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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Official Thread: A Brotherhood Reunited


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Anyone playing this on a standard 3DS?

I played 3 Ultimate on my 3DS and enjoyed elements of it but found it pretty frustrating due to small screen and cameras. Does 4 make things abit easier or would upgrading to a 'new 3DS' be a better idea before buying it?


It is most definitely worth upgrading to a New 3DS XL to play Monster Hunter on, the larger screens make so much sense plus the C-stick is excellent for camera control. : peace:


Ended up clearing a few more village quests last night, hopefully will get some more online time on it over the weekend, I've nearly passed the 24 hour mark; a day in total spent playing Monster Hunter though is time well spent especially as that only just about covers the initiation. :D


The best is still to come! :)

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Anyone playing this on a standard 3DS?

I played 3 Ultimate on my 3DS and enjoyed elements of it but found it pretty frustrating due to small screen and cameras. Does 4 make things abit easier or would upgrading to a 'new 3DS' be a better idea before buying it?


I play on a 3DS XL and find the screen a bit too small at times, I couldn't imagine playing it on the original 3DS :eek:


It helps a lot if you move the map onto the touch screen.

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Man, Capcom really upped their trolling in this version of MH with the expeditions. :heh:

I mean the map is utterly useless in its expanded view, and zooming in doesn't help either as there's no indication of where you entered an area. That, combined with the random nature of the environments, makes for a horrible navigation experience. :shakehead

But far more annoying than that, is how large monsters flee after a certain amount of time/damage. So many times I've been really close to defeating a monster, only for it to bugger off! :indeed:


I like the concept of expeditions, but they have become so annoying now that I just wish free hunt mode was back. :hmm:


Anyway, I actually did a few more online hunts last night, which went better than the previous session. I think it's because 2 of the other players were using ranged weapons, meaning there was more room around the monsters for me and the other melee based hunter to attack.

The hammer definitely works better in that kind of situation, and I was able to KO and break parts quite a bit as a result. :awesome:

Noticed I kept getting chucked off the monsters when mounting though, despite holding on with the R button and only attacking when the icon was green. Is that because other players were attacking the monster while I was on it? ::shrug:

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After a week of playing i'm now HR 70+ with a crazy amount of time spent playing the game.




Had some good sessions with lostmario, Blade and my nephew over the weekend. We all got our new G Rank armour sorted and we managed to get Blade a new sword!!!!


We did have some bad runs though, mainly due to the randoms.


When you hit G Rank the game really steps up in difficulty, which is making it hard to find a good set of randoms to play with. Seriously, trying to find people who don't cart constantly is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The problem is that soooooooo many of these randoms have leeched or sprinted through the other quests and their armour is simply not cutting it anymore at G Rank. At this point they just hang back and don't do any attacking, hoping that you do the work and they get the rewards.


There's a lot of ignorant people online as well. Some are like children, unwilling to take turns with quests and either throw a paddy if they can't do what they want or simply do their quest and then leave.


Me, Blade and my nephew were taking turns and this guy came in and stuck up a quest straight away. We explained the turn system and he wasn't happy about it so just left.


There's then the issue with the hackers, which is more rampant than i've seen in any MH game. The amount of low level hunters walking around with G gear is just stupid. They aren't even trying to hide it.


This is easily the worst the MH community has ever been and I know people on G-Faqs and Neogaf have been saying the same.


Still, it's not all bad. When you do find a good group then things really click and everything works out great.


I found a town last night doing G2 stuff and we all got on really well. We all worked as a team, with everyone bringing traps, tranqs, life powders and flash bombs. This made the G hunts much easier and fun.


We decided to go through all of the key quests and then do everyones urgent at the same time. We started doing this at 9pm last night and finished at 12:30am. I had to be up for work at 6:00am but I refused to leave and take a hit to get things done with this good group. We all got our urgents done ( G3 woohoo! ) and got quite a bit of stuff off the boss.


