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Scalebound - Platinum Games (XboxOne)


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Liam Robertson's video is up. Not too detailed (he said that he wouldn't go too indepth yet since it's so soon since the cancellation), but pretty damning for Microsoft.


And as rightfully said, their act in deleting all Scalebound videos and traces of it from their website and Youtube channels speaks volumes...

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It's a real shame. As hit-and-miss as I find Platinum's games. This one definitely piqued my interest when it was first shown.


On the plus side, if Ninty or Sony do decide to swoop in and pay for it, we can expect loads of people saying stupid things like "How dare they pay for exclusivity! This is a total slap in the face for fans!"

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I got a refund for my already paid for pre-order. :)


Still... sad about the game not getting made due to Microsoft's bullishness. :(


It would be nice to see it re-tooled and released on the Switch or the PS4, let's hope it happens.

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Kamiya tweeted this.


As you may have already heard, Scalebound has unfortunately been canceled. I'm very sorry to everyone who was looking forward to this game. Sorry to bring you such bad news at the start of the year. All I can do for you is to promise to keep delivering fun games. I'll work extra hard to never have to let you down like this again, so I hope you will keep watching over us in the future too.
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  • 4 months later...

Then... I guess I'll be pre-ordering it again then. :p


Only this time at ShopTo or somewhere normal to pre-order games without paying in advance so I can cancel again if it all goes pear-shaped. ;)

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Well if that happens, I'm guessing I won't be playing it afterall so that makes the decision easier. :indeed:


No more brand new consoles until at least 2020, that's the plan.


I have an OG PS4 which has 2TB of space with loads of games to play on it, no 4K TV so no need to upgrade plus an OG Xbox One with a 3TB HDD to fill and I just got a Switch plus a 200GB micro SD card; I'm good for a while. :awesome:


If it plays on Xbox One as standard though, count me back in! :)

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Re announced for Scorpio exclusive that's my prediction. That way it can maybe launch with something.


(Does Scorpio allow exclusives or not I can't remember MSs stance on that)


I'm fairly sure they've taken the same approach as Sony and all games have to be playable on standard Xbox One and Scorpio.


Of course this could change in the future but if you start bringing in exclusives then you are essentially introducing a new generation and I feel it's far too soon for that.

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