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I've read so many good things about this game since the demo, however I didn't have time to try it myself as I was busy at those times.


The rollers do look insanely overpowered though - but also great fun. The footage of the rollers running people over makes them look like the weapon of choice!


I really can't wait to get my hands on this.

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No, they just need to get with the times and include the feature. It's also about making it more enjoyable and it would give the game more legs.

It's rather hyperbolic to claim that the lack of voice chat will shorten the attention to the game.

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I've read so many good things about this game since the demo, however I didn't have time to try it myself as I was busy at those times.


The rollers do look insanely overpowered though - but also great fun. The footage of the rollers running people over makes them look like the weapon of choice!


I really can't wait to get my hands on this.


The game is amazing, insanely good in my opinion. As for the overpowered roller.... I'm not convinced and feel the guns were equally as good and useful. I mentioned it before, but i think the real key though is team balance, 2 rollers, a gun and a sniper would probably be pretty effective. 4 rollers is limited, same with 4 guns.


I enjoyed both though and they play so so differently, more than in any other "shooter' I reckon, though I didn't get on with the sniper at all, I hope other versions or upgrades make it a more viable and useful option.


There's a still few question marks - like can 3 team up and have a random 4th player in the august update? Or 7 friends play and a random join you? I'm very worried that you need 4 players or you can't team up, or 8 for the group games.

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It's rather hyperbolic to claim that the lack of voice chat will shorten the attention to the game.


I have to disagree with that, even though it's not a big feature for me personally. A lot of people will play it for longer if they can socialise with their friends while doing it. It gives them a place to meet, catch up, and do something fun together. Like all the people who still play Destiny on here despite there being fuck all new to do.


Without voice chat, it may still be a great game that's a lot of fun and you can laugh about together after, like with the Mario Kart league on here, but you can't laugh together during, and for a team based game, it's a bit of a shame.

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I think it's pretty clear to see that the game would be more enjoyable with voice chat, I can't see how it could be argued otherwise. In fact to argue that voice chat be absent is a 'good thing' would be nonsensical.


It's always more fun to talk to your friends when playing a game.


But equally to claim voice chat is some be-all and end-all of gaming and that games just aren't fun or engaging with it is nonsense.


Splatoon is still shaping up to be a great game, but it would have been better to have the ability to chat with friends whilst playing.

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I've read so many good things about this game since the demo, however I didn't have time to try it myself as I was busy at those times.


It's a shame you didn't get to play it. I would have liked your thoughts on things like spawn killing, seeing as I know you hated such things on CoD.


I doubt anything will change between now and release but if such tactics continue then it's really gonna hamper my enjoyment.

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It's a shame you didn't get to play it. I would have liked your thoughts on things like spawn killing, seeing as I know you hated such things on CoD.


I doubt anything will change between now and release but if such tactics continue then it's really gonna hamper my enjoyment.

But you are protected in the bubble though. You can just pick them off, throw grenades etc.

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It's a shame you didn't get to play it. I would have liked your thoughts on things like spawn killing, seeing as I know you hated such things on CoD.


I doubt anything will change between now and release but if such tactics continue then it's really gonna hamper my enjoyment.


Very interesting you say that - and my opinion may be different to what you think!


I hated spawn killing in COD as COD was mainly about killing and your kill/death ratio was essentially the barometer of how good a player you were. I know there were objective based games, but even in those you were ranked on how many kills you got and players often used those modes to rack up large kill streaks.


Thus because the focus of the game (and most in game rewards) were tied to killing and being alive for as long as possible whilst killing, it hurt the game and made it ever so frustrating when spawn killing took place.


However Splatoon seems to be more focused on scoring points and covering the level in ink. This makes killing a secondary focus of the game. Also, when watching a game play out you don't seem to be ranked on how many people you killed or how many times you died.


Having the focus shift like this removes the frustration as you aren't ranked on kills and deaths.


I am not saying it won't end up getting me mad if I'm literally penned into a corner for an entire game - but I think moving the focus of the game away from just kills and deaths is a good thing and could well make the game far more enjoyable for everyone.

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Man i want to play this again....it was so charmingly fun


but i agree voice chat would be better for it, even lobby only one round we all had rollers, with voice chat we could have co-ordinated.....well in the main game, the demo boots you to change weapons

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How IS scoring worked out does anyone know? Is it purely on how much ink you splat? Or does deaths and kills factor too? Not that it should matter too much, but surely the rollers will get the most and if someones a sniper whose main job is to kill the opposition then it's not going to be exactly fair in that regard.

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COD has so many multiplayer modes. Splatoon is very lacking in this regard. Where's modes like Last Inkling Standing, Free For All or Search & Destroy?


COD does have a lot of modes, but most people play TDM and never go any further. I enjoyed domination and demolition.


I know Splatoon is launching with less modes, but I'm sure over time they will flesh it out. Also, as it looks like a fresh experience, having a few months to get used to the maps, modes and new play style will be fine and spacing the content will add to the longevity of title.

