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E3 2016 General Thread

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A few rumours are start to pop up now that we are getting closer to E3.


First up is Dead Rising 4.






Two days ago we reported that Dead Rising 4 is in development at Capcom Vancouver and may, or may not, have an exclusivity deal and that Dead Rising 4 will indeed feature at this year’s E3 and will “make fans of the series happy”. Today, we can update that with images that have surfaced that might give us our first look at Dead Rising 4.


Dead Rising 3 was released in 2013 as an Xbox One exclusive as well as a launch title. It was said to have sold very well, and a Dead Rising 4 was talked about not long after the release. It’s also likely that Capcom Vancouver is ditching the engine they built in favor of a partnership with Epic Games, meaning that the studio will be working exclusively with the Unreal Engine 4 from here on out.


It remains unclear which conference the game will be featured in but it’s a safe bet that it would likely be the Xbox conference considering the exclusivity of Dead Rising 3 and some previous Dead Rising games on the Xbox platform.


Next up is a remastered version of Skyrim for PS4 and Xbox One.


Like last year, Bethesda will organize its own press conference at the upcoming E3 in Los Angeles . As the self-appointed industry insiders » Shinobi602 " claiming an announcement of Skyrim remakes is us there allegedly presented . The HD - remastered version of Elder Scrolls RPG to its information appear after for PS4 and Xbox One .


Finally, Rockstar will apparently be showing 2 games at E3. Many are speculating that Red Dead Redemption will receive the remastered treatment and the sequel to that game will also be announced. It's worth noting that the trademark for Agent also got renewed. Could the once PS3 exclusive finally be making an appearance?

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Finally, Rockstar will apparently be showing 2 games at E3. Many are speculating that Red Dead Redemption will receive the remastered treatment and the sequel to that game will also be announced. It's worth noting that the trademark for Agent also got renewed. Could the once PS3 exclusive finally be making an appearance?


Rockstar don't normally appear at E3 though. Would be really weird to see them make new game announcements here...


Speaking of which, anyone else think it's a bit weird that we're seeing so many announcements before E3 this year? (FF12 HD, WOFF Western Release, Watch Dogs 2 etc)

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Rockstar don't normally appear at E3 though. Would be really weird to see them make new game announcements here...


Speaking of which, anyone else think it's a bit weird that we're seeing so many announcements before E3 this year? (FF12 HD, WOFF Western Release, Watch Dogs 2 etc)


Indeed. However, Take Two said they would be at E3 in a BIG way this year, so you never know. ::shrug:


I think developers/publishers are just trying to get he word out about their games before the main shows start. The FFXII HD one was a real surprise though. I thought that would have been saved for Sony's press conference.

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I'm really looking forward to E3 right now, it's only just settled in that it's so close! Pretty sure there's something every single day which could pique my interest!


For me, I'm looking out for:


(EA): hints at future Star Wars games, possibly even a teaser (?). Eyes are definitely on Battlefield One, considering that Battlefront II is due next year...

Bethesda: never been into Skyrim, but if we see a next gen remaster, I'm game!



Sony: seeing as I'm a PlayStation guy, this obviously piques my interest. I don't care about the 4K/4.5 at all, though; what I'm looking out for is some more Gran Turismo news!


Tuesday -

Nintendo: the big N! Sucks that they've delayed showing the NX until September was it? But regardless, I'm very much looking forward to some Pokémon and Legend of Zelda news!

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Another leaked image




PLEASE BE REAL. Yes! Double yes!


Arkham games being remastered, a Superman game and Arkham sequel possibly in the works, and THIS? Say what you want about DC's movies, they know how to keep people interested on the gaming front at least!

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Hey, look, an IGN video without a thirty sec---...oh, never mind.


I'm looking forward to E3 thanks to pretty much all of the above, the announcements for games specifically so (and much less the consoles, given that we're just getting revisions to drag out the length of this generation).

