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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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Was their new content disappointing? Yes, it wasn't what we were hoping, however that doesn't mean they're "doing E3 wrong" or anything.




Their new content was disappointing, yet it's not like they did E3 wrong? You tokin'?


Also E3 is all about showing the press and people watching what is to come to convince people to buy your console and games. Doesn't matter what it started out as, that's what it is now. If you think otherwise then plain and simply you are wrong.

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Oh screw off. I care about my gaming experience more than the company and Nintendo develop fantastic games that boost that. I find people pigeonholing others who don't agree with their assessment to be offensive.


"I don't like this, so everyone must not like this and whoever does like it just cares about the company"


Im not trying to pigeon-hole you and make you see things my way.


But what is apparent to me is that you feel the need to defend Nintendo NO MATTER WHAT.


The fact that you kind of admitted Nintendo's E3 was a disappointment, in the very same thread and sometimes post, you draw up some other excuse in an attempt to excuse Nintendo for their poor show - Now you're saying E3 isn't about hope and expectation to soften the blow and deflect responsibility...


It doesn't seem particularly healthy, not because I am of perfect mental health - but because when someone does wrong you are naturally inclined to slate it, when someone does good - you praise it. Like last years Nintendo E3.


Imagine all the people who have been raised by parents who defended their bad actions and never gave their children an opportunity to reflect on what they have done - We now recognise some of these people as operating somewhat dysfuntionally, possibly with a warped view on reality. Same long-winded logic applies to Nintendo - if they do shit and you dont call it, they'll keep on doing shit.


But of course, if you are perfectly happy with Metroid: Fun-looking game over a Metroid Prime, or Zelda fun-looking over a full adventure or remake, or Animal Crossing: Boardgame over a FULL AC sims experience --- then ok, to each his own.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but Nintendo never promised universal voice chat etc., never announced a Metroid Prime, FZero or whatever and then cancelled it. The closest they got was the much quoted Reggie PR fluff about online being the air they breathe, and the Wii U is online. Any other features people believed it was going to have was pure speculation. It shouldn't be too hard to spot that a car doesn't have wipers, particularly if the previous model never did; if in doubt and it's essential wait until they're fitted to make your purchase. The Wii U is doing a perfectly good job at being a games console, but if you buy a Ford and expect a Ferrari you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


Sorry to bring up the PS4, but as someone whose primary interest is Japanese games in general not particularly Nintendo, I was equally looking forward to the PS4 as the Wii U. I was tempted to buy one at launch, but despite promises of games coming I had my doubts and decided to wait. And here we are with me still not having bought one and the game I'm most interested in that's currently released being a PSP/Vita port that I'd rather they just brought out on Vita. Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts etc. are still just vague undated promises and you can forget the quirkier stuff like Katamari. If I'd bought a PS4 at launch I'd be pretty annoyed, but I'd be annoyed at myself for not waiting until I'd seen enough games confirmed to justify my purchase. And I certainly wouldn't start slagging off PS4 owners who were enjoying the games and features available because Sony hadn't met my expectations or needs.


All fair points but I think there's a lot of hindsight here. The online being the air they breathe was heavily implying much MORE online functionality. There was talk about third parties, and notably a lot of fuss and buzz about the Unity engine yet I haven't seen it really translate into the amount of titles and variety I expected. There was talk of two gamepads. There was a LOT of talk about gamepad functionality and asymmetrical gaming. There was talk of no droughts. Admittedly kav basically said all this in wii u general earlier and I'm stealing some of the points - but either I retroactively applied all these things when they weren't promised or they were indeed heavily implied to be coming.

The two things I mainly bought the console for(bar a good price I still haven't seen beat really) was Smash and Zelda. The latter is strangely absent atm, which is worrying. Smash, I dunno if didn't quite hit the spot as well as I expected but at the end of the day the game got delivered. I think that's the thing - all these things have arguably been delivered and one can argue that - but the quality of them? It's like I got my wipers, but they're made out of cardboard, and so now I'm not allowed to complain.


Ofc, I also said I'd want/get a PS4 and I haven't though - and who knows, even with a PS4 I might get equally disillusioned and not touch it much, but I think the online aspects there might keep me coming back - only time will tell. And money. Need some of that blasted money!!


