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Just out of curiosity, why not? Do you chat with the people you're playing with in local multiplayer? Imo, it helps a lot. I previously didn't think much of it but I've found that online gaming really is boring without it. You may as well play against an AI opponent rather than a human without it. It's essential for anything team based.



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It wasn't essential at EGX and from the looks of things people had a blast playing it. Might be essential for something like COD but Splatoon is pretty much just a free for all shoot em up. Can't imagine what kind of tactics people could want to discuss in a game like this but I guess I don't know about it enough to know.

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Tbh I think voice chat isn't important to any game, really. What I think it does add to online play is a social element. Without voice chat there is very little social element. In fact, I'd say there is no social element. At least on PC's you could IM people with the keyboard... on consoles there isn't really a standard fast way of inputting text, so voice chat is the only way to differentiate between AI and an online human opponent. Really, looking at the most valid of reasons for Nintendo being reluctant to move into the online space, I would have thought voice chat should have been a priority for them.


Having said that I never play online on other platforms these days, so it's not something I have the luxury to miss. Lucky me :D

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I think for co op games it's quite essential to be honest, for everything else IT isn't but s nice bonus, like pest said, for the social side, this is why a lot of people game. Play with friends and family.


Ultimately, we have to look last what we prefer individually, but what the community wants, and online and voice chat is what they want, so Nintendo need to sort it out and give them it.

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but what the community wants, and online and voice chat is what they want, so Nintendo need to sort it out and give them it.


How do you know that's what the community wants? I certainly don't. I couldn't care less if Splatoon doesn't even have an online mode. Maybe it's a vocal minority of people who will be buying the game that complain. I'm not trying to start an argument but just saying "the community wants voice chat so Nintendo has to give it to them" is a little simplistic. Maybe the reason Nintendo are so reluctant to put much effort into online is because they're in a position to know what percentage of users actually use it.

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Tbh I think voice chat isn't important to any game, really. What I think it does add to online play is a social element. Without voice chat there is very little social element. In fact, I'd say there is no social element. At least on PC's you could IM people with the keyboard... on consoles there isn't really a standard fast way of inputting text, so voice chat is the only way to differentiate between AI and an online human opponent. Really, looking at the most valid of reasons for Nintendo being reluctant to move into the online space, I would have thought voice chat should have been a priority for them.


Having said that I never play online on other platforms these days, so it's not something I have the luxury to miss. Lucky me :D


I only need look at the last game I played cooperatively online to prove you comprehensively wrong. Resident Evil: Revelations. I played with people that showed me hints, where hidden BP was, tactics and vice versa. Divided a stage up to get faster times. Asked them to hold up while I reload, am gathering ammo or exploring. Through that game alone I have more friends gathered online than any other. Communication is key for some games, not all but most definitely essential for some.


This is from a Nintendo only gamer so I've no comparison. Ignorance is bliss but from the little I've experienced done right it's made me think what else am I missing out on.


MH3U is another example, though I find less people speak online in that.

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How do you know that's what the community wants? I certainly don't. I couldn't care less if Splatoon doesn't even have an online mode. Maybe it's a vocal minority of people who will be buying the game that complain. I'm not trying to start an argument but just saying "the community wants voice chat so Nintendo has to give it to them" is a little simplistic. Maybe the reason Nintendo are so reluctant to put much effort into online is because they're in a position to know what percentage of users actually use it.


I think it's just what's expected and what's the norm though. Party chat or even voice chat in online games for consoles has been around since the original Xbox. It has becoming a massive part of online play and people are used to using it on the other consoles. You would expect something that has been the norm since the early 2000 would be standard across the industry now, but for whatever the reason Nintendo don't seem interested in it.


I still think it's all down to protecting the kids. I can appreciate this but there are ways of allowing players to talk to each other without hitting a feature on the head altogether. Parental controls, friends only parties, mute options are all valid options to satisfy those who want to talk and at the same time, protecting the younger demographic.

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How do you know that's what the community wants? I certainly don't. I couldn't care less if Splatoon doesn't even have an online mode. Maybe it's a vocal minority of people who will be buying the game that complain. I'm not trying to start an argument but just saying "the community wants voice chat so Nintendo has to give it to them" is a little simplistic. Maybe the reason Nintendo are so reluctant to put much effort into online is because they're in a position to know what percentage of users actually use it.


