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Twilight Princess HD (4th March)


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Laziness? Is the Uncharted Collection pure laziness? Considering that's literally a straight port. Or Halo Master Chief Collection or Borderlands or any of the other million remakes we're getting to plug holes in release calendars.


I don't think Kav said anywhere they weren't lazy?


And anyway, Uncharted/Halo collections are just that - collections. More than one game. And they tend to be cheaper than full price, and are there as part of a fuller release calendar - not the only thing out on the console for months!


I'll still be buying it probably though...

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The point is, lazy ports are commonplace these days in gaming. It's nothing new. And this had to be made HD from standard def, which takes far more work than going from 720p to 1080p. Not to mention the new interface, dungeon, other changes to the gameplay.

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I don't think Kav said anywhere they weren't lazy?


And anyway, Uncharted/Halo collections are just that - collections. More than one game. And they tend to be cheaper than full price, and are there as part of a fuller release calendar - not the only thing out on the console for months!


I'll still be buying it probably though...


But Pokkén is out two weeks after :p

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Laziness? Is the Uncharted Collection pure laziness? Considering that's literally a straight port. Or Halo Master Chief Collection or Borderlands or any of the other million remakes we're getting to plug holes in release calendars.


It's not quite as lazy (but still is) and really it's not quite the same for a couple good reasons.


1. Uncharted Collection, Halo Master Chief Collection. That they're collections give better value for money.


2. These collections and remasters were done toward the start of their respective console's lifespans. They were done from games that look the part, the extra lick of paint makes them "fit" in the new console's library (I'm not just specifically talking about those two collections alone but all of them).

With Twilight Princess this is not the case!

This looks pretty much still a Gamecube game, yes it's been remastered but it still doesn't look the part for a WiiU game.

What's worse is that this ain't the starting years of the console's lifespan... it pretty much is it's final year!

At this stage in the WiiU's life Nintendo need to be doing more than this, much more! At this point it needs to be a full remake, not remaster, the console should be being pushed!!!

Edited by Kav
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To be fair, ignoring the clusterfuck that was the Masterchief Collection's online modes, a hell of a lot of work went into the Halo 2 remastering, as did the Halo 1 one before that. They were anything but lazy ports.


To be honest I never paid much attention to the content of that particular collection (but good they did put some effort into it!), was more just pulling up Ronnie bringing them into the discussion where Kav was purely talking about Twilight Princess.


The point is, all of these games have had a degree of work done to them, they are cheap ways of padding out a release schedule and the trend is disappointing, even if they can be great ways for people to catch up. I do think the right way to do it is in collections as in the aforementioned examples of Halo and Uncharted, and at budget prices. Twilight Princess HD being the same price as it on its original release for what amounts to not a lot more than a graphical bump and a few tweaks is pretty cheeky to be honest.

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The point is, lazy ports are commonplace these days in gaming. It's nothing new. And this had to be made HD from standard def, which takes far more work than going from 720p to 1080p. Not to mention the new interface, dungeon, other changes to the gameplay.


While this is true, let's not discredit the work that has gone into some of the more thought out HD remastered games.


The issue of price was brought up by Retro_Link due to NVC talking about it in this weeks episode. Other HD remastered are launched at a budget price and sometimes come with a collection of games on the one disc. Yes, some of these are cash grabs but you get ones like the Master Chief Collection ( Halo 1-4, with Halo 2 being massively redone ) Uncharted Collection ( 3 games and big over haul on the graphics ), Final Fantasy X HD ( X&X-2 with added features, new soundtrack, extra bosses and graphics over haul ) and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 ( multiple games, lots of extras, new bosses, extra scenes).


All of these games were launched at budget prices, which makes it even harder to justify why TP HD is a fully priced game.


I'm personally not fussed either way. The game hasn't aged well, especially the animations, and I'm not in a hurry to play it again. However, I can see why people are upset about the price given what developers/publishers are doing on other platforms.

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At this point it needs to be a full remake, not remaster, the console should be being pushed!!!


But as pointed out, TPHD basically to plug a gap in the release schedule, doing a full remake would mean we won't see it until after Zelda Wii U.


It's a shame to see it release under these conditions as a full remake would be amazing.

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1. Uncharted Collection, Halo Master Chief Collection. That they're collections give better value for money.


