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While I don't want to encourage leaving games, here's a bit of useful information:


If you leave a game before the “Assemble Your Team” phase is over (i.e. before you enter your starting spawn rooms):


  • It won’t count as a game played
  • You will not be considered a “leaver” in this scenario


Something to be considered if you recognize that your team members are in the process of creating a horrible hero composition and you don't want the XP penalty for leaving mid-game.

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Yeah I would've thought that was fairly obvious, as that's the time where it's populating your team anyway. Can be a good time to escape if you see three people pick Soldier 76 on a defense game :p


Played a game last night with two really annoying Torbjörn users defending, kept putting the turrets in very good places, we couldn't get the payload half way.


However, when it switched to our defense, our team was pissed, so three of us went Torbjörn in revenge :heh: they never even moved the payload off the starting block and I took out the whole team and got Torbjörn's "Raid Wipe" trophy :D

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I was getting used to both Symettra and Lucio last night. Yeah, Symettra can be surprisingly lethal when dipping in and out of play, I'm definitely going to work on my teleporter placement. Lucio, is just beastly with a team that groups up.


I've got to say, Tracer is the bane of my life whenever I play as Mercy and Symettra; I can't do enough damage to put them down quick enough and they always get away. Or grenade me.

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Awesome match from last week with @Daft and @Sheikah. I don't do anything particularly special in this video, in fact I don't even play that well, but I really enjoyed this game anyway, both teams were decent and evenly matched. I died a lot and thought it was over more than once, only for us to claw it back at overtime again.

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Leaving a match during the "Assemble Your Team" phase is working wonders. Looking at the team composition you can assess whether it's worth playing with the others or not.


From the last 5 matches, I have only played 2 and we have won them. The other 3 would've been the typical nonsense compositions (my favourite: 3 Zenyattas, Hanzo and Tracer).


I'm starting to really like Roadhog. His hook is so great for picking apart the enemy team. Icing on the cake:

"Ryuu ga waga te-UUURRGHHH"




Roses are red

Violets are blue

Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau




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I've just looked at the trophy list for the first time and my god...Rapid Discord...

"Get 4 kills or assists with Zenyatta's Orb of Discord within 6 seconds in Quick or Competitive Play."


I think it's nearly impossible without boosting beacause it's


a) very situational and

b) the Orb of Discord has a slow travel time, i.e. you need to be quite close to the 4 enemies but as we all know Zenyatta is squishy as fuck.


If you want to boost it you need a lot of players...:hmm:


Really hope Blizzard will change that. Make it 3 in 6 seconds (or 3 in 8), or 4 with 6 seconds inbetween each kill/assist.



Anyway, I'm not on a trophy hunt for Overwatch (yet) because I still can't keep track of everything at all times so there's no time for me to focus on certain activities :laughing:


Think I'll play this for a bit tonight :)

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So I don't know much about this but seen y'all talking about it and recommending in the General thread - I haven't been gaming much lately but looking to get back into it so wondering if I should pick this up. My only question is does anyone know a good place/deal for it? Once I know a price I can look to get some extra dime to cover it, but given someone compared it to TF2 in that you can play how you sort of choose I'm slightly tempted by it...

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Yes @Rummy, BUY IT. :p


Had a great match just now. We were on the defending side and lost the first objective in 60 seconds. The team adjusted (a rare sight...), we switched heroes more than once (because the enemy team did the same) and managed to get the win in the end. It was really close but so much fun :)


With the right team the game is incredible. But somehow I still get matched with a lot of morons...for every match my team wins I get 3-4 with horrible teammates. :hmm:


It will probably be even worse once competitive play launches. The good players will most likely switch to that while I don't really like competitive and get stuck with noobs in quick play :D

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Yes @Rummy, BUY IT. :p


Had a great match just now. We were on the defending side and lost the first objective in 60 seconds. The team adjusted (a rare sight...), we switched heroes more than once (because the enemy team did the same) and managed to get the win in the end. It was really close but so much fun :)


With the right team the game is incredible. But somehow I still get matched with a lot of morons...for every match my team wins I get 3-4 with horrible teammates. :hmm:


It will probably be even worse once competitive play launches. The good players will most likely switch to that while I don't really like competitive and get stuck with noobs in quick play :D


Maybe your just shit?

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I don't know. If I regularly get 3-4 gold medals in a match, mostly for objective kills and objective time because no one goes for the objective in the matches I lose, I don't consider myself shit... ::shrug:


But maybe I am shit and the others are even shittier...but then I don't know how I will ever be matched with acceptable players when I keep losing games (which apparently is the basis for "skill" in quickplay).


Not sure if I'm actually that good or Reaper is so OP


He isn't OP so I guess you are just good :D

I haven't played Reaper that much but he is such a great character for flanking and taking out tanks.

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Isn't it much more fun to buy a game knowing it's good and that's it? :p I did that for Persona 4 Golden, best decision ever.


You already know it's TF2-alike, there's not much more to know except a) there's a huge cast of characters, all very unique, all good, all working well together. b) updates will be free (paid for by optional cosmetic loot purchases). c) it's fast, pick-up-and-play, games are found very quickly and loading times are short.

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I don't know. If I regularly get 3-4 gold medals in a match, mostly for objective kills and objective time because no one goes for the objective in the matches I lose, I don't consider myself shit... ::shrug:


But maybe I am shit and the others are even shittier...but then I don't know how I will ever be matched with acceptable players when I keep losing games (which apparently is the basis for "skill" in quickplay).




He isn't OP so I guess you are just good :D

I haven't played Reaper that much but he is such a great character for flanking and taking out tanks.

Sorry I have no idea. I was just shit chatting. :heh:


I'm sure you're good. We should play sometime.

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Not really, you just seem to complain a lot about the team your on.. :D


Well, there are reasons for that :p


Maybe I just have to play more and get matched with higher level players. They might have more understanding of the game.

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Isn't it much more fun to buy a game knowing it's good and that's it? :p I did that for Persona 4 Golden, best decision ever.


You already know it's TF2-alike, there's not much more to know except a) there's a huge cast of characters, all very unique, all good, all working well together. b) updates will be free (paid for by optional cosmetic loot purchases). c) it's fast, pick-up-and-play, games are found very quickly and loading times are short.


Yeah I probs will get it it's just the bunce and time atm. I might watch some vids as I literally know pretty much nothing other than what you guys here have said and the TV ads - you mention updates - is it a game you can see yourself playing for a long time to come, even if people you know stop? I might put it off for a week or two as I'm so behind with my work and I should try and bring it home to get it sorted rather than playing video games :p

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