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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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Nintendo must realise the lack of information is maddening to people. Even if they said - online will play will be available at launch, at the end of march we will reveal the pricing and ful details of our new online service; I think we'd take that more. But vague "after launch" poses too many questions, when they need to be giving us answers.


Same with VC and accounts. I bought excitebike, started playing it but stopped thinking just maybe I could play it on my switch... We just want to know!


This thing is blatantly a soft launch, and if they can sell out while doing it, amazing, build up ready for xmas. With their online, I presum it's free because there won't be loads of games, but for them to have the confidence in charging, they must have quite a lot of online games coming up!!

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Of course it will be online at launch. Same old problem on here, far too many people take a rumour turn, turn it into a fact paint the worst possible picture and then post it on here.


Sounds about right, apparently things are just getting worse and worse. :indeed: and then when a Nintendo Direct happens in a couple of weeks outlining everything, all this uproar will conveniently be swept under the rug.

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Launching a console without telling people what they can expect of its online service is unacceptable. And this "more information after launch" nonsense is ridiculous.


Online is a basic function that should be outlined in its entirety way ahead of a console's launch.

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Sounds about right, apparently things are just getting worse and worse. :indeed: and then when a Nintendo Direct happens in a couple of weeks outlining everything, all this uproar will conveniently be swept under the rug.


Well the 'uproar' is about a lack of details so if they release details then yes of course, it will be 'swept under the rug' (also see: "sufficient information will have been given to satisfy the cause of the so-called uproar").

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Sounds about right, apparently things are just getting worse and worse. :indeed: and then when a Nintendo Direct happens in a couple of weeks outlining everything, all this uproar will conveniently be swept under the rug.


The "worse and worse" wasn't suggesting that there wouldn't be any online. I don't know why you decided to think I meant that.


I'm talking about their messaging, the delivery of the information... or, the total lack thereof!


After the failure they had with the WiiU they really needed to be coming out swinging. Answering the questions & concerns people had thanks to the WiiU, but they've done nothing of the sort.


That's what I mean by worse!



Take off your fanboy Nintendo-tinted glasses and see the situation as it is!

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The "worse and worse" wasn't suggesting that there wouldn't be any online. I don't know why yo decided to think I meant that.


I'm talking about their messaging, the delivery of the information... or, the total lack thereof!


After the failure they had with the WiiU they really needed to be coming out swinging. Answering the questions & concerns people had thanks to the WiiU, but they done nothing of the sort.


That's what I mean by worse!




Information will come out. They just did a huge drop of information about the console and there'll be more.


What's there to say about an online service? How much it'll be, what the app looks like, what free VC games you get. A few minutes later, done.


I think we should all follow @Ashley's suggestion during the PS4 Pro debacle and wait until facts come out, before moaning.

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What's there to say about an online service? How much it'll be, what the app looks like, what free VC games you get. A few minutes later, done.


So why not do it now? Why wait until after release? They must have plans, they should have plans and they should have something ready for the launch. Why not tell us now?

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Well the 'uproar' is about a lack of details so if they release details then yes of course, it will be 'swept under the rug' (also see: "sufficient information will have been given to satisfy the cause of the so-called uproar").


Don't you go getting logical on me, Ashley!


Sounds about right, apparently things are just getting worse and worse. :indeed: and then when a Nintendo Direct happens in a couple of weeks outlining everything, all this uproar will conveniently be swept under the rug.


Why do you think there will be a Nintendo direct in a couple of weeks when they've clearly stated both during their reveal conference AND currently on their website that those details are coming after launch?


It's not like we're speculating here, those are the official lines from Nintendo themselves. I'll trust them over your and a baseless supposition of a direct in a couple of weeks that would contradict that; even if I don't actually trust them to actually make a decent success of the Switch out of the gate :p

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Information will come out. They just did a huge drop of information about the console and there'll be more.


What's there to say about an online service? How much it'll be, what the app looks like, what free VC games you get. A few minutes later, done.


I think we should all follow @Ashley's suggestion during the PS4 Pro debacle and wait until facts come out, before moaning.


This is ludicrous.


You want people to preorder and buy your console, you explain what they're getting. It's as simple as that.

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This is not comparable to the PS4 Pro situation as they'd said, clearly, prior to its launch that it wasn't replacing the PS4, it was simply another version of it... a continuation of the current line.

Switch, however, is replacing the WiiU. It's not a continuation, it's replacing it. They should be outlining what is replacing what exactly.

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Why do you think there will be a Nintendo direct in a couple of weeks when they've clearly stated both during their reveal conference AND currently on their website that those details are coming after launch?


No, that never happened. They never said anything in the conference about details coming after launch, they just said at a later date. Careful @Ashley will call you a liar for saying something like that.


The most likely explanation is it's just some poorly worded statement some designer put up on the website, and that there'll be a Direct in the coming weeks that'll go into more detail.


