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Doom (May 13th)


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So the new Doom was officially unveiled at Quakecon yesterday v(which is just called "Doom".) Unfortunately, the 15 minute gameplay demo was exclusive to people present at the convention, so there's no footage as of yet. However, lots of info has been posted, and it sounds absolutely brilliant!




- Fast-paced combat against multiple enemies at once - Doom 3 this ain't.

- Set outside a massive UAC research facility on Mars as it's being invaded by the forces of Hell.

- Hellknights, cyberdemons, revenants, mancubii, and other classic monsters were spotted throughout the demo.

- Classic Doom weapons, including the fan-favorite double-barrell shotgun return. Plasma rifle, rocket launcher, and the good old chainsaw were also shown off.

- Go fast. "Doom is not about about taking cover" said executive producer Marty Stratton.

- Doom is powered by IdTech 6, and will be for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. They are "committed" to 1080P at 60 frames-per-second.

- Wonderfully gory close range executions, including special ones for dropping down on enemies from above.

- Revenants now have jetpacks and can hover about while firing rockets at you.

- At least one weapon, the combat shotgun, has an alternate fire mode, which allows you to charge up and release multiple shells in rapid succession.

- Sprinting, double-jumping and mantling are all possible, making for very fluid motion during combat.

- Enemies can teleport in for old-school style ambushes

- Dying results in a crazy fatality scene depending on what killed you a la Dead Space. Revenants rip your arms off and punch straight through your combat helment.

- Old school mechanics. No reloading your clip, hold as many weapons as you want, health and ammo pick-ups etc. NO REGENERATING HEALTH.


Can't wait to actually see it!

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Tentatively excited for this. Doom 3 seemed to do everything right if you were just... I dunno... looking at screenshots of the original Doom games and trying to recreate that. But it didn't capture an ounce of the way the game should've felt. Doom should be manic, difficult and have bonkers weapons, not a jumpscare, alone in the dark kinda thing. To have the next title in the hands of people who appreciated what was great about Doom is a reason to be optimistic.

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Couldn't agree more, that's what Doom is all about! Not that Doom 3 was bad, but it didn't feel like a proper Doom game. The reactions to the demo have been overwhelmingly positive, and it honestly sounds like it's more fast paced and over the top than ever!


I'm still quite bitter on the whole exclusivity of the reveal though. I mean, why tease it at E3, where hundreds of thousands will be aware of it, only to reveal it to a few thousand? The logic of it honestly deludes me. To be honest, there's a fair amount of people that are incredibly pissed of by this entire fiasco. I'm just hoping for a reveal at Gamescom...

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I'm cool with that... more time gets spent on the game so hopefully it will end up being all that it can be rather than a half-measure.


In the meantime how about a pre-order incentive, they could bring out Brutal Doom for the PS4/XBone which you get a code to download instantly for free so you can play that until the beta comes out, or y'know just keep playing Wolfenstein if that doesn't happen. : peace:


Which reminds me, I must get back to that soon.

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Fair point, I'd be happier if it were a more complete product, and not rushed to release. However, peeps who saw the gameplay said it looked complete, and the reactions were extremely positive, so what do they have to lose? Plus, if they already have something to show, it'd simply be a case of recording it, and shoving it on the internet. Job done.


As for Brutal Doom as a pre-order incentive.... that'd be AMAZING! I really don't see it happening, but it would be awesome.

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So,the multiplayer beta is today for those who pre-ordered Wolfenstein: The New Order. I'm one of those peeps... and I've received no code, or confirmation. I'm downloading the beta anyway as we speak. Should it just work, or should I have had an e-mail through confirming my participation? :/


EDIT: Never mind... got the e-mail through, now my interwebs needs to hurry the fuck up and download this!!!

Edited by CoolFunkMan
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So, I've played the beta a lot this weekend, and.... it's really not what I expected. However, I adjusted to it, and it's a ton of fun!


The thing is, it really feels a lot more like a Quake game, although iD also created Quake, so that's not really a surprise. It's fast-paced oldskool action, with health, armor and powerups dotted around the level. The level designs are quite nice too, with lots of routes to get flanked from, and items seem to be well placed. Oh, and the weapons are very nice too, I love the Plasma Rifle!


However, for some reason there's an unlock/level up system, in which you create loadouts, similar to CoD. Fortunately, pretty much all the weapons are available from the get-go, and leveling up seems pretty fast (I was level 15 within 2 hours, which was the beta level cap.) Only two of the weapons were locked at certain levels, and the unlocks mainly appear to be cosmetic, although it seems there's some "equipment" that can also be unlocked too (special types of grenade, etc.) Also, in each loadout, you're limited to two weapons. This doesn't ruin the game by any means, it just seems like an odd choice in an arena style frag-fest.


Oh, and pretty much everything can be customised. The look of your character, your taunts, and even your guns can be edited. Again, these are unlocked as you go along, but there's plenty to keep you going. I made my Doom Marine look pretty badass!


And playing as the Demon. It's so fucking AWESOME!!!! Only the Revenant was available in the beta, and it was extremely overpowered in terms of firepower, but it's an event, and a joy to play as! Mind you, if the enemy team is co-ordinated enough, you can still be taken down pretty quickly.


Overall, after getting used to it, it's a massive amount of fun, and it seemed nicely balanced. However, for me, the real part that's enticing me is the campaign. That said, after trying the beta, I'm definitely a lot more interested in the multiplayer aspect than I was before!

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You mean as in how long it takes to kill other players? If so, I'm gonna have to disagree, I love it, it definitely makes it even more oldskool!


Oh, and FYI to all, there's an open beta next weekend! It runs from 15th - 18th and is open to all. I'll definitely be downloading it again for one final quick blast before it's launch! :grin:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I personally loved the beta! Sure, it wasn't what I expected, but once I got used it it, I thought it was great.


So it launches this Friday, who's looking forward to it? :D Oddly enough, I've got an e-mail from GAME, telling me they're processing my order for Homefront next week... and there's nout on Doom. I sure hope it's a mistake.

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So did anyone get this? My Collector's Edition arrived on Friday, and I think it's brilliant!


The gameplay is solid - the combat is fast, visceral, and it flows beautifully. The Glory Kill animations actually don't interrupt the gameplay either, they're quite quick, which put my main fear that it would become too distracting to rest. The armour + weapon upgrades and rune skills don't feel very Doom, but somehow they actually work, plus it's an excellent excuse to explore the levels (which have incredible design by the way, they're HUGE!) As for story... it's a bit weird. It's not bad by any means, but it's certainly not going to win any awards for best plot, even though it can be intriguing at times. Oh, and visually it looks incredible, and runs at a solid 60fps throughout.


Word of warning though, for those of you that do pick this up, if it's the PS4 version, get the day 1 patch first. It is 5GB, but there were massive screen-tearing issues and some frame-rate problems before I got it. It's about the only issue I've had so far!


Honestly, I can't recommend it enough, I haven't had this much fun from playing a game for years! It's glorious!

Edited by CoolFunkMan
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