You could play all three Uncharted games in the time it takes to play Twilight Princess. The latter is a 40+ hour adventure. The Uncharted games are 10+ hours each. And regardless, longevity has nothing to with how lazy a re-release is or isn't. Uncharted Collection are straight ports. They went from 720p HD to 1080p HD and kept the rest of the game exactly the same. Twilight Princess HD went from SD to HD, they included a new dungeon and a dozen other gameplay tweaks. That is not laziness. It's typical gamer entitlement to demand and expect Nintendo to remake the entire game like the Wii U tech demo we saw a few years back.


At this stage in the WiiU's life Nintendo need to be doing more than this, much more![/b] At this point it needs to be a full remake, not remaster, the console should be being pushed!!!


I don't see why. The Wii U is clearly winding down and development has rightly moved to NX. And anyway, they're working on a brand new Zelda for Wii U that looks incredible!!

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At this stage in the WiiU's life Nintendo need to be doing more than this, much more! At this point it needs to be a full remake, not remaster, the console should be being pushed!!!


Tbh, I don't even think we should be having remakes/remasters, but even if we are to they certainly shouldn't be as mediocre as this!


Laziness? Is the Uncharted Collection pure laziness? Considering that's literally a straight port. Or Halo Master Chief Collection or Borderlands or any of the other million remakes we're getting to plug holes in release calendars.


From the sounds of it, about as bloody lazy as OoT3DS!


Also for those who express disdain over people bringing up the competition in here - I hope it can be recognised how a sole post like this can quickly turn a thread like this into a discussion about Uncharted etc HD remakes/masters, rather than TP HD.

Edited by Rummy
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To be fair, ignoring the clusterfuck that was the Masterchief Collection's online modes, a hell of a lot of work went into the Halo 2 remastering, as did the Halo 1 one before that. They were anything but lazy ports.


It's not quite as lazy (but still is) and really it's not quite the same for a couple good reasons.


1. Uncharted Collection, Halo Master Chief Collection. That they're collections give better value for money.


Classic N-E bullshit here!


'Ignoring the clusterfuck' and 'better value for money' in relation to the Masterchief collection - how the fuck can you ignore the fact the main portion of a game doesn't work and how can anything be better value for money when it is totally broken?


The Masterchief collection was so broken the multiplayer was completely unplayable, I actually had a mate who bought and XBO for this game and it simply didn't work. He was furious, sold the console and bought a gaming PC instead.


How on earth is this an example of Nintendo releasing something that is lazy? It's an HD port with some improvements. If you don't like the price, don't buy it. But seriously, claiming this is anything worse than the likes of Uncharted, Halo and The Last of Us is a joke. Especially as one of those games didn't even work!

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Laziness? Is the Uncharted Collection pure laziness? Considering that's literally a straight port. Or Halo Master Chief Collection or Borderlands or any of the other million remakes we're getting to plug holes in release calendars.


From the sounds of it, about as bloody lazy as OoT3DS!


Also for those who express disdain over people bringing up the competition in here - I hope it can be recognised how a sole post like this can quickly turn a thread like this into a discussion about Uncharted etc HD remakes/masters, rather than TP HD.




...I never said anything about Nintendo being lazy or spoke about Twilight Princess at all.


Can we try to get it back onto the TPHD/Zelda/Nintendo things please? We are in the Nintendo forum after all.

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Can we try to get it back onto the TPHD/Zelda/Nintendo things please? We are in the Nintendo forum after all.


No problem at all, I was only in this thread to read about TPHD to begin with. I just resented being attacked for making a single post which was a reply to someone else's comment and wasn't in any way an attack on Nintendo.

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No problem at all, I was only in this thread to read about TPHD to begin with. I just resented being attacked for making a single post which was a reply to someone else's comment and wasn't in any way an attack on Nintendo.


Yep, and I can understand that. I was using your post more to highlight exactly that effect that is had on threads by derailment such as that which I highlighted just previously!


For the record - I'm not saying don't have these discussions, but we've got Other Consoles and General Gaming, please try and have them there. I don't want to put people off when they think they're coming in to read about TPHD, but it's actually become a completely off-topic discussion instead. It's difficult to then choose between a.)being involved in what's going on or b.)posting something completely not in line with the current conversation, trying to be on topic, and it getting lost in the new sea of off-topic.

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Anyway, back to TPHD...


