so nice, some of the best in recent years (dem horse eyes) so it's a shame that a lot of the amiibo cards use really old assets.


amiibo cards


Then again when you know the context of that Bowser pose it's pretty hilarious to see him in goal just breakdancing.

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Forgot this was out yesterday. Read some reviews, as expected it's just ok but a bit rubbish too.


Hardly much in the way of content which isn't surprising seeing as it's a 5 in oner.


I really don't know what is going on with Mario's sports titles at the minute but the last decent one IIRC was Mario Golf on 3DS?


They seem to be sending them out to die especially after the abysmal Wii U Mario Tennis game.


It's a series that I have always loved and found to have so much replay-ability but now it seems like a quick cash in (if anyone actually buys it) which is just such a shame.


Seems it's going the same way as Mario Party which also started off as a bit of a must have with some great follow ups before all going a bit south. :(

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Awful start for the game in the UK charts. It debuted at 37. What with the poor reviews, the release of the Switch and the amount of high quality games being released across the other platforms, this thing was going to bomb hard.


I'm honestly surprised that Nintendo didn't push this to the Switch and give it a bit more development, especially as they must have seen what happened with Mario Tennis on the Wii U.

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