Ashley Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 That date is a Saturday, nothing ever gets released on a Saturday. I'll have you know I was born on a Saturday thank you very much!
Dcubed Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 I'll have you know I was born on a Saturday thank you very much! Yeah, but you wouldn't unlock anything if I picked you up and placed you on my Gamepad, so you don't count :p If only you came out just one day before...
Nolan Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 I'll have you know I was born on a Saturday thank you very much! You weren't released, you escaped.
dazzybee Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 I'm pretty certain that release date "leak" is nothing more than someone from the UK Nintendo Store copy/pasting the release date for TPHD/Wolf Link Amiibo and changing the 6 to a 7. That date is a Saturday, nothing ever gets released on a Saturday. Also why would the Nintendo UK Store have access to confidential information like that at this point? The store isn't even run directly by them, it's run by The Hut; so they'd probably get the info at the same time as everyone else. That NVC comment about the controllers using IR is a direct reference to the patent (that we've already seen) that shows that the detachable controllers are connected to the screen via IR (they work exactly the same way that the Circle Pad Pro does on 3DS). There's nothing in that conversation that's actually new, it's just a roundup of the rumours/patent filings that are already floating around. Except they talk about each one and the feasibility of them and mention chatting to devs themselves... So yeah it is a roundup, that's the whole point of the discussion, but they also input what they've heard themselves.
Hero-of-Time Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 Except they talk about each one and the feasibility of them and mention chatting to devs themselves... So yeah it is a roundup, that's the whole point of the discussion, but they also input what they've heard themselves. Exactly. I listened to it this morning and it was a good discussion and round up. It was good to hear Peer confirm that they've heard similar things from their sources. He's been in the industry a hell of a long time and I trust the things he says.
Josh64 Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 Just Dance is primarily used with smart phones as controllers now so just because that game is coming doesn't mean there has to be a form of motion controller and I really hope there isn't. If Wii U was confusing then how confusing will a handheld/home hybrid with detachable controllers, middle screens and motion controllers be.
Ronnie Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 Exactly. I listened to it this morning and it was a good discussion and round up. It was good to hear Peer confirm that they've heard similar things from their sources. He's been in the industry a hell of a long time and I trust the things he says. I just wish IGN would stop shoe-horning Jared into every single video they make. I can't stand the man.
Dcubed Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 World Exclusive NX Reveal! You're welcome : peace:
Hero-of-Time Posted September 18, 2016 Posted September 18, 2016 I just wish IGN would stop shoe-horning Jared into every single video they make. I can't stand the man. They don't really shoehorn him in. Most the staff jump between shows like Anime Club, Beyond and Podcast Unlocked. I think Jared is great. His knowledge about retro gaming, especially the Nintendo side of things is amazing. It was a great episode made even better due to the fact that the the fanboy that is Jose was elsewhere. I'd enjoy NVC much more if he didn't host and they got someone more neutral.
Ronnie Posted September 18, 2016 Posted September 18, 2016 They don't really shoehorn him in. Most the staff jump between shows like Anime Club, Beyond and Podcast Unlocked. I think Jared is great. His knowledge about retro gaming, especially the Nintendo side of things is amazing. It was a great episode made even better due to the fact that the the fanboy that is Jose was elsewhere. I'd enjoy NVC much more if he didn't host and they got someone more neutral. Jared is just too overbearing for me, especially on Game Scoop, where he now sadly seems to be a permanent fixture. He can't stop talking and dominating the conversation and I think his 'lovable weirdo' persona is a little bit faked. I find him incredibly annoying, to the point where I actually skip ahead on Scoop whenever he gets into his one of his ten minute monologues. Jose is no more a fanboy than other IGN-ers in their respective podcasts, but he's definitely not afraid to criticise Nintendo. I actually think he has far more insight and level headed thinking than Jared. My problem with Jose is his obsession with time keeping and wanting to move conversations along.
