Falcon_BlizZACK Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 http://www.1up.com/news/revolution-controller-revealed while the wii released at the end of 2006, so about 14 months later. We had a fair amount of time. Certainly at E3 2006 people were able to get hands on experience with the tech. Even if tomorrow we wake up and Nintendo have said "surprise!" and revealed the NX... that would be 7 months from reveal to release in the wild. pretty crazy See 14 months sounds just about right, people anticipated it for over year, bandwagoning off info every quarter or so, plus hands-on experience at E3. Then a Christmas rush for it - sounds just perfect.
Hero-of-Time Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 Is this complete lack of information so close to a launch unprecedented? They haven't even said when they are going to officially announced it and it comes out in a little over 6 months. This secret they are so scared of being copied better be bloody worth it. This is what annoys me. They could easily say something in regards to when first the NX showing will happen, but instead everyone is left twiddling their thumbs. Surely they know by now when they are planning on showing the thing. I'm still not convinced that it's actually coming in March and everyday there is zero news of the reveal date, I think more and more that the NX is getting pushed back.
Pestneb Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 looking on wikipedia I came across two bits: An executive for Frontline Studios stated that major publishers were wary of releasing exclusive titles for the Wii, due to the perception that third-party companies were not strongly supported by consumers. Pretty much the issue with Nintendo is us.. Those who like 3rd party titles own the other consoles... and those who don't only own a Wii U and rarely purchase 3rd party titles. It makes Nintendo unattractive to 3rd parties. 1UP.com editor Jeremy Parish stated that Nintendo was the biggest disappointment for him in 2007. Commenting on the lack of quality third-party support, he stated that "the Wii landscape is bleak. Worse than it was on N64. Worse than on GameCube...the resulting third-party content is overwhelmingly bargain-bin trash." And the problem with the Wii U is the Wii... the Wii was unable to capitalize on it's market leading position because it was under powered. That took Nintendo out of the third party picture for a whole generation really. AAAND... See 14 months sounds just about right, people anticipated it for over year, bandwagoning off info every quarter or so, plus hands-on experience at E3. Then a Christmas rush for it - sounds just perfect. The console was announced on August 17, 2011 and released in Europe and North America in October 2011 So maybe We'll hear info around January This is what annoys me. They could easily say something in regards to when first the NX showing will happen, but instead everyone is left twiddling their thumbs. Surely they know by now when they are planning on showing the thing. I'm still not convinced that it's actually coming in March and everyday there is zero news of the reveal date, I think more and more that the NX is getting pushed back. The twist is that the NX isn't a console at all, Nintendo will announce in March that they are becoming 3rd party developers
Ronnie Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 See 14 months sounds just about right, people anticipated it for over year, bandwagoning off info every quarter or so, plus hands-on experience at E3. Then a Christmas rush for it - sounds just perfect. You think 14 months to wait for a new console sounds good? Wow. Give me 6 months from reveal to release any day. Heres your prize for being a most valued Nintendo representative: You've earned it. Congratulations you managed to top even this... It does reek of a classic arrogant Nintendo who thinks they have the bomb but ends up being a dud. I'm waiting to be proved wrong. when it comes to stupid posts. Three wildly successful consoles and one dud. Classic arrogant Nintendo.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 I think more and more that the NX is getting pushed back. Not great for that Nintendo mindshare - There seems to be nothing relevant and new for long periods of time, just giving their competition more time and appeal to attract Wii U and other gamers. As someone who will day one the NX without knowing about it now, I will surely think twice once I get a PS4 for FF15. I'm confused @Pestneb what console released in 2011 The console was announced on August 17, 2011 and released in Europe and North America in October 2011
Ronnie Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 This is what annoys me. They could easily say something in regards to when first the NX showing will happen, but instead everyone is left twiddling their thumbs. Sony just announced when their September event is, a month beforehand. Makes sense that Nintendo will want to wait a couple of weeks to put a bit of distance, so any day now...
