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So I've been trying this for a bit... and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. :P


I feel like I am missing loads of things... Like, is there a way to actually run in this game? And when playing as Mercy, is there a way to fly (other than using L1 to target someone and fly over there)?


I've not tried all the characters yet, but I'm finding it difficult to get a hang of the few I have tried! Also, I've just been going as Mercy in the last few games as barely anyone seems to pick support characters.

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@Eenuh, I get your frustration :P. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, especially when there are a lot of experienced players already playing. I would maybe reccomend looking at a few gameplay videos of players showcasing a few heroes, and then select a few heroes so you gain a bit of understanding about how everything works.


To answer your questions: No you cannot run in the game. Only Soldier 76 can do that, and that is one of his abilities.

With Mercy, you can slowly hover if you keep holding the jump-button. But she cannot "fly" other than the fly-to-teammate ability.


If I can reccomend a few heroes, you should try Soldier 76, Tracer or Reaper for attack, Junkrat or maybe Torbjørn/Bastion for defence, Roadhog, D.Va for Tank, and Mercy or Lucio for Support :). Those are pretty safe bets. And you should always go a few rounds with them in Practice Range. That gives you a really good understanding of them.


....hope that helps :P.

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Personally I cannot recommend Overwatch unless you are up for teaming up with us, or another group. Whilst you might enjoy it at first, you will eventually reach this weird arc in the skill graph where you're doing a lot better, your picks are a lot smarter, but for some reason you're constantly matched with random morons.


I tried for a long time just to hit platinum on ranked. Since there doesn't seem to be a team around when I play, I ended up just trying to solo it and watched my rank completely plummet. You wouldn't believe the stupidity of some people you can pair with even though they are level 250+.

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Personally I cannot recommend Overwatch unless you are up for teaming up with us, or another group. Whilst you might enjoy it at first, you will eventually reach this weird arc in the skill graph where you're doing a lot better, your picks are a lot smarter, but for some reason you're constantly matched with random morons.


I tried for a long time just to hit platinum on ranked. Since there doesn't seem to be a team around when I play, I ended up just trying to solo it and watched my rank completely plummet. You wouldn't believe the stupidity of some people you can pair with even though they are level 250+.


To be honest I'd be worried that I would be classed as "one of the idiots" if I play with a team... I'm not very good. :P


I played a bit more yesterday and tried out D.Va, which I quite liked as a character but don't feel I'm good enough with yet. Mercy was hit and miss for me, I just kept getting killed.

Switched to AI levels for a bit and tried out Torbjörn (Defense level) and Tracer (Attack Level). Really liked using the dwarf actually. :P


Also tried a bit of Sombra, Widowmaker and Zarya, but kinda sucked with all of them haha.

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To clarify, you can't be considered an idiot just because you're new. Honestly I will only class someone as an idiot if they're level 50+ and still making terrible player choices. You learn what heroes work and what your team needs and you focus on the objective and the rest is just practice. If you join us, we can play quick play while you learn the ropes and you will do fine. The fact that one weekend in you're already "picking the support because nobody else is" puts you above the intelligence level of about 50% of players already....


As for becoming good with individual heroes, that just takes time. Zarya for example, once you understand the mechanics, is an absolute beast.


If you're still playing, I recommend trying out Zenyatta and making very good use of L1, every target you hit or your team is focussing on, you should be debuffing with L1 and then hammering with R2 because it's incredibly effective. His heal and ult are great too.

Edited by Shorty
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@Eenuh If it helps at all, it took me a couple week before this game went from 'This is kind of fun, still can't see how it's this popular though' to complaining about my team of five other randoms setting up as a dive comp but then trickling in while I score Golds in areas I really shouldn't be.


And I definitely remember how overwhelming having 22 almost completely different characters to pick from. Once that settles the game will begin to click.


I started with Support, moved to trying Defense, then Tank and finally Attack. Give Lucio a go; he has a quasi-sprint mode, is a great team healer and is generally a bit more active than Mercy.



Speaking of, I finally switched Lucio's jump button to L1. Ended up bring my ranking back up to 2500+. Bunny-hopping and wall-riding (but mostly bunny-hopping) for days.

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To be honest I'd be worried that I would be classed as "one of the idiots" if I play with a team... I'm not very good. :P


I played a bit more yesterday and tried out D.Va, which I quite liked as a character but don't feel I'm good enough with yet. Mercy was hit and miss for me, I just kept getting killed.