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Here are the modes we know


Single Player

Battle Dojo

(Arcade games)


Turf Wars

Splat Zones


Then added soon after:


Tower Control




And in August:


Friend Matches


Seems fine to me. Don't want to overload it with stuff nobody will play. I imagine we'll get more modes as time goes on, too.

Edited by Serebii
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But you are protected in the bubble though. You can just pick them off, throw grenades etc.


Yeah, if it was that simple then I would have done it.


The smaller map has a drop just after the spawn point, as well as a side to hide behind. Tying to get out of spawn on this map is a nightmare due to there only being one way out. Add to the fact that some of them had bubble shields, which they activated if you got close, and you simply could not move.



However Splatoon seems to be more focused on scoring points and covering the level in ink. This makes killing a secondary focus of the game. Also, when watching a game play out you don't seem to be ranked on how many people you killed or how many times you died.


Indeed it is but when your whole team can't get out of spawn and they have a guy covering the map with paint, while the rest of them keep you pinned, it makes it just as bad as CoD.

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COD does have a lot of modes, but most people play TDM and never go any further...


That was the case on the Wii and WiiU but not the other platforms. You'd have millions/thousands playing all the modes on the 360/PS3.

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That was the case on the Wii and WiiU but not the other platforms. You'd have millions/thousands playing all the modes on the 360/PS3.


This was certainly true in my experience. I can't speak for the PS3 but on the 360 all game types were populated well. Same goes for Halo and Gears of War. Titanfall on the other hand....

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I actually think Splatoon's more streamlined approach to the genre is refreshing.


I have played literally thousands of hours of COD and have been on board from WAW (the first Wii online COD) right through to Ghosts on the Wii U. That's six years on Call of Duty!


I must say, by MW3 and beyond I was yearning for the more simple days of WAW, MWR and Black Ops. COD became over complicated with too many kill streaks, overpowered kill streaks, wacky attachments that unbalanced the game, crazy gadgets and silly fads like quick scoping.


The once streamlined and tightly balanced game with 3 streaks was gone, and in its place was an overly complex mess that actually felt bloated and less fun than previous games.


I remember playing Modern Warfare Reflex and balance was almost perfect. But by the time Black Ops 2 and Ghosts arrived that balance was completely lost.


It was like the developers didn't know where to take it next so they just threw more and more at the game and as they added these extra layers they lost sight of what made the game so much fun in the first place - the balance, the tight maps, the fact that all the weapons were useful, the way kill streaks were useful but never game breaking (and crucially were attainable by everyone on the field) and most importantly how the weapon attachments and gadgets didn't break the core of the game and each perk was balanced by another perk that could combat it. By the end of my time with COD it felt broken.


So a stripped back and more 'back to basics' shooter is actually refreshing for me. I hope this allows for focus on balance and gameplay rather than flashy crap that looks great in an unveil or sizzle reel, but in reality plays like crap and breaks the game.

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Here are the modes we know


Single Player

Battle Dojo

(Arcade games)


Turf Wars

Splat Zones


Then added soon after:


Tower Control




And in August:


Friend Matches


Seems fine to me. Don't want to overload it with stuff nobody will play. I imagine we'll get more modes as time goes on, too.


I'm sure they said new modes added over the weeks post launch, then it mentioned 2 modes added in the august update... are these the same thing? Or new modes we don't know about it? It wasn't exactly clear.


I also think it's harsh to compare this to CODs modes, they're very different modes. Is this going to have a free for all or last man standing when it's not about shooting?!?!

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I'm sure they said new modes added over the weeks post launch, then it mentioned 2 modes added in the august update... are these the same thing? Or new modes we don't know about it? It wasn't exactly clear.


I also think it's harsh to compare this to CODs modes, they're very different modes. Is this going to have a free for all or last man standing when it's not about shooting?!?!

Those two modes are unrelated to the August update. The only thing they mentioned for the August update was friend matchup

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I also think it's harsh to compare this to CODs modes, they're very different modes. Is this going to have a free for all or last man standing when it's not about shooting?!?!


They are all online shooters and as such will be held in comparison to each other. It's like Forza Horizon being compared to DriveClub. Both offer very different driving experiences yet both got compared.


I'm curious on how many people on here would have defended the amount of content that's offered in day one if it was Halo, CoD or some other franchise that's on another console. I wonder....

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They are all online shooters and as such will be held in comparison to each other. It's like Forza Horizon being compared to DriveClub. Both offer very different driving experiences yet both got compared.


I'm curious on how many people on here would have defended the amount of content that's offered in day one if it was Halo, CoD or some other franchise that's on another console. I wonder....


You see I don't think it is, I think it's like comparing Forza to mario Kart.


As for Halo and Cod and such, personally I don't think I'd care, I only ever played Team Deathmatch. But again, if it was a budget price and they were clear how they rolling out the new maps and modes for free I think most people would be reasonable enough to accept that.

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