Hero-of-Time Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 Not great for that Nintendo mindshare - There seems to be nothing relevant and new for long periods of time, just giving their competition more time and appeal to attract Wii U and other gamers. As someone who will day one the NX without knowing about it now, I will surely think twice once I get a PS4 for FF15. I think the back end of last year and all of this year has been a disaster for Nintendo in terms of keeping mindshare and giving people stuff to play. The only good thing that has really come from the company is the Zelda stuff at E3 and even that only lasted for a week or two. The silence from Nintendo has been an absolute killer this year.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 I think the back end of last year and all of this year has been a disaster for Nintendo in terms of keeping mindshare and giving people stuff to play. The only good thing that has really come from the company is the Zelda stuff at E3 and even that only lasted for a week or two. The silence from Nintendo has been an absolute killer this year. I kind of thought with the new president maybe there would be some improvement with having more of a presence, PR, marketing etc. But things seemed a bit better with the late Iwata's Directs coming through for that last minute hype, even if the games shown were a bit repetitive. Just feel like we've been left in the dark - even with high profile games like SS we got that one image of Link and Fi that kept us guessing.
Hero-of-Time Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 I kind of thought with the new president maybe there would be some improvement with having more of a presence, PR, marketing etc. But things seemed a bit better with the late Iwata's Directs coming through for that last minute hype, even if the games shown were a bit repetitive. Just feel like we've been left in the dark - even with high profile games like SS we got that one image of Link and Fi that kept us guessing. Indeed. Iwata was all about keeping the fanbase engaged, informed and entertained. Kimishima has shown none of that and seems to be the exact opposite of all of this. There's loads of stuff that could have been bundled together to form various Directs throughout the year but instead all of these have been relegated to press announcements.
liger05 Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 This was a good article telling how difficult it seems to be to get a dedicated sports audience on a Nintendo platform. http://kotaku.com/5968909/when-only-42-people-are-playing-madden-on-the-wii-u-its-not-a-sports-console Here was the picture on the Xbox 360 at midafternoon: 31,080 Madden players connected to the EA Sports servers; 2,978 were in a game. On the Wii U: 42 were online. One was in a game. It may be an off-peak time, and it may be a version releasing three months after the game's main launch. The numbers still aren't good. That's forty-two people in North America playing Madden NFL 13 on a Sunday on the Wii U. You can see why it could be extremely difficult to convince EA to release sport titles on the NX.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 This was a good article telling how difficult it seems to be to get a dedicated sports audience on a Nintendo platform. http://kotaku.com/5968909/when-only-42-people-are-playing-madden-on-the-wii-u-its-not-a-sports-console You can see why it could be extremely difficult to convince EA to release sport titles on the NX. Haha absolutely crazy stats. I can understand EAs frustration with that, but I think it also shows that gamers don't appreciate delayed multiplats - especially year sensitive games like Fifa and Madden.
Kav Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 Haha absolutely crazy stats. I can understand EAs frustration with that, but I think it also shows that gamers don't appreciate delayed multiplats - especially year sensitive games like Fifa and Madden. Nintendo could do with having architecture similar to competitors to allow for quick and easy porting so releases can be simultaneous and have all the features their counterparts do. That their consoles are usually so different architecturally, more time is needed and costs of porting are higher and where there are constraints on time and extra costs, things will be cut. The fault really does lie at Nintendo's door.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 Nintendo could do with having architecture similar to competitors to allow for quick and easy porting so releases can be simultaneous and have all the features their counterparts do. That their consoles are usually so different architecturally, more time is needed and costs of porting are higher and where there are constraints on time and extra costs, things will be cut. The fault really does lie at Nintendo's door. Yeah - even with the GC, just because of opting for a mini disc music heavy games like Def Jam Vendetta and Need for Speed had fewer music tracks compared to the PS2 and Xbox versions - to some its a small omission but to others its a dealbreaker and immediately becomes the inferior product. (Def Jam Vendetta was one of my all time favourite games, can't let that go even if it was like 10 years ago)
Ronnie Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 Nintendo could do with having architecture similar to competitors to allow for quick and easy porting so releases can be simultaneous and have all the features their counterparts do. That their consoles are usually so different architecturally, more time is needed and costs of porting are higher and where there are constraints on time and extra costs, things will be cut. The fault really does lie at Nintendo's door. I'd rather Nintendo have the architecture that's right for them. If that means similar to the competition great, but if not, who honestly buys a Nintendo console to play COD or Madden really.
Kav Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 I'd rather Nintendo have the architecture that's right for them. If that means similar to the competition great, but if not, who honestly buys a Nintendo console to play COD or Madden really. I would've done if those games were on it, with full features and support. It's about reaching as wide a fanbase as they can, drawing in more fans whilst stopping some of their long-time fans from moving on.