But you keep saying it's not what YOU want! The reason it ni k the gaming community wants is due to the huge success of the other systems with fully functional online setup and voice chat, due to the popularity of online gaming across the board. And how routinely Nintendo are critisised are for not having it.


Even taking this board as a snapshot, I'd say 90% + would prefer to have voice chat in it.


I genuinely be,I eve if they out voice chat, full proper voice chat and have a co other dive online set up, then the game will be hugely successful and appeal to the wider gaming community. Presuming it's great. And in spite of the visual design.

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  • 1 month later...
So I had to watch the Direct without sound as I'm in work. I'm guessing it's a given that they didn't mention anything about voice-chat at all?


You know they didn't. C'mon it's Nintendo you're talking about. I'm glad I don't really care about this game because it's really fugly looking.

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You know they didn't. C'mon it's Nintendo you're talking about. I'm glad I don't really care about this game because it's really fugly looking.


Yeah I'd figured. They're so out touch it's unreal. This would've been must-have for me if it had voice-chat. Now I'm just mildly interested in it, but not hyped at all, it's a "maybe" purchase if it's ever cheap or on sale.

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Me too @kav82 so I also would like to know.

That hub sounded interesting as well don't suppose online was mentioned in that section?


the hub works like in nintendo land, populated from miiverse from what I can understand, you can exchange messages, whether these are personalised or prepared texts you choose from who knows...

Hopefully they will let you leave personalised messages for people on your friends list, or maybe even voice mails :D in the hub I REALLY hope they allow voice chat with people in your friends list, that they are ironing things out and that is why no firm release date has been announced yet!


Yeah I'd figured. They're so out touch it's unreal. This would've been must-have for me if it had voice-chat. Now I'm just mildly interested in it, but not hyped at all, it's a "maybe" purchase if it's ever cheap or on sale.


If they mention voice chat I imagine it would be in May. having said that, I would have hoped splatoon was getting released before then

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The hub actually reminded me a bit of what I've played of Destiny - somewhere to upgrade your weapons and gear populated with random others, then you head from there into the actual game. If you can meet up with your friends in the hub and chat to them with voice chat, that'd be impressive. Knowing Nintendo itt'll probably end up with just pre-selected text speak, but fingers crossed we get a nice surprise.

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Yeah I'd figured. They're so out touch it's unreal. This would've been must-have for me if it had voice-chat. Now I'm just mildly interested in it, but not hyped at all, it's a "maybe" purchase if it's ever cheap or on sale.

Why would they randomly say it has voice chat when it was irrelevant to the things they were showing

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A few new shots from the twitter feed.




Is this the first time we've seen a non urban environment?


Really liking the look of that.


I was concerned about the environment tbh, it looked like it might get samey quite quickly, but these screenies have eased that concern!


Looks great :)

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Why would they randomly say it has voice chat when it was irrelevant to the things they were showing


You know why and you know it was relevant. If you don't then you're a lost cause.

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There was no part of the Direct where it'd have been pertinent to say it


I am confident it'll have voice chat. Relax.


Do you really thinks so?

In the game itself as opposed to just in the lobby?


To add one on to the list of necessities I would have thought some kind of headset would be required. If it is in, please let it not just be the mic on the gamepad.

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You know why and you know it was relevant. If you don't then you're a lost cause.


Serebii is right in this instance, it is relevant information, but they were talking about the hub. They mentioned contact with other users in the hub but they really didn't focus on communication aspects at all, it was all about how the hub fits into the game (essentially it is a prettier more immersive menu screen) and how customisations work. It was a narrow and focused snippet of information.


Do you really thinks so?

In the game itself as opposed to just in the lobby?


To add one on to the list of necessities I would have thought some kind of headset would be required. If it is in, please let it not just be the mic on the gamepad.


It doesn't really matter what any of us think, as to the best of my knowledge there is no official denial or confirmation. If you really want voice chat assume it's not there but keep an eye out on information in the hope of being proved wrong. For everyone else, continue not caring if there is voice chat I guess.

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@Pestneb, Serebii isn't right. They spoke about going from the hub to online, why not mention it there? Even something as simple as "from there you can connect to lobbies and chat with friends, and you can chat during the battles too." How is that not a missed opportunity?!


The biggest thing is this: It's been raised as questions to them in interviews and they've skirted around the issue and not given a direct answer. Having been asked the question then it's relevant to the consumer to know whether it's in or not.

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