It'll be interesting to see if this is the first 3D Zelda game I actually complete. I've played most of them but just never seem to manage to stick with them. There's obviously something that draws me in to begin with but then I end up giving up. Wind Waker HD was the furthest I made it into a 3D Zelda game and A Link Between Worlds was the only Zelda game at all that I've actually completed.

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Classic N-E bullshit here!


'Ignoring the clusterfuck' and 'better value for money' in relation to the Masterchief collection - how the fuck can you ignore the fact the main portion of a game doesn't work and how can anything be better value for money when it is totally broken?


The Masterchief collection was so broken the multiplayer was completely unplayable, I actually had a mate who bought and XBO for this game and it simply didn't work. He was furious, sold the console and bought a gaming PC instead.


How on earth is this an example of Nintendo releasing something that is lazy? It's an HD port with some improvements. If you don't like the price, don't buy it. But seriously, claiming this is anything worse than the likes of Uncharted, Halo and The Last of Us is a joke. Especially as one of those games didn't even work!


Fair enough on MC Collection but my main point was the second point, which still stands!


At the rear of the console's life we should be getting game taking full advantage of the system, dedicated games for the system specifically. Not ports. That's why it's lazy.

Edited by Kav
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Anyway, back to TPHD...


It'll be interesting to see if this is the first 3D Zelda game I actually complete. I've played most of them but just never seem to manage to stick with them. There's obviously something that draws me in to begin with but then I end up giving up. Wind Waker HD was the furthest I made it into a 3D Zelda game and A Link Between Worlds was the only Zelda game at all that I've actually completed.


Out of interest how close to release have you played each of them? Was there anything in particular about the ones you didn't finish that put you off? I'm always curious how a series like Zelda is to people who don't really get into it, or play them at a different time to the majority of people. I know a couple people who tried OoT on 3DS and that was their first time, and they didn't get into it as much as others might expect.


Hopefully people won't feel the need to correct your opinions of the games if you didn't like certain aspects, but with a series like Zelda it may be best to brace yourself after replying to this post :p

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Out of interest how close to release have you played each of them? Was there anything in particular about the ones you didn't finish that put you off? I'm always curious how a series like Zelda is to people who don't really get into it, or play them at a different time to the majority of people. I know a couple people who tried OoT on 3DS and that was their first time, and they didn't get into it as much as others might expect.


Hopefully people won't feel the need to correct your opinions of the games if you didn't like certain aspects, but with a series like Zelda it may be best to brace yourself after replying to this post :p


*Braces self*


I played most of the 2D games years later. Link to the Past still seems like a game I should love, especially given my love of Link Between Worlds but I think I've just always been in the wrong frame of mind when playing it. I've probably only made it an hour in each time I try.


Ocarina of Time I don't think I played around launch but I was so disconnected from the rest of the N64 community and releases that I'm not actually sure. I know everyone loves OoT but that and Majoras Mask are the 3D ones I disliked the most. I obviously just didn't like the N64 all that much as I also don't like Super Mario 64. I got further in OoT3D but just got bored again.


Bought Wind Waker at launch. Loved the art style and thought it controlled a lot better but once again I think it was more of a wrong frame of mind time. I must not have had the patience or the time to stick with it. I have Wind Waker HD on my Wii U and have gotten much further into it. Granted I've also stalled on that but I at least feel the urge to carry on with it at some point. I think it's because I just barely turn my Wii U on that I don't go back to it. Games on my PC or PS4 I go back to more because I have that constant reminder.


I got Twilight Princess at launch but that was also around the time I was realising what a big mistake I'd made buying a Wii given how much I hated motion controls.


Never played Skyward Sword. The motion controls put me off.

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Laziness? Is the Uncharted Collection pure laziness? Considering that's literally a straight port. Or Halo Master Chief Collection or Borderlands or any of the other million remakes we're getting to plug holes in release calendars.


This is a full price release. The Uncharted Collection is about £25 and features 3 games that still look incredible as they are from the generation AFTER Twilight Princess here.


That's the disappointing thing here - they are simply porting a Gamecube with some minor changes. The game deserves much more than that. A full remake was needed here, not a remaster. For the price they are charging I'm a bit disappointed in them.

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Some people aren't quite getting what I mean when I say Nintendo are being lazy.


It's not the port itself that's lazy. Its that, in the final year of the WiiU's life, Nintendo have basically said "Shall we make a new WiiU game that shows off what the system can do? No. Let's port a Gamecube game."


It's that right there that is fucking lazy!

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