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Forgot to reply. We're on most nights, @Rummy. Usually after 10 until 12 or 1. At least for now as I'm currently on my summer break. :D

Tried Zarya for the first time yesterday. Can definitely see the benefits of that character and I love her weapon. Did terribly in my first game with her and then improved massively after that. Will stick with her for a while to see how I get on. :D

We had a double-agent on our team agent who we are convinced was playing for the other side. Person went as Mei. At the start of the game, Mei used the ice wall attack to stop us from leaving the spawn point, so we ended up arriving at the control point late and subsequently started off on the back foot. Then, every time Mei respawned, she would ice wall the spawn point every single time. At key moments in the game, Mei would use the same attack to stop us from reaching an area, e.g. putting the barrier up in a doorway just as one of our team was about to make it through. I went to capture the control point and got ice-walled just as I was about to make it in. We lost the game and the person left straightaway. Very bizarre.

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Mei wall on friendly spawn... this is just something idiot players do, you'll see it again many times no doubt :p There's always more than one way out of spawn though, just don't stand at the one Mei is waiting at if you expect idiocy (always expect idiocy). I have actually caught people hanging out with enemy players that are clearly friends, doing emotes and stuff though >.>

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Good games the other night, @Eenuh, @Sheikah and @Zell. :D

Really enjoying this. Every time you switch to a new or different character, it feels like you're almost playing a different game, if that makes sense. After you guys left, I tried a few characters that I've never really gone as before and the whole thing felt alien to me.

Tried Doomfist yesterday. Quite like him! Looking forward to getting to grips with him a bit more.

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Have you played Mystery Heroes? Most of the N-E group don't like it but I enjoy it, although you can end up unfortunate and against a stack of 3 Zarya's or something, I like being forced out of my comfort zone from time to time, or getting to play Widow/Hanzo without feeling bad about it (although if the team is close to winning and we already have a sniper, I may throw myself off the closest ledge)


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7 minutes ago, Shorty said:

Have you played Mystery Heroes? Most of the N-E group don't like it but I enjoy it, although you can end up unfortunate and against a stack of 3 Zarya's or something, I like being forced out of my comfort zone from time to time, or getting to play Widow/Hanzo without feeling bad about it (although if the team is close to winning and we already have a sniper, I may throw myself off the closest ledge)


No, I've never tried it. What exactly is it?

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We tried that mode yesterday, @Shorty. It was fun! Crazy at times as you'd have something daft like 2 Bastions and 2 Mei's on the same side or something like that, but it's different to the regular modes. :D

That 3 vs. 3 was intense, @Sheikah and @Eenuh. I feel like we had the right idea most of the time, but the two of us just haven't quite become skilful enough to be good in that mode.

First time as Zenyatta yesterday...quite enjoyed it! :D

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Super proud of turning this game around. The assault had been consistently useless, seemed like a cake walk for the enemy who was mostly just setting up bastion behind shields and mowing down my teammates who repeatedly ran in one at a time. Took it into my hands with baby D.va and 20 ish seconds on the clock :D


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Ahhh! Yeah the bastion/shields combo is a cheap and often used strat - but I've mostly been QPing lately and annoying trying to break it. I think anything with a shield is a good shout - Orissa is great for popping down and taking a turret or bastion(if he doesn't move). DVa needs someone to back her and zens a good play if you can get a discord and cover to charge then shoot. Also been contemplating some junkrat for shooting over tops/corners when there's reins/Orissa's helping.nmy biggest frustration with bastions are essentially teammates not seeming to prioritise him or boosters to him.

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I woke up reasonably early (by weekend standards) today and couldn't get back to sleep, so just played moar Overwatch. :D

We were attacking on Horizon Lunar Colony and took the first point fairly quickly thanks to me going Sombra and invis-ing my way into the point. That allowed others to then storm in. Pretty cool. We then got the second point onto the final notch and I thought it would be a doddle. But, the enemy held firm and we struggled as each minute went by. We were approaching the final minute and it was quite evident that if we didn't do something different, we'd lose. After such a great start, that would have been a shame. So, @Eenuh and I switched to the "dream team" of D.va and Mercy. She jumped into the point and all hell broke loose. Virtually all 12 players were in there. I held onto R2 for dear life and did a stuuuuupid amount of healing in one minute. I lost count of which ults were then used, but there were A LOT. Fucking chaos. With about 5 seconds to spare, we managed to do it. Insane final minute of a game. 