Nolan Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 I'd rather Nintendo have the architecture that's right for them. If that means similar to the competition great, but if not, who honestly buys a Nintendo console to play COD or Madden really. You just don't seem to get it do you....
Blade Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 I'd rather Nintendo have the architecture that's right for them. If that means similar to the competition great, but if not, who honestly buys a Nintendo console to play COD or Madden really. Thats probably Nintendo's attitude to its business plan "screw what anyone else thinks" Hence why its latest home console has bombed.
Hero-of-Time Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 I would've done if those games were on it, with full features and support. It's about reaching as wide a fanbase as they can, drawing in more fans whilst stopping some of their long-time fans from moving on. Exactly. Just look at how many people on this very forum have moved on to other consoles purely because the range of games isn't there on a Nintendo system alone. Had these types of games been on Nintendo's platform (FIFA, Witcher, Battlefield etc.), as well as Nintendo's own games, most people would have probably just stuck with Nintendo.
Kav Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 Exactly. Just look at how many people on this very forum have moved on to other consoles purely because the range of games isn't there on a Nintendo system alone. Had these types of games been on Nintendo's platform (FIFA, Witcher, Battlefield etc.), as well as Nintendo's own games, most people would have probably just stuck with Nintendo. ...and because Nintendo haven't addressed this, or their hardware issues, I'm wanting games they tend to get (Monster Hunter) come to the PlayStation! Hell, I'm wanting Nintendo to go Third Party! That's how bad it is for them.
Clownferret Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 I'd rather Nintendo have the architecture that's right for them. If that means similar to the competition great, but if not, who honestly buys a Nintendo console to play COD or Madden really. I would. I only bought a PS4 because I can't play sports games on the Wii U. Don't get me wrong I like the PS4 but I'd rather not have to buy 2 consoles per generation to fulfil my gaming needs. Many people can't afford two consoles, so if they have to choose between Nintendo and PS4 or XB1 they choose the others and that's a reason why Wii U bombed. Nintendo either need to go toe to toe with the other boys or release a console that is a companion. And to do that it needs to be unique and cheap. It looks like it will be unique so if they hit the right price point it should do very well. I think they'll launch at a higher price sell the first 10 million units to their hardcore fan base and then when sales start to slow, do a dramatic price drop a'la 3DS
Goron_3 Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 Yep, arrogant Nintendo. Let's all hate, agaaaain. They held back the Wii controller until very late on, and rightly so. Sony and Microsoft shamelessly copied them shortly after with laughable results. The motion sensing Sixaxis was a joke, likewise Move and Kinnect no one used till they finally ditched it. I know the industry can be a bit entitled at times, but I see no reason why 6 months from reveal to release isn't perfectly acceptable. Apple reveal and release within a month after all. 6 months sounds perfect for a games console. The Wii sold 100 million units, the DS 150 million and were both worldwide phenomenons. The 3DS has destroyed the Vita. The only dud is the Wii U. Yep, classic, arrogant Nintendo. Just a quick note - They showed the Wiimote in 2005 - a full year before the Wii released. It's pretty crazy how early they showed it actually, because E3 then got a huge Wii unveiling (although they also showed the Wii at E3 2005).
Pestneb Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 I would. I only bought a PS4 because I can't play sports games on the Wii U. Don't get me wrong I like the PS4 but I'd rather not have to buy 2 consoles per generation to fulfil my gaming needs. Many people can't afford two consoles, so if they have to choose between Nintendo and PS4 or XB1 they choose the others and that's a reason why Wii U bombed. Nintendo either need to go toe to toe with the other boys or release a console that is a companion. And to do that it needs to be unique and cheap. It looks like it will be unique so if they hit the right price point it should do very well. I think they'll launch at a higher price sell the first 10 million units to their hardcore fan base and then when sales start to slow, do a dramatic price drop a'la 3DS The problem is how to break the cycle now. The only way as I see it is to have a more powerful console so that the best version of a multiplatform will be on the NX (ignoring PC :P) That's an expansive gamble though. There is no guarantee that having the strongest console would cause gamers to turn their backs on microsoft and sony, and with the NX releasing next year it will no doubt be over taking in terms of power by the next gen consoles. Unless Nintendo take the approach of being able to upgrade the dock and handheld component separately, allowing them to retain parity/slight superiority. I'm confused @Pestneb what console released in 2011 A variant of the wii. So not quite a whole new console, but it was new hardware and perhaps having lower key releases is what they are after.
