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Nintendo Direct - April 1st - 11pm BST


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I literally don't care about anything else right now! (Well, downloadable GCN games would be nice too - but only if the PAL releases are fixed to support 480p this time around ;) )

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Just realised one thing I'd like out of this - XCX date!! Might not stay up for it and just catch the catchups, but that'd be something for me to look forward to. Any surprise game/reveals would interest me too I guess.

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The worlds most obvious an boring predictions... fuck me serebii live a little :)


I'm hyped, always am, possibility is the worlds most exciting thing! It creates untold disappointment but oh well, that period just before of "but what if" is too good a feeling. In all aspects of life!!!


Nintendo have already said their will be "announcements" so there'll be some new stuff, as to what scale?! Though I guess release dates could be classed as announcements... don't think so though. New amiibo, new services, new games - amiibo - splatoon, obvious, but it really can be no other thing, services - likely - N64 games, but I hope for Virtual Boy, or an amiibo gallery app, new game - some small eshop offering, I hope for SNES remix, I think a reveal of that Project Treasure, or a Fatal Framal localisation.

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I might as well watch the Direct, no point missing one now. I can keep one eye on the movie and the other on the Direct. That way I can zone out when they start talking about the boring stuff like Mario Maker, Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition or similar dribble.

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I might as well watch the Direct, no point missing one now. I can keep one eye on the movie and the other on the Direct. That way I can zone out when they start talking about the boring stuff like Mario Maker, Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition or similar dribble.


I really don't understand why you're a nintendo fan. You're not bothered by Kirby, yoshi, mario maker, splatoon, toad, NES remix.... What games DO you like? What games did you like on the Wii?


Serious question, not a dig, but I just wonder what games you do actually like bar Xenoblade. I can barely remember you being positive about a game.

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I'm not really hyped. I normally go to sleep at 11 each night, so am staying up for this but only because it's a bank holiday so it's technically Friday tomorrow. :laughing:


I don't imagine there will be anything that makes me stupidly excited though.

Like others have said, probably just official release dates for the likes of Wooly World etc.


Would very much like to see some 3DS announcements, as it's really quiet for the console the next few months.

I'd like to see Metroid Prime be remade for the new 3DS though. Random, but would be very welcome.

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I really don't understand why you're a nintendo fan. You're not bothered by Kirby, yoshi, mario maker, splatoon, toad, NES remix.... What games DO you like? What games did you like on the Wii?


Serious question, not a dig, but I just wonder what games you do actually like bar Xenoblade. I can barely remember you being positive about a game.


That's a really silly statement. MK8, Smash, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, MH3U, ZombiU, tonnes more 3rd party games, a load of VC and indie games.


Excuse me for not liking or not excusing lazy efforts. I want Zelda, Xenoblade X. Will see about Yoshi's Woolly World, the same with Starfox but we know nothing about them, would be buying Splatoon but I'm making a stand against Nintendo's decision to omit voice chat. If they announce Metroid or F-Zero I'll be delighted.

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I really don't understand why you're a nintendo fan. You're not bothered by Kirby, yoshi, mario maker, splatoon, toad, NES remix.... What games DO you like? What games did you like on the Wii?


Serious question, not a dig, but I just wonder what games you do actually like bar Xenoblade. I can barely remember you being positive about a game.


I know he's claimed to at least have played the fuck out of Mario Kart 8, which is a lot better than I have. Iirc he also savagely thinks TP isn't that bad whilst SS is(spolier:they're both poor but feel free to quote me and take it to the Zelda thread), and...I think some other games I can't recall. Whilst I do see Wii complain a lot, I do see him give some things their due.

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