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Sonic Forces (2017)


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1 hour ago, Aneres11 said:

I started this yesterday. I actually am quite impressed so far. But I don’t like how the created character controls. That hook shot thing just breaks the gameplay up too much for tastes. Stops the flow that you get when playing as Somic. Weapon is decent though. 

Overall I think it’s had a bad rep as others have said. I can’t say that with certainty yet though as I only just started it, but I’m having a fair bit of fun so far and I guess that’s all that matters.

I also find the story to be good which is not normally the case in these type of games. 

Looking forward to playing some more anyway. 

It just so happens that this was the one game I endeavoured to finish during my week off, before then I had only played Sonic Forces for a couple of hours and my feelings were mostly the same as yours are at this time in writing. The more I played of it though, the more I ended up liking certain aspects of the game design, this is after the initial playing all three main different types of stages with my thoughts which transpired in the following manner...

"OK, modern Sonic is mostly boost to win, lock-on attack, reasonable camera, this is fine..."

"Avatar stages are... interesting, I've got to use the triggers for the weapon... OK... the lock on is... different, I probably won't be using it much..."

"Oh god... they've somehow made Classic Sonic worse?!? How can the physics go from Sonic Mania to this? No momentum from the moment you press Down?" *sigh*

Then I carried on playing, accepted the limitations of each scenario, checked out the missions and would then find myself getting sucked into a loop of activating the daily mission bonus, burning through stages to get S Ranks for that half hour, then going back to get all of the red rings, numbered rings and silver ring challenges (taken from previous modern Sonic games) and beat all of the time-based challenges as they actually made the game more enjoyable, despite the shortcomings of the game. :D 


I agree with your excellent review btw @Hero-of-Time :peace:

n-europe Review


And I wanted to personally thank you for reviewing it for us. :)

(It's been on the main page for almost three weeks but it's still very relevant, especially with more people playing it now)


I think the aforementioned DLC will only be the start of it as well, as I'm pretty sure there's some content which is somehow available in the PC version only at the moment but will hopefilly be patched into the console versions, I won't say what it is in case of spoilers, it's pretty obvious but at least it explains why it isn't in the game, even though it was obviously planned to be at least in some capacity.

Overall it's decent for a modern Sonic game and if Sega are embracing it with future - hopefully free - dlc then that can only be a good thing. :grin:


Edited by S.C.G
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Played loads more of this now. Think I’m getting near the end. 

Really enjoyed it so far. I still don’t reallly like the avatar stages too much, but those aside it is such a fun game. Sonic doesn’t always control particularly well, moreso 2d Sonic, but it’s nice to have a mix of the 2d and 3D gameplay. 

It also looks really nice in parts. 

I said I wasn’t going to try and S tank every state but maybe I’ll give it a go. 

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28 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

I said I wasn’t going to try and S rank every stage but maybe I’ll give it a go. 

You'll want to be taking full advantage of those daily missions then, if you're not already. :)

They make it so much easier and actually fairer for some stages as playing at my best I could only get just below an S rank on some stages.

As soon as I started using my daily mission boost though, no problem, first time just so long as you don't have to retry too many times. :D

I went through the game grabbing all the Red Rings, numbered rings, silver rings and S ranks right up until a few missions from the end I think.

So I've got nearly all of them and will likely go for the rest when I feel like it or when more dlc hopefully gets added. :grin:

Also, don't forget about the Shadow DLC, I think you have to redeem the code in the box and then it will appear as free dlc in the Nintendo eShop next to the "Sanic T-Shirt" dlc. :peace:

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Hmm what are these silver rings? 

I haven’t seen these yet I don’t think? 

I really found myself loving this yesterday. I’ve finally figured out the Wispons which really make a big difference for some levels. My favourite is lightning. I love going through a huge loop of rings using it. 

Whisper it quietly but I think I’m having more fun with this than I was with Mania... :blush:. But I am a sucker for a 3D Sonic. 

Im not doing bad with S ranks. I’ve got a fair few so fair so am enjoying going back trying to get more. You’re right though @S.C.G, it’s much easier after the daily missions for the added bonus. 

Gonna try the Shadow DLC tonight. 

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41 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

Hmm what are these silver rings? 

I haven’t seen these yet I don’t think? 

