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Why wouldn't he just take a pic of the whole box? Nintendo aren't going to call it the NX. Using a piece of art that everyone has already doesn't scream legit. The buttons aren't named?


I assume its playing off that rumour (report? can't recall the legitity) that European retailers are meeting Nintendo today and it would just be some kind of poster kind of thing rather than the box.

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This is still a prototype - as in not the absolute boxed final edition, so it may still contain dodgy things BUT Im absolutely putting some money down to say this is what it is.


The charge cradle instantly reminded me of the Wii U and Im sure Nintendo has advanced it in some way.


(Still not entirely hyped but good to see a realistic showing)

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I assume its playing off that rumour (report? can't recall the legitity) that European retailers are meeting Nintendo today and it would just be some kind of poster kind of thing rather than the box.


He's actually recently said it's from a catalogue I believe. It could be a prototype model I suppose. That cradle looks pretty flimsy though, doesn't seem like it could hold the unit.


Edit: as HOT says, never mind



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Coming from someone who regularly posts just to whine about "This place man" or to antagonise other members, that's pretty fucking rich.


As for the NX. I've never been a fan of grey consoles. Kind of looks a bit cheap to me. Now if there's a black one...


Im hoping for dat matted gun metal grey ala the N64... Dat non-slipperiness.


Magazines are still a thing? :blank:


In Stuttgart I saw loads of old skool style gaming magazines. Your tribe bro.

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Im hoping for dat matted gun metal grey ala the N64... Dat non-slipperiness.




In Stuttgart I saw loads of old skool style gaming magazines. Your tribe bro.


Give it a gloss gun metal finish and that would be one pretty console.


Although the bottom of the controller sections don't flow with the shape of the screen when connected. This bothers me.

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That looks gross, I'm so peeved the hybrid rumour is true as I can't stand the idea. It's gonna take a hell of a lot to get me on board with NX and Nintendo arent doing a great job with this whole "let's just not reveal anything" stance.


I think i sort of feel the same, outside of Pokemon, im not an avid handheld gamer and when i play Pokemon its indoors.


Would have ofcourse been happy with a traditional console but we know thats never going to happen...:hmm:

Edited by King_V
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That looks gross, I'm so peeved the hybrid rumour is true as I can't stand the idea. It's gonna take a hell of a lot to get me on board with NX and Nintendo arent doing a great job with this whole "let's just not reveal anything" stance.


Tbh this is what I assumed the Wii U was initially. If I could have been playing splatoon at home, then popped the gamepad in my bag, got on the train, played a bit more (although presumably without net connection.. so not such a great game choice perhaps! :P) then continued playing at home... that would have been quite cool.

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For those of you who are more aware of the wider Pokemon franchise, what sort of Pokemon game do you expect will be first out on the NX? Is there a chance of a new Stadium style game, or would it be less substantial than that?


It's almost definitely a spin-off. You're mental if you think a new Gen mainline game is happening a year after Sun/Moon.


A new Stadium game isn't completely off-the-cards, what with the models in the 3DS being very detailed for the sake of future-proofing. (Cue @Serebii getting that very detailed Machamp picture) But I feel like that series has run it's course, what with the main selling point, seeing your Pokemon in 3D, nullified.


As much as I want it to, it won't be a new Mystery Dungeon game, Super Mystery Dungeon just came out. And something gives me the impression that the Ranger series might have dropped off the face of the earth after not making a 3DS appearance.


So my guesses would be a new Pokemon Rumble game (Think I just threw up in my mouth a little...), some kind of special edition of Pokken, or something completely new.

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"We love it," Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot says of Nintendo's new system.


"The new Nintendo [console] is a fantastic machine. It's really a new approach, it's really Nintendo, [which is] coming with something new again. We love it.

We always take disruptions on the positive side. We think each time that it's an opportunity for our creators to take more risks. When a machine is installed, there are a certain number of brands that take up the time of players, so they're going to buy the next Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty.


Even if they say, 'I'm interested in what you're doing,' at the end of the day they first buy what they know, then go somewhere else. When they change machines, they consider that it is better to try what has been done for that machine. This gives us an opportunity to totally change an IP that we have done before, or to create new experiences and new IPs.


What we see is, players are more open when new hardware is coming. So we have the chance to come with something we have never done before, because we know that if we are the first there, people will try our game and maybe we'll be able to get into that new genre. As our people wanted to do a game like ZombiU, they were happy they could just use the Wii U to do it.For us, a machine is a tool of expression, but when everything become stable it's less open to innovation. We always want innovation.


However, if you try something a little new and it's not perfect, you come back quickly to what you know and works. As a gamer, if you change to new hardware, you have no references, so you're looking at what people are saying are [the best games] and then trying them. But if you have an [established] machine and there's all the experiences you know on there already, you know you're going to miss some of those to try something new, so you're less inclined. For us, we know opportunities to try something new are a lot more rewarding when it's a new machine."


Ubisoft's CEO also once again confirmed that they are "working on some [other] projects" for NX, but wouldn't give specifics.


Good news...

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I keep thinking about some Pokémon game that somehow mixes Go with Street Pass but I'm not sure what that is exactly... But it would be a good way to play into the portable aspect...


I don't know.


That's certainly not a bad guess. And if the NX retains the pedometer that the 3DS has, then maybe you can hatch eggs and so forth without having to spend an extra 100 quid.

100 quid!?

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Good news...




As Gaf pointed out...


Ubisoft: Project Café is “a fantastic platform,” predicts “it will be extremely successful”


Ubisoft’s CEO Yves Guillemot has today commented on the forthcoming reveal of Nintendo’s Wii successor, codenamed Project Café,


“The platform Nintendo is coming with is really a fantastic platform. We think it will be extremely successful,” Guillemot stated.


It's pretty much a standard response from a 3rd party and no different than a video showing a bunch of them saying how great the console they are developing for is. The proof will be when they show us something worth getting excited for. Talk is cheap, especially when it comes to 3rd party support on a Nintendo platform.


What I did enjoy from the article is when he speaks about bringing new experiences at the start of a new platform. He's right in saying that new hardware is a great time to try out new IPs and get people invested in them early on. They've tried this in the past with Red Steel, Rayman Rabbids and ZombiU. It's a shame that only the Rabbids seem to have been successful for them. I would love them to try another Red Steel, though. I thought the setting in the sequel was great.


In terms of other projects that they are working on, i'm still expecting the sequel to BG&E to pop up on the NX. Maybe even for launch...

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more and more reports are suggesting an early October reveal, which suggests Nintendo are going to announce it less than 48 hours before the event (much like a direct). Where is the logic in this approach? Surely they want to give people as much time as possible to prepare for this.


I've become so frustrated at the complete lack of information that I'm actually losing interest in the bloody thing.

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