Hero-of-Time Posted September 18, 2016 Posted September 18, 2016 Jose is no more a fanboy than other IGN-ers in their respective podcasts, but he's definitely not afraid to criticise Nintendo. I actually think he has far more insight and level headed thinking than Jared. My problem with Jose is his obsession with time keeping and wanting to move conversations along. The guy goes far too easy on them. There's been times when Peer and Brian have, quite rightly so, criticised the company but Jose argued against their points for some bizarre reason. He's done this a fair few times. Max Scoville, Alana Pearce, Andrew Goldfarb and Brain Altano aren't biased at all on Beyond, in fact many people have complained numerous times that they don't care enough about the PS and that they just prat around and talk about nonsense during Beyond. It's why they lost a lot of their listeners to PS I Love You. Colin and Greg were great when they were on Beyond but they weren't afraid to slag Sony off, despite being MASSIVE fans of the company. Hell, Colin still does it too this day on PS I Love You, even to the point where the whole of Neogaf essentially tuned on him during this past week. That was a crazy thread. Ryan from Podcast Beyond has had no issue slagging off Microsoft on the show, especially during the early years of the One. Also, his special podcast where he managed to sit down with 3 of the previous Xbox head honchos was amazing. One of the best podcast episodes i've ever listened to. He gets my respect for that. I do agree with you when you say Jose is constantly watching the clock. The guy needs to let the conversation just flow and be natural. Who cares if the podcast goes on longer than it should? RFN usually put out a 2 hour episode every week and the time just flies by due to the good banter. To be fair, NVC is a bit of a mess as a whole. They skip weeks, have short shows, don't have a main panel every week ( baffling when you think it's their job and not a fan made one ), have awful panel replacements ( Kallie and co have no business being on the show and are useless when anything outside of Pokemon gets brought up ), they disregard a lot of the European side of things, the stupid reviews they've started to read out every week ( how about you read out a less flattering one? ) and they never go too in depth when Directs and stuff happen. I still listen to it every week but there are far better Nintendo podcasts out there. I would say we should get back on topic but it's the NX thread, so there's nothing to really talk about.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 Some recent positivety:
Ronnie Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 Even the Wii U, for all of its problems, has produced some of the best games of this generation, including Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, Pikmin 3, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker and many more. Great read, some much needed positivity.
Rummy Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 I dunno, I'd have to ask why if they've been such good games for this generation that the majority of them haven't managed to keep me interested past a few hours. The only one I find truly fresh for this generation was probably Splatoon(>100 hours). Even Smash for me didn't live up to its predecessors for reasons I'm still not sure if I can quite place - something was lost between Brawl and 4 I think. I'd say Mario Maker's the next up for mixing things up more than the others(barring Splatoon) but even then the stupid item/tool wall they put in assuming everyone was a Mario noob made me stop caring for the game.
Kav Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 (edited) Even the Wii U, for all of its problems, has produced some of the best games of this generation, including Super Mario 3D World (should've had online), Mario Kart 8 (should've had better online options/matchmaking & voice-chat), Super Smash Bros (should've had voice-chat), Pikmin 3 (should've had online), Splatoon (should've had voice-chat), Super Mario Maker and many more. I agree that all of the above games were good, each with fantastic gameplay. Yet, as pointed out above, they could've been better and would've been more appealing as a result. Most gamers this gen will turn away from games that offer/focus on multiplayer but are not offering online multiplayer... and not being able to talk to your friends whilst gaming will put even more off. The NX need address this! Edited September 19, 2016 by Kav
Ronnie Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 I agree that all of the above games were good, each with fantastic gameplay. Yet, as pointed out above, they could've been better and would've been more appealing as a result. Most gamers this gen will turn away from games that offer/focus on multiplayer but are not offering online multiplayer... and not being able to talk to your friends whilst gaming will put even more off. The NX need address this! Fantastic games could have been more fantastic, yep you're right. We've all heard the negatives about the Wii U and its library, many times.
dazzybee Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 Big rumours of a rival this week??! Obviously it'd be amazing, but can't see it, would they really give a day or two to announce when they're going to reveal their next console and then just release a video? Feels a little slight.
Kav Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 (edited) Fantastic games could have been more fantastic, yep you're right. We've all heard the negatives about the Wii U and its library, many times. Yeah, they could've been considered amongst the greats. My point is that it's Nintendo that let them down and they they can't afford to be letting them down again. Everyone goes on about Nintendo's unrivalled First Party, but it does little in reality for the sales of their hardware. If they upped their game with their games, they'd fare a little better. If they up their game with their hardware too (functions wise) they may just do well. Edited September 19, 2016 by Kav
Ronnie Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 Silly me for trying to inject some positivity, not sure what I was thinking. To me Kav, the games they listed as some of the best of this generation, are amongst the greats. We obviously see things differently.
