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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Online Meet Up Thread


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That double Rosalina moment was fantastic!


We both agreed to charge up and shoot our Lumas to try and get them to collide and have a Luma fight.

We really didn't expect what happened next. You just can't predict Smash sometimes.

(Couldn't ask for a GIF of that? One of the funniest moments tonight)

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Great session last night, @Glen\-i. :bowdown:

Wanted to play for longer, but 3 hours continuous Smash is pretty much my limit these days. :heh:


Sprout, thanks for producing another WTF moment in the form of that custom stage. :grin: At first I was like "what's with this weird uneven floor?"... *camera pans out* "whoa!" :laughing:

You sir, are mental. :hug:


By the way, sorry for being such a crappy teammate during those team battles. Not that you needed my help. :hehe: But as you may have noticed, I was going through the character roster in order last night, and it just so happened that most of the team battles coincided with me being a character I'm unfamiliar with (like any of the Fire Emblem ones :p).


Also, do we have any idea what was causing that lag last night? It seemed to kick in when Dcubed & Glen-i joined, but you guys are on a fast (not to mention wired) connection, so it seems weird that there would be any problems on your end. :blank:

Perhaps because you weren't hosting the game? It was OK the last time you guys were playing online via the 1 Wii U, but it was your game on that occasion. ::shrug:


That double Rosalina moment was fantastic!


We both agreed to charge up and shoot our Lumas to try and get them to collide and have a Luma fight.

We really didn't expect what happened next. You just can't predict Smash sometimes.

(Couldn't ask for a GIF of that? One of the funniest moments tonight)

You can indeed have a GIF of that:


Was gonna post it in my GIF thread, but I don't want to be responsible for frying Sprout's PC. :D



Anyone tomorrow(Sunday)?
I should be around tomorrow for some games :)
I'll probably be on at around 8pm (that magic SSB time) again today.

: peace:

Edited by RedShell
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Yeah last night's matches were great! That double Rosalina finish was LEGENDARY! : peace:


Dunno what on earth was causing that weird lag. It's been fine for us before :wtf:


That custom stage was awesome as well! which reminds me, I need to finish off that stage I'm working on myself...


BTW, we were trying to get The Great Cave Offensive when we did that S-Flag only match... Still turned out hilarious though! :)


Great stuff as always! This game is just the gift that keeps on giving! :D

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BTW, we were trying to get The Great Cave Offensive when we did that S-Flag only match... Still turned out hilarious though! :)
Oh yeah, that was brilliant. :hehe:

Even though I ended up getting most of my points the traditional way due to DK being so damn slow. :heh:


Trying to think what other item/rule specific combinations could be fun...

I think bumper item only matches are still my favourite at the moment though. :hehe:

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Ok. Almost done with the match. Wait 2 minutes and check again.


Did you two continue alone or something? Not sure how this works.

You apparently declined my request to join the new room, so I made one of my own. I won't start without you, so come on in.
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Note to self: pachinko stage needs work.
Just a bit, yeah. :heh:

Lost count of how many times I got insta-KO'd by it. :laughing:


So when did you guys realize it was a team battle, 3vs1, and with friendly fire turned on? :p And we lost >_>
It took me a while to realise, but I wasn't really with it last night. :hehe:

Next time we should manually set Sprout to 300% damage, see if that helps...

It probably won't. :D

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Just a bit, yeah. :heh:

Lost count of how many times I got insta-KO'd by it. :laughing:

I don't think the cannon portion really works anyway, even if I did fix it so you couldn't fall through the wall (unless I used it just for 1 stock games). I wanted it to be closed off, but obviously fighters respawn from the top of the screen, and clearly putting lava on the top of the stage didn't deter you from hanging out up there in the coin match. Chances are I'll have to scrap the cannon bit and just make it an open top stage. Which will probably make it work better as a stage in general (why do items spawn on lava), but maaaan, I really wanted to include the feeling of being shot into something like a pachinko or pinball machine...



I was gonna write or draw something on the left wall by the way, but the game wouldn't let me. Ran out of space apparently, can you believe that? How absurd.


It took me a while to realise, but I wasn't really with it last night. :hehe:

Next time we should manually set Sprout to 300% damage, see if that helps...

It probably won't. :D

Hey, you guys won one of those two matches! They were sorta close both times, too. I'm not invincible (unless I pick up a star)!


I enjoyed last night, but I now seem to have a little problem...



I've run out of space for replay data!


Thing is I'm scratching my head as to why, since I still had almost 1800MB or space on my system memory when I got this message (replays can't be saved to SD card apparently, which is dumb because Brawl could do this), and after deleting a demo to get more space, I got the same message. So it looks like Smash Wii U has a replay limit too. It's not a set number like the 3DS version's 64 replay limit though. I had 161 replays, but when I deleted an old one I managed to save at least two more.


In anycase, I'm gonna have to crawl through all of these replays and see which ones I want to keep before I can start saving more online moments. Thiiiis could take a while... at least we know now, eh? =P


I'll try to be online at the usual 8PM tonight. I just hope I can record the stuff I want to keep by then so I can save more things!

Edited by Sprout
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I've run out of space for replay data!


Thing is I'm scratching my head as to why, since I still had almost 1800MB or space on my system memory when I got this message (replays can't be saved to SD card apparently, which is dumb because Brawl could do this), and after deleting a demo to get more space, I got the same message. So it looks like Smash Wii U has a replay limit too. It's not a set number like the 3DS version's 64 replay limit though. I had 161 replays, but when I deleted an old one I managed to save at least two more.

Noooooooo!!!! :shakehead

I was worried about this.


That is a pretty decent amount of replays that can be saved, but I was still hoping for unlimited storage via the SD card. Hadn't even realised that replay data wasn't being saved to the SD card actually... what's up with that? :blank:


In anycase, I'm gonna have to crawl through all of these replays and see which ones I want to keep before I can started saving more online moments. Thiiiis could take a while... at least we know now, eh? =P
The replay system is crying out for MK8 style rewind/fast forward and slowmo controls. It's so annoying if you have a great moment saved but it's right at the end of like a 10 minute fight. :nono:


Anyway, should be on at 8 tonight. :)

Think I'll continue the character roster in order thing from the other day, (was up to Falco) there are still quite a few characters I've not even used yet on the Wii U version!

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Noooooooo!!!! :shakehead

I was worried about this.


That is a pretty decent amount of replays that can be saved, but I was still hoping for unlimited storage via the SD card. Hadn't even realised that replay data wasn't being saved to the SD card actually... what's up with that? :blank:

If I had to guess, they probably don't use the SD Card for replays and custom stages in this game because of what happened in Brawl (the stage builder could be exploited to get access to homebrew and piracy). Not sure if replays could be manipulated too though (I know you could extend Brawl's 3-minute time limit and add player names)...


I've been running through the oldest of my replays thus far, watching and recording the parts I wanted to potentially keep. I've only managed to delete 20 replays so far, heh... That should hopefully be enough space for any shenenigans that go on tonight at least.


I'll open a room in about 15 minutes!

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