I really found myself loving this yesterday. I’ve finally figured out the Wispons which really make a big difference for some levels. My favourite is lightning. I love going through a huge loop of rings using it. 

Whisper it quietly but I think I’m having more fun with this than I was with Mania... :blush:. But I am a sucker for a 3D Sonic. 

Im not doing bad with S ranks. I’ve got a fair few so fair so am enjoying going back trying to get more. You’re right though @S.C.G, it’s much easier after the daily missions for the added bonus. 

Gonna try the Shadow DLC tonight. 

Have you been collecting all of the red rings? If you collect the five red rings then go back to the map, you'll see the numbered rings icon, collect all the numbered rings then go back to the map and you should see another icon appear which is the timed silver rings challenge; in summary you'll only encounter these if you have been replaying stages in addition to collecting all of the red rings. :)

Mania is still better by far, I had a lot more fun with Mania but I would call the enjoyment found here as, flawed fun with Forces... it's still good but a different type of good where the game doesn't have to be god-tier to be fun but I think it's more of a case that Sonic Forces is a partially refined 3D/2.5D formula. :D

Don't play the Shadow DLC until you've finished the main game, I would say... I mean I'm not going to stop you but it does reveal certain things you might not want to know until you've seen the credits roll on the main adventure. :peace:

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36 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

Have you been collecting all of the red rings? If you collect the five red rings then go back to the map, you'll see the numbered rings icon, collect all the numbered rings then go back to the map and you should see another icon appear which is the timed silver rings challenge; in summary you'll only encounter these if you have been replaying stages in addition to collecting all of the red rings. :)

Mania is still better by far, I had a lot more fun with Mania but I would call the enjoyment found here as, flawed fun with Forces... it's still good but a different type of good where the game doesn't have to be god-tier to be fun but I think it's more of a case that Sonic Forces is a partially refined 3D/2.5D formula. :D

Don't play the Shadow DLC until you've finished the main game, I would say... I mean I'm not going to stop you but it does reveal certain things you might not want to know until you've seen the credits roll on the main adventure. :peace:

Thanks Sam.

credits have rolled a few nights ago so I’m all good on that front. And ahhh makes sense. The red rings seem a bit pesky. There are so many alternative paths to follow in some levels I do wonder how long it would take to nab them all. 

Buuuuut I’m up for the challenge as I’m really enjoying it. Game seems to have a lot of replay-ability too which is good. I have really enjoyed the 2d sonic stages, particularly the later ones. They don’t feel out of place or shoe horned in, even though Sonic could control better. 

I just wish there were more 3D sonic alone stages. 

Also whilst I’m ranting... how annoying is unlocking items at the end of a level! I just sit hammering the A button to get through it all but it takes about five minutes sometimes! :p

Edited by Aneres11
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Didn’t get chance to play last night but sunk some time this evening into this. 

I am absolutely in love with this game! Having so much fun. I love the variation on the levels and now I am replying them for the red rings, I’m seeing all different paths and how the Wispons for the avatar character really opens up the gameplay. 

I love the lightning Wispon. Easily my favourite. 

I downloaded and completed the Shadow DLC which was a nice touch. Did all red rings, number and silver rings for him. 

And I’m up to stage 23 from the main game for red rings. Got them all on the levels before. So much fun. 

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41 minutes ago, liger05 said:

Bought it for my son. Played a couple of levels and man I thought it was terrible. The controls are a joke, never felt like I was fully in control of the character. 

Have you played many 3D sonics? Like Unleashed or Generations? There is most definitely a learning curve but once you are used to how to control it then it can seem pretty fluid. 

You only have to YouTube speed runs of levels to appreciate its beauty :D

But I am mega biased as I love Sonic. :p


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And that’s all red rings, number rings and silver rings obtained. 

Wow. Some of them silver ones were hard as nails. Retry central. But very rewarding. 

Now to mop up on the misc achievements and the ring collector. That one is just unnecessary. 100,000 rings is tough as it only holds 100 at a time unless you change the game difficulty to hard. Then the counter goes above that. 

There is a stage you can play to get 900 in 90 seconds so can see me having to spam that to get the full list. 

Still I’ve loved this so much I’m happy to keep playing. Would love some more DLC. 