Listening to Jonny Metts on the most recent Away team RFN podcast, and he brought a good point about the features of the New 3DS, and why is it that Nintendo have seemingly forgot that this new console exists. He was well ticked off that no new New 3DS compatible games were announced. Sure games like Metroid Prime: Federation Force will have additional features (i.e. the c-stick), but no exclusive titles. Being such an early purchaser myself I feel disappointed, not angry. How about others?


Ykno I thought about this during the digital event and was going to mention it afterwards. When they announced Hyrule Warriors I thought it was gonna be N3DS only due to the greater power lending to having more going on in game etc. I was kinda surprised later how the 'new' 3ds was generally absent from anything though(not even Treehouse). I wondered during the event how many it's sold etc and if there's a concern there about low install base and so it's going to be yet to get much focus. Ofc I don't mind as I don't have one, and feel slightly glad for that at this moment, but I can of course exactly see how frustrating it might be otherwise.

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I wouldn't bother watching that video @Serebii it's just a rant (edit: too late but the rest of my post stands anyway). If I bought a car and it didn't have wipers, a boot, air con and whatever when I needed them surely that's my fault for not researching the car? I also expect the restaurant to have quite a lot of say in what I eat; I wouldn't go into an Italian restaurant if I wanted a curry. If you buy a console on blind faith that it will have certain features and games purely because it has the name Nintendo on it (and this is what I did before anyone thinks I'm having a go), then you really have no business sneering at other people for being fanboys.



No, we all have expectations - ESPECIALLY when the Directors speak of better online experiences, better third party collaboration etc - They didn't have to say these things.


At the very least you EXPECT a Mario game or a Zelda just because its got Nintendo written on the tin. Your logic implies that we shouldn't have expectations at all - which is flawed because even you have certain expectations (Thinking there would be more N3DS specfic titles since you bought one).

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Two years ago Nintendo revealed Mario 3D World, Smash Wii U + 3DS, Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong, Wind Waker HD and Xenoblade for the very first time, and people were still complaining it was a terrible showing. That truly boggled the mind, especially with a supporting cast of Link Between Worlds, Pokemon X/Y and Bayonetta.


If the fans weren't satisfied with that, arguably Nintendo's best E3 showing in years, then 2015 had no hope.

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At any rate the issue at hand was that @Clownferret clearly has no interest in the series, so why does it even matter how different they are?


On the contrary I like COD very much and have all 3 current gen versions. My issue was/is that I don't need 4 versions of COD, FIFA, Batman or any game for that matter within 2 years all costing £40+ and extras to "essentially" play the same game over and again. I think it's a problem the industry needs to look at. I have a 9 year old son who is constantly wanting FUT packs on FIFA and yet I know in a couple of months all that money is redundant as he'll want FIFA 16. The fact that there is even an option to spend £79.99 on FIFA points is bordering on criminal.

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The two things I mainly bought the console for(bar a good price I still haven't seen beat really) was Smash and Zelda. The latter is strangely absent atm, which is worrying.


This is my feeling on the matter. The Wii especially made me cautious of buying Nintendo consoles, so I waited until I was sure there was enough I wanted for Wii U. Last year's E3 did that for me - the Zelda showing, combined with the already-released games, made for a pretty good line-up.


In my opinion, the Zelda delay announced in March is the thing that has tipped the balance. This year's E3 has merely confirmed the suspicions that started to arise back then.


The Wii U had a handful of critically-acclaimed games over the past year and was on its way to being seen as a console that'd be more appreciated in the future. However, the events this year - the Zelda delay, no possibility of a Metroid Prime, seemingly no more big games planned - has reduced the system's potential. That's what this is all about, not just one 50-minute show.

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Just to clarify, I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with the way they've handled the Wii U situation. I completely understand why people are disappointed and even feel misled, and they have every right to be critical. I just think people need to be more realistic about what they can expect from Nintendo, and stop expecting them to directly compete with Sony/Microsoft when they're clearly fixated on a different market. Not because I think people are wrong to want that or because I don't want that, but because they are likely to be disappointed. You can already see people building up expectations for the NX, how Nintendo must be saving all these big franchises, how it's going to have these features, that Nintendo must surely have learned, it'll be out next year... but we know barely anything other than it exists and we'll hear more at the next E3. By all means speculate and dream, but that's all it is.


