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Why did they say they were worried about competitors copying?


Well if the rumours are true I doubt they will. While not exactly the same remote play is close enough that I can't imagine Sony would be interested in replicating.

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What have they said? All I recall is hybrid (which this is) and general stuff about it being a new exciting idea, different from competition etc etc (which this is).


But then my memory is Dory.


They spoke about it not being a hybrid and they spoke of it being a home console.

Well, the idea is for it to be played on the go right? So you take it to a friend's (without the docking station, because presumably that adds more features and a power brick or whatever) put it down and play. In this circumstance, absolutely it would need a stand.


What do you mean put it down and play? As in two people playing multiplayer on the screen, so it acting as a monitor with them holding controllers?


They spoke about it not being a hybrid and they spoke of it being a home console.


How many times have we been through this? They never said that. It wouldn't matter if they did. And in some way IT IS a home console.


Yes... exactly... I don't understand the confusion here, I thought that was obviously the whole point of the system (although I never said multiplayer).

Yes... exactly... I don't understand the confusion here, I thought that was obviously the whole point of the system (although I never said multiplayer).


I guess in my mind, if you're not playing it on the tele you'd be playing it as a handheld with the controller attached. The only scenario I could imagine is if you and a mate want to play fifa on it without a tele, put it on the stand, both play.


Seems a rare scenario to put a permanent stand on it though. if it does have a stand I'd imagine there'll be a bigger reason for it.


I know this is not official but if the button layout will be like this (sticks above buttons) I'll hate it.


The general concept is nice, though.


Unless I see information about software output I'll most likely stay indifferent to the NX.

Does anyone else think Nintendo leaked this on purpose? Get the bombshell that NX is basically a handheld out of the way, for them to reveal it properly later?


I see what Ubisoft meant about getting the casuals back. That illustration is pure Nintendo. Can't decide if I like or not.


I think Nintendo would rather control the leak so yes they probably have given the ok for details to come out.


Basically, NX is a handheld that just happens to connect to your TV. It makes sense that Nintendo may want to leak that fact out to people to temper expectations for their big reveal in September.


^ Nice!


But just how powerful is the NX relatively? In terms of the capabilities of Tegra X1, consider this: Doom BFG Edition on Xbox 360 and PS3 runs at 720p60 with frame-rate drops. The same game running on the Shield Android TV micro-console, based on X1, hands in a near-flawless 1080p60 presentation. Trine 2 - another 720p30 game on Sony and Microsoft's last-gen consoles - operates at 1080p30 on Tegra X1. Typically speaking, OpenGL games port really well to Tegra X1, while DirectX ports, like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and the recently released Resident Evil 5, aren't so impressive.


In other words, more powerful than Wii U, but not as powerful as PS4.


Being able to carry around a better-than-Wii U experience around is pretty cool tbf.

They spoke about it not being a hybrid and they spoke of it being a home console.


Indeed. 'Brothers in the same ecosystem' and 'You could see more form factors' suggests they've had a slight change of heart over the last 18 months, hence this move.

Posted (edited)
Indeed. 'Brothers in the same ecosystem' and 'You could see more form factors' suggests they've had a slight change of heart over the last 18 months, hence this move.

I dunno, this is a bit of a more fundamental change though.


If this wasn't the only form of the NX, I'd be ok with it but if it's the only one, it just flies in the face of all that has been said so far.

Edited by Serebii

How many times have we been through this? They never said that. It wouldn't matter if they did. And in some way IT IS a home console.


Many times because you refuse to accept what is said unless the words they used are "It is not a hybrid".


Even if it does turn out to be, you have still been wrong in this discussion because you refused to accept what was said

Many times because you refuse to accept what is said unless the words they used are "It is not a hybrid"


Hang on, isn't that precisely what you are claiming they said? Anyway, look what's happened - it's a hybrid!!!

Hang on, isn't that precisely what you are claiming they said? Anyway, look what's happened - it's a hybrid!!!

They can say it's not a hybrid without using those exact words.


Also, this is far from confirmed right now. Don't treat rumours and reports as fact. Come on.

They can say it's not a hybrid without using those exact words.


Also, this is far from confirmed right now. Don't treat rumours and reports as fact. Come on.


You think euro gamer would run this story based on rumour? This would of been backed up my multiple sources.


In regard to price I assume this will be more expensive than the Nvidia shield and Nintendo say they won't sell at a loss.



They can say it's not a hybrid without using those exact words.


Also, this is far from confirmed right now. Don't treat rumours and reports as fact. Come on.

Eurogamer are being pretty ballsy if this turns out to be fake. They're not even calling it rumours, they're saying this "is" the NX based on multiple sources. If it turns out to be wrong, they're going to look like idiots, so I doubt they'd take such a forward approach if they're at all skeptical.

Sigh, I hate leaks. Destroys any sense of anticipation.


If the Wii remote had been leaked with no explanation, there'd have been uproar. Thankfully Nintendo revealed it themselves so they could get their messaging across properly.


Basically, NX is a handheld that just happens to connect to your TV. It makes sense that Nintendo may want to leak that fact out to people to temper expectations for their big reveal in September.


How a couple of hours can change things ;)

Eurogamer are being pretty ballsy if this turns out to be fake. They're not even calling it rumours, they're saying this "is" the NX based on multiple sources. If it turns out to be wrong, they're going to look like idiots, so I doubt they'd take such a forward approach if they're at all skeptical.

Places have done claims like that and have been wrong in the past. It's not beyond the realms of possibility


Tegra does sound plausible. Not only does it seem to fit the power profile that Nintendo are aiming for, but Nintendo actually were originally planning on partnering with N-vidia for the 3DS, utilising an earlier version of Tegra, so there is a previous working relationship to consider here.


But Iwata specifically said that the NX wasn't going to be a hybrid. So either this info is bunk, or something big is missing here...


That base unit... Something tells me that there's more than meets the eye here. If this is real, I bet that there's some extra hardware in that thing; perhaps even a Wii U GPU/CPU for supplementary processing (and backwards compatibility). Perhaps it's related to the NX's new gameplay gimmick... Something akin to Valve's Lighthouse tech perhaps?


Also how does the whole touch screen thing work if the handheld is docked and (presumably) out of reach when playing on the TV? How do you have games that use the touchscreen on both handheld and console if the touchscreen is inaccessible when playing on the TV? That's a pretty big ? right there!


This sounds like a series of half truths. We're not getting the full picture here I reckon.


Haha, still refusing to accept it. As if Eurogamer would do this if there was any doubt whatsoever?!


I'm still waiting on my Mother 3 localisation... :indeed:


I vote that we wait for Nintendo to confirm it all and then we shut this thread down. I want it recorded for posterity.


PS. This all sounds pretty much what everyone was probably expecting. Bring me my single Nintendo & PC future.

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