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On 12/6/2017 at 10:11 AM, Aneres11 said:

Have you played many 3D sonics? Like Unleashed or Generations? There is most definitely a learning curve but once you are used to how to control it then it can seem pretty fluid. 

You only have to YouTube speed runs of levels to appreciate its beauty :D

But I am mega biased as I love Sonic. :p


For some reason you can't drift playing as Modern Sonic so you don't really have as much control as Unleashed or Generations...

Speaking of Unleashed, I actually want to replay it, the daytime stages were excellent. 

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6 hours ago, Ike said:

For some reason you can't drift playing as Modern Sonic so you don't really have as much control as Unleashed or Generations...

Speaking of Unleashed, I actually want to replay it, the daytime stages were excellent. 

Seems to control as easily to me but I haven’t played them for a while. I intend to revisit generations now though. 

Ive got three achievements left. I’ve maxed out the honour ranking for all species of avatar (three gold medals for each) and collected over 100,000 rings so the tricky ones are gone. I just need to complete all challenges now which should grant me the rest. 


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9 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:



I don't know if you can embed Tweets in here? Dunno how anyway. 

But the soundtrack for Forces is now available digitally worldwide. Yesssss. 

Best soundtrack all year for me. I never listen to gaming sound tracks. But this one is definitely going on my phone! :D

You need to add www. to the url, and paste without formatting, and it should automatically embed it.

Edit: never mind, copied and pasted your link and it worked, so I dunno.

Might buy Fist Bump.

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Sloooooowly working through this. I know I’m the only one who is prob playing this right now lol. 

I have one time challenge left. To do the final boss in 270 seconds. I’ve done all the others - some of which were really hard - particularly the classic sonic stages. 

After that it’s just mopping up some random ones I have left, like destroy 5 enemies with a slide in a Sonic stage etc. That’s all that is left. 

Watching YT vids though and the final boss is not easy to do in that timeframe. Pray for Aneres. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 06/12/2017 at 9:27 AM, liger05 said:

Bought it for my son. Played a couple of levels and man I thought it was terrible. The controls are a joke, never felt like I was fully in control of the character. 

My brother bought this for me for Christmas (I'm not sure why he picked it :blank: ) but I just beat it. It didn't take very long but I found very little satisfaction throughout and have no desire to go after the red coins and whatever else. In fact, I may even trade it in before it depreciates any further in value..

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15 hours ago, nekunando said:

My brother bought this for me for Christmas (I'm not sure why he picked it :blank: ) but I just beat it. It didn't take very long but I found very little satisfaction throughout and have no desire to go after the red coins and whatever else. In fact, I may even trade it in before it depreciates any further in value..


How do we ban this member? 



I meant to post actually and say I 1000/1000 this game a few weeks ago. Well, add the Shadow DLC score onto it too. 

A grind indeed, but I loved it. 

Super Sonic is also available as a DL now too. 



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  • 4 years later...

Seems the game got some free DLC.


Get EPISODE SHADOW to uncover the untold story of the new villain, Infinite, and rediscover three updated stages playing as Shadow.Plus, play as Shadow in over 10 Modern Sonic based stages!

Experience the full story behind the new villain's rise to power and as you find renewed replayablity across Modern Sonic stages. The fate of Sonic the Hedgehog's world is in your hands – Join the Uprising.


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15 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

That's been around for a while, hasn't it? I'm pretty sure I nabbed trophies on the PS4 version for Episode Shadow back when I played it a couple of years ago.

Oh, was it? I dunno don't remember hearing about it before.

Edit: it's talked about earlier in the thread so never mind. :heh:

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Crazy to think the game is nearly 5 years old already. Madness!

Indeed. Makes you wonder what the hell Sonic Team have been doing all this time!? (Apart from Puyo Puyo Tetris 2; which is basically just a glorified mission pack for the first PPT that originally came out all the way back in 2014).

Actually, SEGA's internal game development production has fallen off a cliff in general since 2017.  They basically don't make anything internally anymore outside of RGG studio now (and even they are poised to fall apart now with Nagoshi's recent departure and the concomitant poaching of staff by Netease).

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Crazy to think the game is nearly 5 years old already. Madness!

Odd that I remember picking it up so well as if it was last. Maybe because I got it from an actual store instead of online made it more memorable?

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