Most of all though, if you've got complaints about Nintendo then vent at them not other gamers! I'm fed up with coming on here and seeing people hide behind the fact it's okay to be disappointed and critical of Nintendo as an excuse to throw insults and sneers at other forum members. It's tough enough being a Nintendo fan at the moment without turning on each other. Was it really necessary to mention serebii when you posted that video @King_V, do you honestly think that his behaviour is such that it's okay to imply he's mentally retarded? That was my main issue with the post, not that you feel disappointed with Nintendo.

Your logic implies that we shouldn't have expectations at all - which is flawed because even you have certain expectations (Thinking there would be more N3DS specfic titles since you bought one).

I never said I expected more N3DS specific titles. On the contrary, I upgraded to New3DS purely because my original 3DS needed replacing, and I don't expect to see many New3DS exclusive titles just like we never saw many DSi exclusives. As for the Wii U, there are games I hoped to see but haven't, there are features I would have liked but which aren't there, but I bought the Wii U knowing that those games and features were possibilities not certainties. If there was something I felt was a requirement for me to enjoy the machine and I wasn't confident in Nintendo providing it then I would not have purchased one until they did so.


@Clownferret Sorry, that was just how I interpreted your post. My point was more about how two people can have different opinions on how similar games are without either being wrong anyway.

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Two years ago Nintendo revealed Mario 3D World, Smash Wii U + 3DS, Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong, Wind Waker HD and Xenoblade for the very first time, and people were still complaining it was a terrible showing. That truly boggled the mind, especially with a supporting cast of Link Between Worlds, Pokemon X/Y and Bayonetta.


If the fans weren't satisfied with that, arguably Nintendo's best E3 showing in years, then 2015 had no hope.

One of my issues is with the people who were complaining about "We know about this game" for Nintendo stuff, yet Halo 5 has had its 3rd E3, Uncharted 4 has had its second among countless others and they weren't vocal at that.


They're still upcoming games and deserve as much attention as the rest. This is part of the mentality I was referring to earlier.


Im not trying to pigeon-hole you and make you see things my way.


But what is apparent to me is that you feel the need to defend Nintendo NO MATTER WHAT.


The fact that you kind of admitted Nintendo's E3 was a disappointment, in the very same thread and sometimes post, you draw up some other excuse in an attempt to excuse Nintendo for their poor show - Now you're saying E3 isn't about hope and expectation to soften the blow and deflect responsibility...


It doesn't seem particularly healthy, not because I am of perfect mental health - but because when someone does wrong you are naturally inclined to slate it, when someone does good - you praise it. Like last years Nintendo E3.


Imagine all the people who have been raised by parents who defended their bad actions and never gave their children an opportunity to reflect on what they have done - We now recognise some of these people as operating somewhat dysfuntionally, possibly with a warped view on reality. Same long-winded logic applies to Nintendo - if they do shit and you dont call it, they'll keep on doing shit.


But of course, if you are perfectly happy with Metroid: Fun-looking game over a Metroid Prime, or Zelda fun-looking over a full adventure or remake, or Animal Crossing: Boardgame over a FULL AC sims experience --- then ok, to each his own.

I don't try to defend Nintendo no matter what. This Digital Event, I won't defend. What I can do, however, is explain or try to find reasons for it sucking. That's not me defending, that's me trying to create logical reasons for it to suck rather than jumping on the "hurr durrr Nintendo suck" train on the Internet right now.


There's also the fact that my vocational future is directly linked to Nintendo's future. If they fail, I'm fucked.

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I don't try to defend Nintendo no matter what. This Digital Event, I won't defend. What I can do, however, is explain or try to find reasons for it sucking. That's not me defending, that's me trying to create logical reasons for it to suck rather than jumping on the "hurr durrr Nintendo suck" train on the Internet right now.


There's also the fact that my vocational future is directly linked to Nintendo's future. If they fail, I'm fucked.


I don't want to get hung up on this but it's something you do often - you claim you aren't doing something but at the same time are essentially doing it. Why do you need to find reasons to explain it sucking, if not forming a defense? What purpose do they possibly serve, bar defending and explaining the behaviour?


Also you keep using the word logical. You can't 'create logical reasons'. If they're logical, they exist - without your creation.


Essentially I think you really need to consider both your use, and interpretation, of language. You want to be literal one minute but not the next - it's difficult to understand and leads to so many issues here.

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@King_V, do you honestly think that his behaviour is such that it's okay to imply he's mentally retarded? That was my main issue with the post, not that you feel disappointed with Nintendo.