One thing that was very apparent was that the single player part of the game is very important to the online. You need to get those farms up and running ( all 3 ) so you have the goods like flash bombs and sonic bombs to help in a quest. If the whole team is rocking this stuff it makes the quests much easier. I also found out that you need to do expeditions in single player to get the Divine Spheres to level up your armour some more. You can't get these in the online quests.


I have a good set of weapons now. I've got a para, fire ( finished ), electric, water and poison LSs on the go. I can also get a dragon one with 960+ attack ( need the G2 Urgent quest stuff for this ) but it will cost me 120k and completely wipe me out of cash. Luckily it doesn't need upgrading so once it's bought then that's it's final form.


Finally, I put some more time into the offline stuff, clearing everything from 1-4 star and getting my urgent on the 5 star.


Noticed I kept getting chucked off the monsters when mounting though, despite holding on with the R button and only attacking when the icon was green. Is that because other players were attacking the monster while I was on it? ::shrug:


Yup. :( It can happen a lot when playing with randoms, despite the shout out telling them what's happening.

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As much as I love this game, the more I read that you have to do single player to progress in the multiplayer, the more it becomes my least favourite of the Monster Hunter games I've played. :(


Stuff like flashes and sonics aren't really needed but it makes things a lot smoother. Other things like life powder are really essential though.


There's a G Rank quest later on where you have to fight a Braccy and Stygian Zin at the same time. Even with a good group it still took 20 mins and we wouldn't have lasted that long if not for people using life powders and traps.


Seriously, the time to takes to unlock your farms is probably a lot quicker than actually gathering stuff yourself. Besides, once you get a good weapon and armour you can blitz the offline stuff. I think lostmario is on 8* and I can kill stuff in less than a couple of minutes. I done the offline flying beetle quest yesterday and all it took was a few hits and a full combo of my fire LS to get the mission complete. :D

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I've unlocked the farms and really that's as far as I'm willing to go. Hunts are dull on your own, even if it takes seconds, the biggest pain is the text. I hate skipping through all that text, for something I then just don't really find fun.

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I've unlocked the farms and really that's as far as I'm willing to go. Hunts are dull on your own, even if it takes seconds, the biggest pain is the text. I hate skipping through all that text, for something I then just don't really find fun.


Fair enough.


I think it's a neat idea to tie everything in together. You need the stones from offline, you use these for online, you then get items from those quests to finish the offline quests.


What HR are you now? You joined our town the other day but left straight away.

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Fair enough.


I think it's a neat idea to tie everything in together. You need the stones from offline, you use these for online, you then get items from those quests to finish the offline quests.


What HR are you now? You joined our town the other day but left straight away.


It's neat in some ways but for me it's a royal dick move. For me it's like if you could only get certain things in CoD multiplayer if you did the campaign... urgh! It's multiplayer only that I enjoy in these games.


I'm HR7, I've only done Deviljho and Dalamadur (a couple other hunter's urgents) from those ranks though, not tried the others yet.

Blade said he'd do a bit of hunting at weekend but when I joined I just figured I'd leave you guys to the G Rank quests as the room was full... didn't want to be holding people's own games up and at the same time I want to really battle against the new monsters I'll face and a full team of G Rank hunters would just end up destroying them and I don't really enjoy the hunts when they're like that.

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I'm HR7, I've only done Deviljho and Dalamadur (a couple other hunter's urgents) from those ranks though, not tried the others yet.


Ah, so you've fought the snake then. Did you like the fight?


Me and Blade tried to help a random out with his but they were stupidly under leveled and he kept getting one shotted by his bite and blast attacks.

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After a week of playing i'm now HR 70+ with a crazy amount of time spent playing the game.



Impressive. :awesome:


Unlike this :heh::



But I'm very happy with my pimped-out Palico, and my character's Afro/ridiculous armor. :laughing:


Yup. :( It can happen a lot when playing with randoms, despite the shout out telling them what's happening.
So there's nothing at all you can do to stay on the monster if someone else attacks it? That's pretty poo.
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Ah, so you've fought the snake then. Did you like the fight?


Me and Blade tried to help a random out with his but they were stupidly under leveled and he kept getting one shotted by his bite and blast attacks.