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If you don't want to hold R2 all the time, you can change the control scheme to toggle. I've changed my control scheme for Mercy to:

  • Toggle Beam ON
  • Toggle Guardian Angel ON
  • Guardian Angel Prefers Beam Target OFF

The last one is really important I find, Guardian Angel is pretty much your only way to escape as Mercy. If you have this as off, you can fly away without having to disconnect your beam of change target.

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Great games yesterday, @Zell, @Shorty and @Daft. I couldn't work out the other person was as I don't have them added. @Eenuh and I were totally in awe of your high levels and superior skills. Normally, we switch our characters around every few games, but we stuck to what we knew best as we didn't want to let you guys down. :o


That opening bit on Hanamura when we were defending was crazy. It was like a shooting gallery. 

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Lucio Ball is basically as if somebody saw an image or a short video of what Rocket League was like, made a rip-off of it, but never actually played the proper game themselves. All the good things that made Rocket League fun aren't present here. For a start, Lucio is reaaaally fucking slow. It takes ages to get to the ball. Secondly, you can't actually knock the other players off the ball, so that whole element of "going around and barging people out of the way"/the physical side of Rocket League is gone. Thirdly, there's no variation to the gameplay, since you have very little movement and control over the ball. 

A shame, as this could have been great. Now, it's just a bad Rocket League. 


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15 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Lucio Ball is basically as if somebody saw an image or a short video of what Rocket League was like, made a rip-off of it, but never actually played the proper game themselves. All the good things that made Rocket League fun aren't present here. For a start, Lucio is reaaaally fucking slow. It takes ages to get to the ball. Secondly, you can't actually knock the other players off the ball, so that whole element of "going around and barging people out of the way"/the physical side of Rocket League is gone. Thirdly, there's no variation to the gameplay, since you have very little movement and control over the ball. 

A shame, as this could have been great. Now, it's just a bad Rocket League. 


This is basically how I felt after playing it. I got the loot box but won't be coming back to this!

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1 minute ago, Sheikah said:

This is basically how I felt after playing it. I got the loot box but won't be coming back to this!

It's annoying because it could actually be good. Lucio needs to be about 5 times faster than he is now and you should be able to barge/blast/knock other players out of the way. Also, maybe an option for 4 vs. 4? 

I don't think it would take much to make it a good mode. But, the only reason I played it yesterday was to get more loot boxes. After a few games, we pushed it to one side and just went back to playing QuickPlay. Game became more fun again.

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It is good if you stop expecting it to be RL. It obviously isn't RL not going to be - if you want to play RL then go boot it up and play it!

Personally I've been really enjoying this year's Lucio ball. It feels slower than last year's and on the surface this slower pace and less interference makes it seem shallow - but as with everything OW a good team can make it fun. I've taken to holding spawn positions for the round - left field, right field, and goal. Using the jump pads can move you around quicker and the ult adds too.

Honestly I think it's good if you accept it as it's own thing and start playing it in line with that. The power isn't in yourself or Lucio really - it's positioning, passing, covering the field and the closest aspect it probably has is that 'random' goalness/saveness to compare it to RL for me.

For anyone enjoying it who fancies comp I'm down too - placed 2400ish from 5 losses and 5 wins. I lost in duo and won solo tho, so not sure if there's a wanky queuing bias anywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great games yesterday, guys. @Daft, that Mercy slap-fest brought back memories of Goldeneye. I'm glad that @Shorty mentioned it afterwards because I literally said the same thing word-for-word to @Eenuh about a minute beforehand. 

I've been playing as Symmetra a fair bit recently and she's another character that I really, really like. Love her moveset! 

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