Ashley Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 who honestly buys a Nintendo console to play COD or Madden really. Who buys a Nintendo console for third parties any more. This wasn't always the case. It's getting worse as generations go on, but it wasn't always the case. The first Madden home console game was on the freaking SNES after all! And Mike Tyson's Punch Out. Hell even Doom was on the SNES! This is what gets people annoyed. The Nintendo as it is now is not the Nintendo they grew up with. This (and other reasons) is why people move on to other consoles. This is what people want Nintendo to recapture. And they do it because they love Nintendo and because they want Nintendo to succeed and they want to be excited about a Nintendo console beyond Nintendo's own games. I get the argument you could put forward along the lines of "it is what it is, it is unlikely to change so you should move on". I do. And for the most part people have, they have purchased other consoles. But the fact they keep coming and wanting this from Nintendo shows their love and respect for Nintendo. Shows that they want that back. It does not show that they hate Nintendo and it does not show that they're not "true" fans. They just have different expectations and desires from Nintendo. And that is fine. Some people dig what Nintendo is doing now. Some people think it's okay but want more. Some people are unsatisfied and want Nintendo to go a different route. The same is true of other companies. People want Rare (even if the company isn't what it used to be) making great platformers rather than Microsoft Sports titles. They want Konami to stop fucking up. They want Squenix making exciting new RPGs again rather than just FF and mobile games (with the occasional KH). They may never get it, and they may just have to suck it up, but people are allowed to express their desires (providing they are reasonable and logical - nobody expects Disney to create a Mortal Kombat-esque game). You can look at Nintendo two different ways (actually more, but for the sake of argument) - I am happy with them and I support them or I want them to do more and support them trying that. In spite of what you keep insisting people here do love Nintendo. In fact, for someone who claims to love them so much you seem so insistent on ensuring nothing critical is ever said. Criticism isn't (necessarily) hate. People and companies don't become better through yes men. Obviously Nintendo rely on people buying their games and people who just do that merrily are a great asset, but they shouldn't be shielded from criticism and just pointing out what people want. People want different things so obviously you'll never please them all but please stop this delusion that any criticism of Nintendo is hatred.
Rummy Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 (edited) Zero Asian heritage I'm afraid. My whole life has been a LIE I don't see that being a problem - look at the nunchuck, plugging in power cables into mobile phones etc. Question is - how often are you plugging those things in and out? Even my phone/cables have broken in the past, despite that being something a bit more universally designed/tested. I can see an active NX user, if this is a handheld/console hybrid, connecting and disconnecting this thing up almost every single day - taking it round with them etc. I hope if it is handheld in nature it's made both quite durable for its purpose(lack of clamshell design may risk the screens) and maybe a case for carrying as standard. Just a quick note - They showed the Wiimote in 2005 - a full year before the Wii released. It's pretty crazy how early they showed it actually, because E3 then got a huge Wii unveiling (although they also showed the Wii at E3 2005). And showcased it nationally with many hands-on events across the country, prior to release. The problem is how to break the cycle now. The only way as I see it is to have a more powerful console so that the best version of a multiplatform will be on the NX (ignoring PC :P) That's an expansive gamble though. There is no guarantee that having the strongest console would cause gamers to turn their backs on microsoft and sony, and with the NX releasing next year it will no doubt be over taking in terms of power by the next gen consoles. Unless Nintendo take the approach of being able to upgrade the dock and handheld component separately, allowing them to retain parity/slight superiority. Kind of following from Ashley's post above and something people can forget - systems aren't entirely standalone. The NX is already in negative traction affected by the WiiU. So how do they turn it around? I don't think Nintendo can compete on software(yet) or go whole hog on hardcore hardware - so it comes back to my point that the system needs to be the kicker. It needs to offer people what they want beyond software - that's social and online on par with competition, maybe some potential for new experiences, the hybrid nature is already quite a killer USP if the others are implemented in ways similar to what I've suggested so far. This system needs to be good enough by itself, otherwise it's going to go the same way as the Wii U imo. Edited August 19, 2016 by Rummy
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