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House buying is the worst


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drama ramaaaaa


solicitor suggested i go ahead with contracts with a caveat that the boundary gets sorted..... He seems happy enough as long as he gets the letter to confirm that the vendors solicitor has sent the application.


When you say sorted, do you mean just finalised and properly registered?


Has the boundary been agreed?

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double drama raaaamaaaaa


My solicitor wanted maps to show where the public water line runs under my house/land. Vendors solicitor is not complying. Mine wants it.


My mortgage offer runs out in early JULY. A MONTH AWAY.



I'm actually going to KILL everyone involved.


When you say sorted, do you mean just finalised and properly registered?


Has the boundary been agreed?


Deeds say house plus approx a foots length of path.

Searches say no change to boundaries.

Land registry has a different boundary (just goes around front of house)


Not a problem unless vendor decides its hers n builds a big oul brick wall in front of my front door :heh:

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double drama raaaamaaaaa


My solicitor wanted maps to show where the public water line runs under my house/land. Vendors solicitor is not complying. Mine wants it.

Shouldn't that be something you would get from the council/water board? I don't understand why the vendor's solicitors would be the only one to exclusively have access to that information. I'm pretty sure that we didn't need to get it from the sellers' peeps.

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You only need it when you've got public waterworks under your land. I don't know if you own your land but I will own mine and that will be a factor. And my house is on a very big main road. It's supposed to be provided as part of the deeds/land reg information.


I rang the agent today, got through to one of the owners/partners. and he kicked some ass.


Copy of application (from vendors solicitor) was hand delivered that day.


Provisional date of contract exchange is 6th June. fingers crossed nothing else goes wrong!

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I was so annoyed yesterday morning, I just rang to check in with agent and didn't think they'd get it moving so fast, had accepted I wasn't going to hear anything before this weekend, so it was a great surprise :D


Lots of people have got keys and moved in before me, i'm not upset haha. Just think itll be worth holding on because there are so few houses like this for my budget, could be waiting years for something similar to come up. The only comparable houses at the moment are bigger, but they are made of Orlit (prefab concrete), which is next to impossible to get a mortgage on


I've also found a new sofa i REALLY want to buy..... eek my money is being stretched! Scary!

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In my house ^_^ all moved n everything. Time to sleep for a month.


Yay! Happy for you! :D


@Raining_again, I hope yours gets sorted out soon! You've been waiting for ages now!



We went to view 2 houses this weekend. One yesterday which was under our budget, but it only had a tiny kitchen, small courtyard garden and a garage in a nearby block. Seemed ok, but the location was really good.


The house today though ticked most of our boxes! Integral garage (which we forgot to measure , oops), 3 bedrooms and a really lovely long garden! I think we fell in love with the garden haha! It's not perfect though: small kitchen (not even room for a normal fridge), no dining room and seems to have airplanes flying over quite regularly. But if we could extend the house with a conservatory or something, that would give us some more options. I think for me it's mostly the kitchen letting it down, as I'm used to the massive kitchen in our flat. :P


Think we'll probably put an offer in on the house from today. Just not sure if we should offer the full price (£248,950) or go a bit below...


Also, would you recommend a second viewing?

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I know nothing about house buying, but do you guys know anyone (builder or some sort) that you could take along to see about maybe making some adjustments to change the kitchen if its that small? Could you make a compromise in an adjacent room (structurally permitting of course)?

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I know nothing about house buying, but do you guys know anyone (builder or some sort) that you could take along to see about maybe making some adjustments to change the kitchen if its that small? Could you make a compromise in an adjacent room (structurally permitting of course)?


The only room next to it is the living room, wasn't sure if we could do much there with the wall in between them. The only real options are either opening up the garage and using part of that space (but we want to use that for our indoor gym), or extending the house (probably costly and would need appropriate permissions).


We know we could do a conservatory cause both neighbours had one. And she said one of them had turned the garage into a room. So there are options, but would require time and money, so might be something for in the future.

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definitely advise a second viewing!


A small kitchen isn't a bad thing if you are organised (clear out stuff you don't need and don't buy a lot of unnecessary gadgets you never use). My kitchen is small, & I like it.


For a possible family it might be an issue, but even then if its a lovely house sometimes its a sacrifice you have to make, as long as you have a decent living/eating area

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definitely advise a second viewing!


A small kitchen isn't a bad thing if you are organised (clear out stuff you don't need and don't buy a lot of unnecessary gadgets you never use). My kitchen is small, & I like it.


For a possible family it might be an issue, but even then if its a lovely house sometimes its a sacrifice you have to make, as long as you have a decent living/eating area


We are viewing it again tomorrow morning haha. The owner is quite eager to get an offer I think, she is viewing a house next weekend and wants to know she can sell hers before then.