This is not comparable to the PS4 Pro situation as they'd said, clearly, prior to its launch that it wasn't replacing the PS4, it was simply another version of it... a continuation of the current line.

Switch, however, is replacing the WiiU. It's not a continuation, it's replacing it. They should be outlining what is replacing what exactly.


First of all, that's a ridiculous argument you're trying to make, but more importantly I didn't mean what you're suggesting. I meant I was pissed off about the speculation that a PS4 Pro was going to be released, everyone shouted me down (obv) saying that I should wait until we know for sure before complaining. So which is it, can we all complain before we know facts or not or is it a different rule for Playstation?

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...First of all, that's a ridiculous argument you're trying to make, but more importantly I didn't mean what you're suggesting. I meant I was pissed off about the speculation that a PS4 Pro was going to be released, everyone shouted me down (obv) saying that I should wait until we know for sure before complaining. So which is it, can we all complain before we know facts or not or is it a different rule for Playstation?


Firstly, it's not ridiculous in the slightest, that you think it is is what's actually ridiculous.


Secondly, I get you now... although it's different seeing how Sony announced literally everything about the PS4 Pro prior to its reveal.

Nintendo aren't doing that, they're waiting until after the reveal.

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There seems to be an expectation that GC games are a given on the Switch VC but until there's confirmation I'll try not to get my hopes up too much :red:


Yeah I think its from those leaks before the reveal. Rumours were something like 3 big GC VC games available at launch. I live in hope anyway.

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Nintendo aren't doing that, they're waiting until after the reveal.


Instead of jumping to conclusions based on one probably inaccurate graphic on the website, why not wait you know for sure. If we get to March 3rd and nothing's been spoken of, then feel free to go off on one.

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Instead of jumping to conclusions based on one probably inaccurate graphic on the website, why not wait you know for sure. If we get to March 3rd and nothing's been spoken of, then feel free to go off on one.


Why listen to you telling me that, on Nintendo's own website, the graphic is "probably inaccurate"..?!


Deary me Ronnie, deary bloody me! How blinding is your fanboyism?!

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Why listen to you telling me that, on Nintendo's own website, the graphic is "probably inaccurate"..?!


Deary me Ronnie, deary bloody me! How blinding is your fanboyism?!


Ok, I expect an apology if Nintendo do a Direct or announce those features before release.

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No, that never happened. They never said anything in the conference about details coming after launch, they just said at a later date.


And what does the website say now, at the later date? That the full details are coming after launch - the website page follows on from what was said in the conference. It's an explicit reference to it and what we're talking about now ;)


The most likely explanation is it's just some poorly worded statement some designer put up on the website, and that there'll be a Direct in the coming weeks that'll go into more detail.


How or why is that even 'the most likely explanation'?! I think the most likely explanation is to, and this may sound crazy, take Nintendo at their word of what they're saying?! Considering the conference referenced the website and the website seems to be quite clear(ie not just a single line or sentence) about what will be there both on launch, and at the more official launch of the online service(ie app, VC, monthly download etc)


Ok, I expect an apology if Nintendo do a Direct or announce those features before release.


I'm happy to give you one, as long as you'll be happy to give us one when you're proven wrong ;) It's quite amazing to think you actually know better than Nintendo despite what they've officially put on their official site!! :laughing:

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While that is true I dont think it makes the lack of information any better. Its just a bad way of going about things.

Yes, but complaining about it, then buying the console anyway, then complaining again doesn't solve anything.

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Another possible switch release instead of wii u.




Coming from the most recent Kickstarter update...

Any Wii U updates?

The release of the Switch is certainly throwing a monkey wrench into things. We have our Wii U dev kit, and we really want to do a release on it. But like many devs in our situation, we've been considering pivoting our stance and focusing on the Switch as opposed to the Wii U. However, we wanted this to be a discussion with our backers. Is this something you would like to see?

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Yes, but complaining about it, then buying the console anyway, then complaining again doesn't solve anything.


A point King_V has also made a number of times - but what of us who AREN'T buying the console because of it? I know I'm certainly in that group. With Nintendo's past performances and how much I see echoes of the WiiU around Switch in addition to an as yet undefined online service - I will definitely not be getting the console at launch for anything about £230 - which probably being an unrealistic price in itself for launch, means I won't get the console then.



I was about to say I think the obvious choice for devs is to 'switch to Switch' - the WiiU's been dead/dying for a while and it's officially not supported with first party any more after BotW.


The only real risk is if the Switch does worse than WiiU - at least with WiiU they already have a fairly solid idea of the install base. Personally I think in the long long run Switch WILL do better than WiiU(mostly because it's not going to be that hard) but it won't get off to the greatest of starts. They'll sell out their 2million but I'll be very interested to see uptake between launch and xmas, then at xmas, and then next year.


I think for Switch to really take off and beat the WiiU it definitely needs to end up at a lower price point.

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