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Fire Emblem Fates


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Am I missing something? Whats the problem?


In the original Japanese release, to increase your relationship with characters, you would go through a petting/stroking mini game. You would have a character on screen and you would have to stroke their face to gain approval. Sometimes the characters would laugh but other times they would blush and get embarrassed. Basically, the usual pervy Japanese anime stuff.


It came out the other day that the western version would be getting rid of this feature ( not surprising seeing as its creepy and would probably cause a bit of a media fuss over here ) but now it seems that it is still in the game in some capacity.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Do we know how much the three game package is going to cost? I love the FE games so would like to get them all, and hopefully buying them all together turns out cheaper...


Bit worried though as people from the US said the Special Edition sold out in minutes because of scalpers. Following a tracker website to see when it might be put up for preorders, and it is filled with Americans hoping to snatch up a European version. :/

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Do we know how much the three game package is going to cost? I love the FE games so would like to get them all, and hopefully buying them all together turns out cheaper...


Bit worried though as people from the US said the Special Edition sold out in minutes because of scalpers. Following a tracker website to see when it might be put up for preorders, and it is filled with Americans hoping to snatch up a European version. :/


I can't imagine there being too many Americans trying to snatch our special editions due to the 3DS being region locked.


I imagine both GAME and Nintendo UK store will probably be the ones to sell our special edition, so you could always just preorder in store if they do happen to sell out stupidly fast online.


Myself and others on here usually get emails from the Nintendo UK store as soon as things go up for preorder, so we are usually pretty fast off the mark in letting N-E know when things go on sale.

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I can't imagine there being too many Americans trying to snatch our special editions due to the 3DS being region locked.


I imagine both GAME and Nintendo UK store will probably be the ones to sell our special edition, so you could always just preorder in store if they do happen to sell out stupidly fast online.


Myself and others on here usually get emails from the Nintendo UK store as soon as things go up for preorder, so we are usually pretty fast off the mark in letting N-E know when things go on sale.


I don't know, they are all talking about using mods etc to run the games. And I think they mostly seem to want it for the extra stuff that comes with it, not so much the games?


I don't really care about the extras to be honest, I just want the games heh.

Hoping that Amazon might have them as well as I have a voucher I need to use (would save me quite a bit). Do not want to order from Game or Nintendo really...

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The extra stuff is different here. I think they got a fabric 3DS case and we are getting a steelbook and map. The art book is the same, I think.

I will be quite annoyed if I don't manage to get one.


I hope they will have listened to the negative publicity of the shortages in the US and have a bit more in stock.

I think I am going to go with the Nintendo UK store for this one.


As for price I imagine we are looking in the 60-70 pounds region - roughly the price of the Bravely Second special edition.

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I don't really care about the extras to be honest, I just want the games heh.

Hoping that Amazon might have them as well as I have a voucher I need to use (would save me quite a bit). Do not want to order from Game or Nintendo really...


I tell you what, when Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition is announced as being available on the Nintendo Store, I'll pre-order two - assuming it's not one per customer, which shouldn't happen anyway with this - then if you want it I'll swap you it for your Amazon voucher - assuming it's for around the same amount as the game - then that way you get the game, I get the value of the game back which I'll then spend on Amazon and everyone's a winner. :)


Anyway, let me know if you do manage to get it on Pre-order on Amazon but otherwise I'll go ahead with this unless there's a flaw in the plan I've overlooked, you and Flink have helped me out with game sales etc before so I'm always happy to return the favour. : peace:

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I tell you what, when Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition is announced as being available on the Nintendo Store, I'll pre-order two - assuming it's not one per customer, which shouldn't happen anyway with this - then if you want it I'll swap you it for your Amazon voucher - assuming it's for around the same amount as the game - then that way you get the game, I get the value of the game back which I'll then spend on Amazon and everyone's a winner. :)


Anyway, let me know if you do manage to get it on Pre-order on Amazon but otherwise I'll go ahead with this unless there's a flaw in the plan I've overlooked, you and Flink have helped me out with game sales etc before so I'm always happy to return the favour. : peace:


I already have the voucher applied to my Amazon account though (and used a few pound from it to buy some small things), so sadly this won't work. :(


Thanks for the offer though! :)

I think I'll just keep an eye on different sites to see where I can get a better deal. And maybe just buy the games separately if I have to (if the price difference isn't too big).

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I think I'll just keep an eye on different sites to see where I can get a better deal. And maybe just buy the games separately if I have to (if the price difference isn't too big).


Just a heads up, just in case, you don't need to buy them separately, you can buy the other path at a cheaper price point as DLC.

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I already have the voucher applied to my Amazon account though (and used a few pound from it to buy some small things), so sadly this won't work. :(


Thanks for the offer though! :)

I think I'll just keep an eye on different sites to see where I can get a better deal. And maybe just buy the games separately if I have to (if the price difference isn't too big).


Ah fair enough, I'll still keep you in mind though, the Special Edition seems to be the only way to get the full game, so if you don't manage to secure one, I can still order the Special Edition and then sell you just the game for... £35 including postage if that sounds fair? (That seems to be the going rate for most brand new 3DS games)


Seeing as it's just the game you really want, that might be a viable option, then I can just sell the box with all the extras, I'm sure I could make the money back easily so I wouldn't be losing out either way and you'd get the full game for a reasonable price without feeling forced to buy the extras you don't want. : peace:


Anyway, keep it in mind for nearer the games release. :)


Just a heads up, just in case, you don't need to buy them separately, you can buy the other path at a cheaper price point as DLC.


Would buying it all digitally come to less than £35 though?




I'll be pre-ordering this as soon as it's available as I love Fire Emblem games despite - rather embarrassingly - never finishing a single title in the series to completion... :blush:




I still enjoy playing them though. ;)

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Would buying it all digitally come to less than £35 though?


Altogether? Nope. It'll be £35 - £40 just for the first path.


In the US, it costs $20 to buy the other story path, which is half the price of buying the first and then you have the 3rd path which is $20.


For reference, the US CE costs about $80, but I think our's has more stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The special edition is currently up for pre-order on the GAME website, for anyone interested! Not sure how long it will be on and if they might run out. I managed to snag myself a copy, yay! :D


Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition


Though if I do manage to catch it on Amazon, I might switch my pre-order to there (simply cause of the voucher I have). But happy I got one secured at least. :)

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£70 is that the RRP? Though it'd be much cheaper than that... Oh well, ordered just in case Nintendo store sell out before I can order there.


Considering your getting all 3 paths plus some extra stuff, then it's priced correctly.

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£70 is that the RRP? Though it'd be much cheaper than that... Oh well, ordered just in case Nintendo store sell out before I can order there.


You are getting three games for that price, along with extra goodies.


Sounds about right to me :)

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