The snake fight was a bit dull in all honesty. It feels epic at first but quickly becomes a bit meh. I kind of wanted to get hit by his blast or bite to see how much damage it would do but I kept dodging them just in case, haha.


I'm going to be one of these under-levelled twats come G Rank and needing stuff from the single player, haha. I think I'll tackle it like I did against Jho in underwear on Tri... using a Lance and being mindful of defence, haha.

By that time I reckon I'll be done with the game though. :(

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Impressive. :awesome:


Unlike this :heh::



I find that impressive purely because that time has been accumulated purely on single player. Crazy.


So there's nothing at all you can do to stay on the monster if someone else attacks it? That's pretty poo.


Yeah, but unless it's their first hunt these people should really know not to hit the thing. It does still happen though and sometimes it may be that a player is in the middle of a combo.


The snake fight was a bit dull in all honesty. It feels epic at first but quickly becomes a bit meh. I kind of wanted to get hit by his blast or bite to see how much damage it would do but I kept dodging them just in case, haha.


I'm going to be one of these under-levelled twats come G Rank and needing stuff from the single player, haha. I think I'll tackle it like I did against Jho in underwear on Tri... using a Lance and being mindful of defence, haha.

By that time I reckon I'll be done with the game though. :(


Yeah, I enjoy the spectacle of the fight but once you get his moves down he's a pushover and it can drag on. It's a bit like Lao-Shan from the first game and Jhen from the more recent ones. You can actually speed the battle up if you do some good damage on him. He just either skips phases or will just move through to the final one more quickly. I still think Jhen is the most boring fight in the series though.


You level will probably be fine and you can get a decent armour set from G1. Once you get to G2 though it's all about working as a team and providing the goods with the rest of them. I know a fair few people were getting kicked by players if they weren't bringing traps and stuff. You have your farms though so just continue to use them and level them up and you should be good.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Can i just go straight into online? do i need to do online to continue single player? i completed all the "rank" 2 quests in the town and got an expedition but there seems to be no new missions. Do i need to go in the guild hall now? is there a new town to go to?


gotta say i didn't like Monster hunter 3 on the WiiU i put in about 5-10 hours, and got bored....but this...i'm loving this game soooooo much

is their voice chat with randoms on this? keep seeing you guys use PSN voice chat, if there's no voice chat does it make it harder with randoms? or just frustrating

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Can i just go straight into online? do i need to do online to continue single player? i completed all the "rank" 2 quests in the town and got an expedition but there seems to be no new missions. Do i need to go in the guild hall now? is there a new town to go to?


gotta say i didn't like Monster hunter 3 on the WiiU i put in about 5-10 hours, and got bored....but this...i'm loving this game soooooo much

is their voice chat with randoms on this? keep seeing you guys use PSN voice chat, if there's no voice chat does it make it harder with randoms? or just frustrating


You can go online now if you wish.


There is no voice chat at all in the game. We just put on party chat on the PS4 to communicate.


Fantastic night of hunting last night. Me and lostmario played with a couple of randoms and cleared a bunch of his G2 quests. My nephew then arrived and we continued to do G2 quests, while doing the odd quest for materials as well.


We done one quest where I ended up getting a los ruby, mantle and 2 large wyvern gems. We done the quest again later and my nephew got a mantle and 4 los rubies!!!! Crazy.


Lostmario had an absolute mare in one of the quests. He tried to put a trap down and the beast left. He then put another trap down and went to tranq the beastie, only for him to have his potions on instead. He luckily managed to tranq it in time, after drinking his potion of course.


Another funny moment was when we fought Blos. It limped off and we put traps down. It felt into it and my nephew threw the tranqs. The quest complete message came up but I noticed it wasn't actually asleep. We had somehow killed the thing and I started carving. I told lostmario and my nephew to carve but the poor random thought we had caught it! It wasn't until right at the end that he realised he could carve. I don't think he got any off it. :D

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Seconded, I've enjoyed hearing about you online exploits @Hero\-of\-Time and I'd love to join you for some online hunting sessions if you happen to have any spaces free? I've only played online twice so far despite having the game over a week.