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So in that IGN video we have Xbox fans represented by the Podcast Unlocked crew and Playstation fans represented by the Beyond guys. Meanwhile....




No hype message from Jose or Peer. :(


Anyway, more rumours for more game announcements, this time from Bethesda. While I already mentioned the Skyrim remaster yesterday, the other games are new to the rumour mill.


A PlayStation 4 and Xbox One remaster of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is rumoured to be announced at Bethesda's E3 conference this Sunday, 12th June.


Eurogamer understands this rumour to be true, and we've also heard Bethesda will announce The Evil Within 2, Wolfenstein 2 and re-announce Prey 2 during the conference.



Edited by Hero-of-Time
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So in that IGN video we have Xbox fans represented by the Podcast Unlocked crew and Playstation fans represented by the Beyond guys. Meanwhile....


Yeah that was the glaring omission from the video :( still, at least Jared Petty didn't ruin the video by opening his mouth.


Also I know they're a huge chunk of the industry but I didn't think we needed three segments on shooters: co-op, "immersive" (which means fun, apparently :blank:) and space shooters.

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Spotted this on GAF...




Rather interesting data here. In short, 62% of games shown at last year's E3 are still un-released!


Only 38% of the games spoken about during the E3 2015 press conferences have actually been released.


Of that 38% of games released, 33% weren’t released until 2016.

Sony is the worst performer, with only one game released from its E3 2015 press conference in that calendar year – a small indie from Devolver Digital called Ronin.


Sony also has the worst record for releasing games announced at its conference in the 12-months leading to the next E3, at only 23%


EA and Nintendo are the most likely to release a game they showcase before the next E3, with 92% and 93% of their titles available respectively.


Nintendo also released 83% of those games before Christmas 2015, which is the quickest turnaround by far.


Sony and Microsoft did not release a single one of their newly announced titles from the last E3 in the 12-months since the event.


Year-on-year, we are seeing a rise in games not being released following an E3 showcase. Our analysis shows 50% of Sony’s, and 60% of Microsoft’s E3 2014 press conferences did not see a release prior to E3 2015. These have increased to 77% and 63% respectively for this 12-month period.


Seems that 2015 was the Year of Dreams indeed ;)


Hopefully 2016 is more a Year of Reality, but I somehow doubt that...

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Yeah, this is really nothing new. E3 is about announcing new stuff not ensuring it gets released within the next 12 months.


Also: in before the "Look at Sony's and Microsoft's low numbers and look how awesome Nintendo's numbers are"-comments/arguments/just shut up. :p

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It's gotten ridiculous how early games are revealed, not a fan at all. I appreciate it's hype building but it's just too much. Much prefer Nintendo's recent approach of revealing mostly games out soon with a couple of far off ones.

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Bosman vs Huber E3 bets.



Edit: That was freaking hilarious. :D


Haha.. I watched this last night! I love the bets they do :love:


There was certainly a lot of laughter throughout but my wife didn't really understand why :heh: I wish we had a few bets going down on N-Europe :grin:

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I'm finding all these pre-E3 game announcements and reveals really annoying. Really starting to take the hype out of the show.


It's been like this for the last few years but not to this extent. It seems like every publisher is eager to be seen as early as possible. Then you have Sony and Nintendo both telling people what they will and won't be showing. I would say Microsoft have been pretty quiet but, as usual, a bunch of their stuff has already been leaked. We are now getting teaser trailers for E3 trailers! TBH, it's all getting a bit stupid.


I feel at this rate the only way anything would be left as a surprise for a person is if they avoided the internet for a couple of weeks before E3 and just tuned into the live conferences.

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I'm not fussed either way. Still gutted there's no NX, though. :(


I really don't get it... I mean if this is really the last E3 before NX's release, how the hell are they not showing SOMETHING??? A part of me is hoping for a Nintendo troll with a "...and finally, we take a first look..." - Just don't get it...

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