You don't need to defend Serebii, I quoted him not you. I'm hoping @Serebii can see the jest in me directing the video to him and hopefully he knows that I bare no malice towards him and always talk to him on a level, esp regarding Pokemon.


In this regard, I think you can mind your own business.

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I don't want to get hung up on this but it's something you do often - you claim you aren't doing something but at the same time are essentially doing it. Why do you need to find reasons to explain it sucking, if not forming a defense? What purpose do they possibly serve, bar defending and explaining the behaviour?


Also you keep using the word logical. You can't 'create logical reasons'. If they're logical, they exist - without your creation.


Essentially I think you really need to consider both your use, and interpretation, of language. You want to be literal one minute but not the next - it's difficult to understand and leads to so many issues here.

You're splitting hairs.

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There's also the fact that my vocational future is directly linked to Nintendo's future. If they fail, I'm fucked.


EXACTLY! And I kind of respect you for this level of... loyalty. But it still means that your opinions will be biased and in favour for Nintendo.

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You're splitting hairs.


So you're once again not taking the points on board? I'm not saying it out of malice, but I always get the impression that anything said at all comes across to you as a criticism you have to defend, and have the last word on - to post telling me I'm splitting hairs - does it do anything productive? Like what is that post even supposed to do here?


I can't fix or change you, but I also have to express sincerely that I think you have some issues you could genuinely work on - whether you wish to hear that or not. I think ultimately you struggle to comprehend that, but if you're going to continue to be defensive to any of it there's nothing I, or others here, can do. It is going to continue to cause you problems in the community here if not elsewhere too, but really at the end of the day it's all up to you.


What is your job :D?


He runs Bulbapedia ;)

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Sorry, that was a joke given his sig. He runs Serebii.net(with Bulbapedia arguably being his main competition, I was poking fun at it there).


Hahahahahahah,a OK :), I have no clue about Pokemons (I know about the game and the show, but that's it), so you can tell me anything you want and I will belive you :D.

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One of my issues is with the people who were complaining about "We know about this game" for Nintendo stuff, yet Halo 5 has had its 3rd E3, Uncharted 4 has had its second among countless others and they weren't vocal at that.


Instead of moaning about other peoples opinions surely it's better to ask them why? Why is it people are less jaded with other companies and willing to let them show games several times without getting irate about it.

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There's also the fact that my vocational future is directly linked to Nintendo's future. If they fail, I'm fucked.


You've managed to withstand major changes to web and graphical standards and your site is still going. I think you could keep going even if Nintendo failed :heh:


I jest of course!

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IGN’s Best Of E3 2015 Award Winners.


Game of the Show: Star Wars Battlefront

Runner-Up: Fallout 4


Best PS4 Game: Horizon

Runner-Up: Uncharted 4


Best XB1 Game: Cuphead

Runners-Up: Fallout 4, For Honor, Star Wars Battlefron


Best Wii U Game: Super Mario Maker

Runner-Up: Yoshi’s Woolly World


Best PC Game: Fallout 4

Runner-Up: For Honor


Best 3DS Game: The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes


Best Vita Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night


Best Action Game: Uncharted 4, For Honor

Runner-Up: Horizon


Best Shooter: Star Wars Battlefront

Runners-Up: Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Ghost Recon: Wildlands


Best Fighting Game: Street Fighter V


Best Platformer: Cuphead, Super Mario Maker

Runner-Up: Unravel


Best Sports Game: FIFA 16


Best Racing Game: Need For Speed


Best RPG: Fallout 4

Runner-Up: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


Best Strategy Game: XCOM 2

Runner-Up: Fire Emblem Fates


Best Music Game: Rock Band 4


Best Adventure Game: No Man’s Sky

Runner-Up: Below


Best Trailer: SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire

Runner-Up: Dishonored 2


Coolest Tech: Microsoft Holo-Lens


Biggest Surprise: Final Fantasy VII Remake

Runner-Up: Xbox One Backwards Compatibility


Best VR Experience: Adr1ft

Runner-Up: Edge of Nowhere

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You've managed to withstand major changes to web and graphical standards and your site is still going. I think you could keep going even if Nintendo failed :heh:


I jest of course!

You cretin :p My site is up to date with changes and standards. You just don't know it! When was the last time you visited?

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