Rummy Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 I agree that all of the above games were good, each with fantastic gameplay. Yet, as pointed out above, they could've been better and would've been more appealing as a result. Most gamers this gen will turn away from games that offer/focus on multiplayer but are not offering online multiplayer... and not being able to talk to your friends whilst gaming will put even more off. The NX need address this! Do you know, of all the games to miss off the list they made - I'm surprised they left out Nintendoland(lack of online aside) as I still think it's possibly one of the most revolutionary and Wii U-esque games they made. The experience is still one I'm not quite sure you'd see on a games console, probably more like on mobiles/tablets for the asymmetrical experience. Still relevant too - we had quite a laugh* with it at Zell's the night before the meet. (*Maybe not me. I take Mario chase far too much to heart :p) Tbh with the games on the list I was probably pointing fingers not so much at lack of online - because it's been done and is inherent to the system not the games. Smash lost something I can't fully place. Pikmin was lovely and beautiful but its changing to fruits from quirky objects really killed some part of that for me(props to multi-captain multi-tasking, gamepad was good for that too). Mario 3D World was ok but it didn't hold me - maybe lack of local multiplayer opportunities to me now/at the time; or maybe it was a bit too much feeling like SM3DL(which I played fully through, iirc). I actually was about to praise that game when I saw the list - but then realised I confused World for Land! Splatoon as I said, 'online' faults aside, was really quite refreshing even if not directly/fully taking advantage of the WiiU's gamepad setup, and definitely a game of the generation. MK8 for me, was still must too much more of the same old done thing. Mario Maker's wall was very frustrating though - especially as it wasn't entirely clear how to get all the building bits(even tried a 'cheat' guide but it didn't work for me, must have missed something out and just given up at that point). I was actually thinking whilst I made that post - for the newbs who they felt needed a staggered progression on the making side - implement either the literal time/days option(ie takes a week/7 days of play), a buliding usage/time option(i think was the final implementation), but then also offer some sort of playing option too! Either you play X amount of fan-made levels with Y amount of objects in them, or rather more - give the player some classic, but tricky, levels to play through. If I could have chosen - I'd have gladly preferred maybe attempting to play through World 8(or the whole of, with warps ) SMB1 in order to unlock all the tools. Maybe pick a selection of the hardest levels from all the Mario games whose themes are present - any Mario fan worth their salt should surely have beaten them all already, and able to do so again? Would have been a nice touch for the longer-term fans too. Instead, the game rather annoyingly and arrogantly assumed that because I hadn't created any Mario levels in my life(which, coincidentally, I actually have!) that I shouldn't or wouldn't be allowed to use the later tools until I'd done a ton of creating in this game itself. Almost silly in itself, as the way they designed the designer actually gave rise to a fairly acceptable standard for the few short and basic levels I created, I felt. I took more issue later with the content that was actually available, the organisation systems etc. - lots more could have been done there but I didn't feel it let it down as much as this weird content lock on the maker that really got my goat after I'd picked up the game being rather excited. I mean all of this isn't really NX relevant per se - but I feel they need to be mindful of things like these and what gives the games their edges when they move forwards. I don't mind them trying to build games that are friendly to new players - but also consider making games that are also 'friendly'(or maybe even rather unfriendly) to the older and more seasoned players. For something such as Mario that's been such a part of my life for so long, what they did with Mario Maker really let me down for a number of reasons that I felt were due to losing focus on the audiences - which I think is something that's been felt about Nintendo as a whole over the last generation or two.