There isn't really much space for dining and all that, but then we barely use our current dining table unless we have people over. We are lazy people and eat in front of the tv. :P


If we can ever extend the house though, then that could be a kitchen with extended dining area or something.


Think we will be putting in an offer this week possibly!

Tried contacting our mortgage advisor about what to do next, but seems he is out of the office until the 8th! Typical.

Guess I better find a solicitor!

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Got my fingers crossed for you guys! If it doesn't work out just try to remember its not meant to be! I was outbidded somewhere else, which turned out to be not for me, the one I'm now buying is far better.


Was hard but try not to over bid as banks will only give you a mortgage for what its worth and you have to find the remainder (on top of the deposit!). Ie if you pay 105, bank says 100. You still need your 10% deposit AND you need to find the additional 5k. (or take a lower percent deposit if you can, and pay moar money in the long run)

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Well our first bid has been rejected. We went in with 238,950 (10k below asking price) and they said they might consider at 246,500.


I think we appeared way too eager heh. And probably should've gone in even lower with our first offer. Think we'll wait a day now and maybe offer again tomorrow or something, possibly 242,000? Not sure.


This is fricking stressful haha. It's making me doubt myself a lot as well, as the house itself isn't amazing and would need some work, but it has the garage and (biiiig) garden that we want... decisions decisions!


Also, they had a dog. I want a dog. And cats. And maybe some chickens.

*basically wants a petting zoo*

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So it looks like we might have a house... :woops:






We weren't going to put another offer in until tomorrow, but the vendor came back to us and said she would like to sell to us as we are genuine people. She offered to sell it for £244,500... and we have accepted!


She has marked the house as sold now so it is off the market I guess/hope! :D

Now I just need to find a solicitor, inform our mortgage advisor (he's on holiday until the 8th, argh) and hope that everything works out fine!


The owners are viewing their potential new property on Saturday so hopefully they can put an offer in that will get accepted, so things can start moving!


Really hoping this works out now, will cry if it doesn't!


This wonderful garden might become ours! :heart:


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Cool garden! Congrats :)


I still have to buy a mower for my grass... its getting to be a bit of a jungle out there! Luckily its not as big a garden as yours! Out of curiosity, how many bedrooms do you have?

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aaaahhhhh!!!! Exciting!!!


Bet you get your keys before i do :laughing:


Not sure really, we will have to wait for the owners to move out first, and they are looking for a house themselves. So could be a while if we're unlucky. :P


I am not going to celebrate until we have the keys, anything can still go wrong!




Cool garden! Congrats :)


I still have to buy a mower for my grass... its getting to be a bit of a jungle out there! Luckily its not as big a garden as yours! Out of curiosity, how many bedrooms do you have?


Thanks! :D


Yeah the garden was a bit "wild" in the back the owner said as she doesn't take too much care of it, but it seemed fine to me! I couldn't sleep last night so I was already trying to plan what I could do in the back portion haha. :D

*such a sad person*


It's a 3 bedroom house, though the rooms aren't massive. The master bedroom is quite long, but not wide (just about fits the bed), second bedroom could probably just about fit a double, and the third one is a single bed. Planning to use the second bedroom as a guest bedroom for my family and friend, and use the single as a study or something. That one also has a built in wardrobe so we can put our clothes there. :)


Oh boy in 30 years we're going to have a man shed thread and Jim will be posting about his efforts to kit his out with a TV and weights aren't we?


Congratulations guys!


Haha don't worry, we were already talking about mancaves yesterday. :P

For now, the garage will be part of his mancave as that will have the weights and hopefully a tv put in. My crosstrainer can go there too. Just need to see if we can put a door from the garage into the house.

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I know nothing about house buying, but do you guys know anyone (builder or some sort) that you could take along to see about maybe making some adjustments to change the kitchen if its that small? Could you make a compromise in an adjacent room (structurally permitting of course)?


On our second viewing I brought my brother with us, who is a joiner, to have a look. Naturally we didn't want any surprises, plus as an extra intimidation tactic on the agent showing us around that we weren't going to get fooled by any bullshit buzzwords they may try to mask problems with. As we were looking at some bits we were asking him how much things may cost if we wanted to change it, namely replace the conservatory.

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Yeah we don't really know anyone around here that's into building and the like. I've got lots of family that could help, but obviously they are not around here. :P


My parents did suggest that they could come over this weekend, book a hotel somewhere and then have a look at the house with us (this was before we put down the offer), but to be honest it felt like too much hassle and we didn't want to wait. Might've lost our chance then.


So hopefully there won't be too many surprises when/if we ever want to change stuff!

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