Switched to AI levels for a bit and tried out Torbjörn (Defense level) and Tracer (Attack Level). Really liked using the dwarf actually. :P


Also tried a bit of Sombra, Widowmaker and Zarya, but kinda sucked with all of them haha.


I'm with Shorty - the 'idiots' are usually much more clearly experienced players. I never mind if it's clear we've got someone new with us, or I feel bad if we end up matched against a lot of new people and we roll them(happened last night, I'm presuming it was a group of friends trying the free weekend).


I've got about 90hours clocked in now and tbh I still clearly am not spectacular. I play with 4 of my other mates generally, and I'm probably second 'weakest' of the 5 of us though I do tend to lean towards a much heavier support angle most of the time. I think it's definitely a game that ends up being worth its money(did @Mr\-Paul and anyone else too! @Emerald Emblem joined us for a few last night; so he can maybe tell you what kind of level he found us playing at.


(we do get quite chatty on mic tho)

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Nah @Fierce_LiNk didn't get to try it as he was writing school reports all weekend (and we were out most of Saturday). He does say he's interested though. Think we might buy the game this week while it's still on discount, I imagine I would play quite a bit of this.


It was the same with Battlefront, I had no clue what I was doing at the start and I wasn't very good at it (the shooting mostly), so I started playing a more defensive role or be the one going for objectives. I can see myself doing similar in this, going for support/defense rather than offense.

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True, if you team up with just one more person you can really change the game. It kinda sucks to play on PC while all you guys play on PS4, but that's just how it goes sometimes.


But a general rule while playing as Mercy is to stick to the back, so people can come to you and get healed, instead of you staying at the front of the battle getting killed over and over. And it's up to the players you're healing to get any enemy attackers off your back. If they can't do that, they're doing a bad job :P.

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One of the things I find most annoying as support(ie Mercy as you suggest @Alak) is that people don't think about dropping back for healings - and if you're not in VC or so to tell them then you're kinda stuck. I think the game doesn't do the best of jobs in informing you of a.) when you're low on health or b.) informing you of where support healers/shielders/boosters etc are. AS support you can see teammates who need help; but as a teammate who actually needs help it isn't always too easy to identify who or where the support is that might be able to provide that - I'd like to think things'd be different if it was!


EDIT: P.S biggest thing to forget about Mercy is how dope her gun actually is; don't worry to switch up when things are quieter than boosts/heals! I'm sure someone else here could post you clips of a damn good Mercy play or two.

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The downfall of Mercy's gun is that it's so much fun to use I occasionally forget to heal people at all.


Also, you want to change the binding of the switch weapon to something more accessible than Right on the D-Pad.


I swapped mine to a left stick click ages ago - was worried at first I might misclick too often and mixup and was also tricky when I kept thinking a stick click could help me sprint(or something like that, thinking Destiny in my head) but the only time I ever have an issue and I can't figure out why is probably with Torbjorn. I swear I never or I rarely notice if I do misclicks with any other character; but with him I end up waving my gun or my turret or rather unthreateningly swinging a fucking wrench around just in front of the enemy until they shoot me in the face.

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I've not personally but I saw Daft mention his own re-bind and I know Marcamillian's moved his to similar specifically for Lucio(can I just in Overwatch's favour mention how excellent it is that they allow individual character customisations and bindings rather than a global override) and from the few times I've spectated him I can certainly say he probably moves better than I do with Lucio. I'm personally still probably too noob at wall running to properly think about managing both that AND shooting so haven't changed the binding yet - but I might soon. I'm just worried I'll end up confusing myself when it comes to jumping with the other usual suspects; but we'll see! Given he doesn't have a gun change I even contemplated putting it on the left/movement stick, but I can see it causing trouble if I'm not co-ordinated enough.

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Before Pokemon Sun takes over my life, anyone up for a few games tonight?


Not sure if I'm in or out yet this eve; but if you're about feel free to send me a PSN message(will get it on my phone even if out) and I'll let you know what I'm upto. I imagine even if I pop out I'll be on after 9/10ish, but even if I'm out and you're looking for folks to play with I'll give my mates a heads up if you want to join them :)

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Speaking of controller options, anyone tried L2 for Lucio's jump?


Mine is on L1 because I prefer a button over a trigger for jumping.


Thinking about it though, I may switch his Ultra to L2 and his BOOP to 'X' so Triangle becomes Cross-Fade. Or maybe put his BOOP on R1 and his Amp It Up on 'X'.


Now I'm confused.

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