Kav Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 It's not that I was pointing out negativity, moreso that I was trying to show further positive steps Nintendo could and should be taking for their next generation.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 (edited) Unless we're living in rainbow land surrounded by plushy teddie bears and unicorns - no intelligent and dynamic discussion is ever just positive (or negative) - because in reality things aren't just black and white, the sweet spot is that area of grey. I appreciated the article I posted, but that doesn't mean I rate the Wii U games they mentioned to an extreme degree... The only outstanding game of the list was Pikmin 3 - and yes, Nintendo could have made it better by including an online mode. If they added in the randomization of levels they added in Pikmin 2 with the caves, it would have made for an awesome experience that people would be playing for a long time. Theres nothing even negative about mentioning ways to improve things. Do you know, of all the games to miss off the list they made - I'm surprised they left out Nintendoland(lack of online aside) as I still think it's possibly one of the most revolutionary and Wii U-esque games they made. The experience is still one I'm not quite sure you'd see on a games console, probably more like on mobiles/tablets for the asymmetrical experience. Still relevant too - we had quite a laugh* with it at Zell's the night before the meet. (*Maybe not me. I take Mario chase far too much to heart :p) Aye, Nintendoland was sweet as a bundled demo - The two player Zelda experience was pure fun and I was happy to see my non-gamer girlfriend eager to play it with me and to be addicted to the Yoshi game. With the franchises the game represented, I guess it was also a moment of seeing what may be in store for the Wii U. From it, I thought maybe we'd see: Links Crossbow training 2 (online/multiplayer), Metroid, F-Zero and more of that ninja game... A Nintendoland 2 (online) seemed reasonable too. Edited September 19, 2016 by King_V
Rummy Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 Unless we're living in rainbow land surrounded by plushy teddie bears and unicorns - no intelligent and dynamic discussion is ever just positive (or negative) - because in reality things aren't just black and white, the sweet spot is that area of grey. I appreciated the article I posted, but that doesn't mean I rate the Wii U games they mentioned to an extreme degree... The only outstanding game of the list was Pikmin 3 - and yes, Nintendo could have made it better by including an online mode. If they added in the randomization of levels they added in Pikmin 2 with the caves, it would have made for an awesome experience that people would be playing for a long time. Theres nothing even negative about mentioning ways to improve things. Obviously that first part is absolutely true - I don't know why this positive/negative thing constantly gets brought up. I think your Pikmin 3 point kinda goes with my points to raise something that I recall came up before - too much franchise fatigue and sequel-itis. You can't have a Pikmin 3 without it immediately being looked at in terms of possibly Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2 and what they've done, compared to what it's done with itself since. Barring Splatoon and probably Mario Maker for its big flip in approach(plus the unmentioned Nintendoland) - I think the other titles just weren't fresh or revolutionary enough. I know the whole 1st party/2nd party debate comes up time and again - but I really really want them to try and create new experiences for the NX. Whilst delayed, it does look like BotW despite being a Zelda game and running of its name is being designed in a way quite contrary to the series usual approach - and that's exciting! I felt like probably too many of the Wii U's decisions and offerings were 'safe' - built too heavily upon previous games rather than bringing new ideas and designs to the table(one of the biggest selling points of the console, and something I don't feel was truly realised or utilised in the way Nintendoland, a launch title, was). Of course, with the things we've seen so far of rumours and potential approaches - it does seem they're trying to step outside of the comfort zone. I just hope they go far enough, but also remember to get some support with it too - there's a definite arrogance sometimes I feel from Nintendo where they feel they don't need to fully listen to everyone else; I still think Sony used to be the same but they made the PS4 a success by turning that attitude right around and doing their best to be open. If Nintendo are prepared, willing and go through with trying similar - I think they can come out on top again.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 Obviously that first part is absolutely true - I don't know why this positive/negative thing constantly gets brought up. I think your Pikmin 3 point kinda goes with my points to raise something that I recall came up before - too much franchise fatigue and sequel-itis. You can't have a Pikmin 3 without it immediately being looked at in terms of possibly Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2 and what they've done, compared to what it's done with itself since. Absolutely man - safe plays and franchise fatigue. But also sometimes a lack of continuity; Pikmin 2 for example had a multiplayer mode and Pikmin 3 didn't - I don't get this. The logical thing to do with sequels IMO is to improve upon everything that was previously done. That two steps forward, one step back mentality plagues Nintendo - why?? Anyhow, I'll try to remain optimistic with the NX whilst being slightly pissed with each passing day this month with no reveal... I had a dream last few nights ago about a 1080 NX, playing online matches at home and then taking it on a plane working on a course/board/player editor and doing that single-player trick mode...
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