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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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I can almost see Nintendo doing an Apple and having the launch event a week or so before the console is launched.


If they are confident enough in the product then they might just think they can get away with that approach...


The thing is, as others have mentioned, Apple can get away with such because they have a stable brand (ie iPhone 5,6,7...) and release schedule that is easy enough for the consumer to follow. Same even with the Playstation brand.


Nintendo doesn't have this. They are re-inventing a new product and a potential new way to play games, so all their marketing starts from ground zero again, and then you have to re-explain to people what your product is and off the back of the Wii U, it has to be crystal clear and concise.


I think Nintendo needs more time than 6 months for this level of outreach IMO. Im no business analyst, but its easy to see how Nintendo's home console influence has fallen off the radar with your casual gamer.

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The thing is, as others have mentioned, Apple can get away with such because they have a stable brand (ie iPhone 5,6,7...) and release schedule that is easy enough for the consumer to follow. Same even with the Playstation brand.


Nintendo doesn't have this. They are re-inventing a new product and a potential new way to play games, so all their marketing starts from ground zero again, and then you have to re-explain to people what your product is and off the back of the Wii U, it has to be crystal clear and concise.


I think Nintendo needs more time than 6 months for this level of outreach IMO. Im no business analyst, but its easy to see how Nintendo's home console influence has fallen off the radar with your casual gamer.


Not forgetting Apple have there own stores to sell iPhones a week after reveal. The distribution chain is completely different.

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Pawbyte mention the NX in their platform documentation and say to check back on October 4th, 6pm CST for more information, so that would be 23:00 GMT or midnight CET.


Would fit in with what's expected and I'd expect an announcement of a direct later this week. It could just be an attention grab by the developer though, but it's on such a minor page that it would be silly to expect they'd get that much more traffic from it.

Edited by killthenet
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We know that Nintendo has remained extremely tight-lipped about the NX, but this next bit of info is a bit too far. Take a look at this snippet from a GameSkinny interview with a Nintendo of Canada rep.





Absolutely nothing about the NX is said there, as far as actual platform details go. Completely innocuous, don't you think? Apparently Nintendo of Canada didn't think so, as this is how the interview reads now.




Why did that blurb that offered absolutely no info have to be removed? Nintendo always plays cards close to their chest, but this time around there was literally nothing to be gleaned from that interview snippet! Man, I wonder how hard Nintendo came down on Ubisoft for what they've been saying in interviews!


They should of told Nintendo to go fcuk themselves. A ridiculous thing to be asked to be removed.

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He said a direct will be held though. [most likely] That alone is probably more info than Nintendo wanted to release.


I still agree the site should've told Nintendo to go pound sand about removing it, but I get why they complied. Not complying just gets them blacklisted because companies have too much power over little bullshit.

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I hadn't considered this nifty bonus of having detachable controllers. It could mean (optional) controllers tailor made for specific games.




The thing is, as others have mentioned, Apple can get away with such because they have a stable brand (ie iPhone 5,6,7...) and release schedule that is easy enough for the consumer to follow.


Yes and Apple's reveal to release window is usually about two weeks.


Nintendo's will be 5-6 months for the NX.

Edited by Ronnie
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3 years don't have them (well I"m sure some day) but they have access to them. Very different. These aren't logical reasons, nintendo won't demand an expensive piece of hardware to be needed to play NX, it's such a huge barrier of entry. Even if people have one people don't want to need one to play console games.


I can't believe you've thought about it and still think it's a good idea, it's literally one of the worst ideas I've ever heard :D


As for tesco, I'd imagine they just put it high so they don't ending up paying for it with preorder price promises.

I never said that this was the best way to go about it.


It's a hybrid system. So on the flipside, it's equally bad if people who just want a home console have to pay for a whole bunch of components they'll never ever use.


The problem here is that it's a system that's supposed to do everything. But as anyone will tell you, you can't have everything. Good performance, portability, battery life, build quality, price and innovative features. And considering this is supposedly going to be released instead of a new home console, I don't think Nintendo should saccrifice performance anymore. It has to be so powerful that at least third parties will be able to port their AAA multiplat games fairly cheaply. There needs to be an end of "exclusively NOT for Nintendo"-releases. Utilising your phone when you use it as a portable system is a way to go around these traditional limitations. Sure, it brings its completely own set of drawback, but it eliminates the others: it can be powerful, cheap, well built, good battery life and have all the cool features that modern phones have.


Yet again: I do realise it has drawbacks and I'd say that a badly designed clip (doesen't hold the phone tightly, covers the screen or whatever) could alone put me off from buying a system like that. A poor implementation with lag or high power drainage would also put me off. Also, I can't imagine a console that would look good with any and all smart devices clipped on to it.

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Internet forums are only a small percentage of the gaming population don't forget.


I had at least 3 gamers that I considered as more traditionally Nintendo gamers asking me about when the WiiU was happening after it was already released. That really opened my eyes to some more of what Nintendo dropped the ball on at the time.


Re: pricing, they gotta go low now imo. £200-250 at most; PS4s will be posing some competition with xmas, new models, and price cuts on old ones etc.


EDIT: Ha! I see @killthenet already basically said the same but better, great minds ;)! The only other alternative if the price is high as far as I can see is to really push the angle of this being both a console to play at home(and why you should do so) AND a console to play on the go(and why that's better than your phone 3ds etc).

Edited by Rummy
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I had at least 3 gamers that I considered as more traditionally Nintendo gamers asking me about when the WiiU was happening after it was already released. That really opened my eyes to some more of what Nintendo dropped the ball on at the time.