I'm free tonight and tomorrow night though as far as I know, I've made it to 4* quests offline, still on HR1 online but I can grind through some of them solo if needed to at least get to HR2 before tonight so let me know if there's space and from what time you're hunting and I'll try and get online after dinner. : peace:


Its been too long since we last hunted. :)


I've at least got a full set of Tetsucabra armour and a pair of Chainsaw dual blades which isn't bad for having played less than thirty hours mostly offline. :D

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Seconded, I've enjoyed hearing about you online exploits @Hero\-of\-Time and I'd love to join you for some online hunting sessions if you happen to have any spaces free? I've only played online twice so far despite having the game over a week.


I'm free tonight and tomorrow night though as far as I know, I've made it to 4* quests offline, still on HR1 online but I can grind through some of them solo if needed to at least get to HR2 before tonight so let me know if there's space and from what time you're hunting and I'll try and get online after dinner. : peace:


Its been too long since we last hunted. :)


I've at least got a full set of Tetsucabra armour and a pair of Chainsaw dual blades which isn't bad for having played less than thirty hours mostly offline. :D


You're more than welcome to hook up with me. That's if you don't mind me butchering stuff with my G Rank gear? :) I usually start playing at around 17:30. Just post in the online topic when you come on and i'll have a look for you.


The Tetsu armour is fine, in fact it's what I used and continue to use now ( G Rank version, obviously ). It has a great def and some decent skills. The only negative is the gathering skill which can be either gemmed out or just left, as its neither here nor there anyway.

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The Tetsu armour is fine, in fact it's what I used and continue to use now ( G Rank version, obviously ). It has a great def and some decent skills. The only negative is the gathering skill which can be either gemmed out or just left, as its neither here nor there anyway.


Switch out the arm parts with the Konchu Vambraces. Voilá.

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I've just had an epic night of hunting thanks to @Hero\-of\-Time & his nephew, @kav82 who helped me in getting from HR1 up to HR4 which has really given me a push to keep the momentum going with the game. : peace:


We hunted some old favourites including Rathalos, Rathian, even Tigrex and Kirin who I'd never seen before owing to me only getting into the series with MH3U so I really appreciated the chance to hunt such a diverse selection of monsters with some good company and decent party chat on the headset courtesy of the Playstation network meaning we were able to have a laugh while playing, just how Monster Hunter should be. :D


Some of the new monsters were fun to fight as well, being that I'd only got up to 4* quests on single player these were quite the eye-opener as well, indeed I've never seen Gore Magala get taken down so swiftly before, glorious stuff. I seemed to have my moments too with some of the mounted take-downs which are a lot of fun to perform, but credit to you all as it was brilliant to hunt as part of a unit again, seeing how accomplished you all are with your respective weapons and then there's me rocking up with my 'newb' armour... the same in style but several ranks lower, I seemed to hold my ground though as I didn't faint so that's a plus. :heh:


Anyway I'd just like to say thanks to the N-E Brotherhood as it's always a pleasure to hunt with you all, if you want to carry on with G-Rank quests for a bit then I completely understand but if you can spare an hour or so once or twice a week then I'd love the opportunity to fight alongside you whenever it may arise; then when I get up to G-Rank myself I can of course return the favour if anyone should have need of my help... I will get there, one quest at a time. ;)


It's a nice reminder that we do actually have a brilliant community on this forum when we do manage to get together for a proper session and it's a place I'm proud to be part of, especially when it comes to playing games such as this which really bring out the best of this place rather than the beast quite aptly. :smile:


BAM! Suit up, Huntah! :awesome:

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Surely you jest? Going by my experience in 3 and FU, mixed armour is definitely the way to go.


Nope. I'm totally OCD and can't handle mixed armour, I am not even lying.


@S\.C\.G I'm only High Rank so now youre HR4 you're in the same level as me. I'm happy to game with you although I don't use the PS4 to chat (long story as posted above/prior pages).

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