One of my best mates grew up with the N64, GameBoy Advance and GameCube. He loved (still loves) them.

A couple of days ago I asked him what he thinks the NX will be. His response: "What are you talking about about?"

Told him Nintendo is making new hardware. He said: "Didn't know they were working on something" ::shrug:


I consider him to be an avid gamer. He owns a PS4 and plays a lot. He also regularly buys GameCube games off ebay.

And he didn't know that Nintendo is about to reveal a new console...



Yeah, it's one guy but I think he represents a big part of the gaming community...

Let's hope Nintendo can get the marketing right after the reveal.

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One of my best mates grew up with the N64, GameBoy Advance and GameCube. He loved (still loves) them.

A couple of days ago I asked him what he thinks the NX will be. His response: "What are you talking about about?"

Told him Nintendo is making new hardware. He said: "Didn't know they were working on something" ::shrug:


I consider him to be an avid gamer. He owns a PS4 and plays a lot. He also regularly buys GameCube games off ebay.

And he didn't know that Nintendo is about to reveal a new console...



Yeah, it's one guy but I think he represents a big part of the gaming community...

Let's hope Nintendo can get the marketing right after the reveal.

To be fair, Nintendo haven't been marketing the NX because it hasn't been revealed, so it makes sense that he doesn't know.


You can be an avid gamer without scouring the net for news

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Yeah, as it was a point being made that they have mindshare - but you have to think that we're in little echo chambers and are far more likely to be following and paying attention to these things than many more people at large. To base too much on GAF is very silly as both Glen-I and Serebii have said, and tbh even basing things on us here is still going to be pretty unrepresentative of what I believe to be the gaming market at large.

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Yeah, as it was a point being made that they have mindshare - but you have to think that we're in little echo chambers and are far more likely to be following and paying attention to these things than many more people at large. To base too much on GAF is very silly as both Glen-I and Serebii have said, and tbh even basing things on us here is still going to be pretty unrepresentative of what I believe to be the gaming market at large.

Yep. Case in point: FIFA is one of the best selling games and it's far from the pinnacle of gaming. People on gaming forums often misconstrue their views to be the standard when, believe it or not, gaming is more casual than ever before

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Yep. Case in point: FIFA is one of the best selling games and it's far from the pinnacle of gaming. People on gaming forums often misconstrue their views to be the standard when, believe it or not, gaming is more casual than ever before


I think a massive chunk of PS4s out there were bought for the sole purpose of playing FIFA and COD. Case in point, the huge discrepancy between PS4 and Vita sales.


Gaf may be niche, but it's the biggest gaming forum online and so is the best representation of hardcore gamers you'll be able to find in one place. Sure it doesn't include the casual gamers who only play COD or FIFA but that's not really a big issue. In terms of harcore gaming, there's a lot of buzz about NX and the vast majority of complaints about them taking too long to reveal it will disappear when they do eventually show it. Then we'll all (hopefully) be celebrating that there isn't a long wait before it's out.

Edited by Ronnie
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I'm not sure you can call it casual when these gamers are playing FIFA and CoD etc day in and day out. The amount of time they game can't be dismissed as though they're just casual gamers.

Would you call Candy Crush players, who spend similar times on the game, hardcore or casual?

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The funny thing is that Neogaf users aren't even a good representation of hardcore gamers.


It certainly never makes sense to bring in their opinion about the NX as a forecast of the future, like you keeping doing Ronnie. Really, really strange that you keep doing it. "Neogaf is really buzzing about the NX" - oh right, so it's going to fail then?

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I think a massive chunk of PS4s out there were bought for the sole purpose of playing FIFA and COD. Case in point, the huge discrepancy between PS4 and Vita sales.


It's always fun to see speculative claims from you - but what do you base them on? A discrepancy between two different pieces of hardware released at different times that should somehow be relatable because they're from the same manufacturer?


Of course this goes into my previous of being in little echo chambers - but the majority of people I know on here didn't buy a PS4 for Fifa or CoD, nor do I see many of the people on my friendslist playing them. Outside of these forums alone I can think of 5 people I know who have PS4s and definitely didn't buy them for Fifa or CoD - 6 or even 7 counting me and then you.


Gaf may be niche, but it's the biggest gaming forum online and so is the best representation of hardcore gamers you'll be able to find in one place. Sure it doesn't include the casual gamers who only play COD or FIFA but that's not really a big issue. In terms of harcore gaming, there's a lot of buzz about NX and the vast majority of complaints about them taking too long to reveal it will disappear when they do eventually show it. Then we'll all (hopefully) be celebrating that there isn't a long wait before it's out.


Where's the line between casual and hardcore then? What's it make us on here if GAFs of such relevance? Are any of us not hardcore gamers for not being on GAF? Are we casual? But we care about the NX? Seems like rather blurred lines to me.

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In that case are Nintendo only gamers not casual gamers because they've so little to play on?


I've played and loved Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Smash, Mario Maker, NSMBU, Mario 3D World, Starfox, Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, Yoshi's Woolly World, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors, Wind Waker HD, Super Luigi U, Kirby, Mass Effect 3, NintendoLand and Xenoblade on my Wii U, so no, Nintendo-only gamers are not by definition casual gamers as you seem to bizarrely suggest.


People who buy a PS4 for the sole purpose of playing 1 or 2 games repeatedly and exclusively are by definition casual gamers. Just as people who play Candy Crush every day non stop and not much else would qualify themselves as casual. Ditto, those who played Wii Sports or Wii Fit and not much else.

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