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Blood Vials and Bullets automatically refill every time you enter the dream. So whatever you have in storage comes out of storage and onto your person. Other items do not do that though; e.g. Molotovs.


@RedShell Some tips for Father Gascoigne.

Your L1 trick version of the hunter axe can hit him through the gravestones. So if you can keep him on the opposite side it'll help to mitigate damage.



There is a character who will give you an item that when used temporarily brings him back to his senses. A very useful way to get some easy back stabs on him. If you're having trouble and don't have that item, spend a little time running around Yharnam talking to people.



An excellent but spoilerific resource is the Bloodborne wiki on fextralife. I'm by no means an expert or veteran (still haven't beaten the game...) and I regularly go check that site while playing if I'm having trouble with a boss or what to read more lore.

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Got back into this after reading some of you are playing it again. On NG+ trying to beat blood starved beast. This game just sucks you in and keeps you going back for more. I have the expansion pack so wanting defeat Vicar Emilia.

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I kicked another couple of bosses all over the place last night/this morning.


This guy took a couple of tries. It was some massive electric beastie.


I started the fight by trying to stay close to him. Due to his size I figured I would stay underneath him and hack away. I wasn't prepared for his electric attack! I tried my best to dodge out if the way but it was too much.


I looked at what armour I had and equipped the stuff that had the best electric defence. Once that was sorted I headed back and butchered the guy. I kept knocking him out of his electric state. I'm not sure what was causing this ( damage done?) but it helped make the fight go smoother.




This one I beat first time.


There were 3 of the suckers charging me down. A kantana user, flamethrower guy and some dude using fire magic. I managed to keep getting hits in where I could and kept picking away at them all. At some point they decided to go all Super Sayian on me and became really aggressive.


I managed to beat the magic user first and then tried to take care of the katana user as he was the one going the most damage. At this point giant snakes were being summoned Orichimaru style. :D I held my nerve and got the win.



The forest area was pretty cool/creepy. It was confusing as hell at first and I kept losing my bearings. It took me a while to figure out where I had been and where to go.


EDIT: Just beat the hell out of Rom.


Honestly, I'm feeling invincible at the moment. Rarghhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I hate you HoT....but not really.


I beat Rom about two months ago for the first time. (Second character after a many month hiatus) and I got the game at release.

Basically I suck.


Edit Just checked the second spoiler. That was one of the two bosses that stonewalled me last time. Holy fuck they were tough back then. And this was when I released that when I last played before my hiatus was late April. Fucking before they patched Storage to allow for 600 vials and bullets (used to be capped at 99). Other patches also including various tweaks AND adding more summon spots for NPC help with different bosses. I summoned I think two people for that boss when I beat them recently.


I'm excited to hear of your encounter with a certain jackass on a roof. Because fuck that boss.


Seriously though glad to hear you're enjoying the game, and it truly lends itself to many playthroughs if you want to change your style. Similar to Monster Hunter as I'm sure you already figured out.

Edited by Nolan
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I hate you HoT....but not really.


I beat Rom about two months ago for the first time. (Second character after a many month hiatus) and I got the game at release.

Basically I suck.


My nephew was going off it with me as he struggled with him. He's baffled how easy I'm finding the game.::shrug:

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I'm excited to hear of your encounter with a certain jackass on a roof. Because fuck that boss.


If that's the one I'm thinking of, then I agree. A really tricky boss that kept kicking me arse.


I only summoned help once in the entire game and that was with the last boss. I figured it would quite fun to end the game with someone alongside me. :D (plus I kept dying lawl)


Can understand why Hero is finding it simple. The enemies are quite straightforward. It is just about recognising patterns and knowing when to strike and attack. There are no cheap tricks with the game, which is why I think I liked it. If you stick to the rules of each enemy, you should be ok. It's about learning when to attack, when to back off, when to dodge, etc.

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If that's the one I'm thinking of, then I agree. A really tricky boss that kept kicking me arse.


I only summoned help once in the entire game and that was with the last boss. I figured it would quite fun to end the game with someone alongside me. :D (plus I kept dying lawl)


Can understand why Hero is finding it simple. The enemies are quite straightforward. It is just about recognising patterns and knowing when to strike and attack. There are no cheap tricks with the game, which is why I think I liked it. If you stick to the rules of each enemy, you should be ok. It's about learning when to attack, when to back off, when to dodge, etc.


I'm talking about

Martyr Logarius



You're 100% correct; this and the souls games are all about being tough but fair. Knowing how to play and how the enemy acts is way to play. Personally I am just bad at it. I can easily learn the patterns and attacks but fuck if I can keep them straight and get my timing correct. My timing is terrible.



I've never summoned coop, I have been summoned into a game, a NG+, so I got a ton of echoes for it. But some bosses, the extra NPC can really help. I think the only one I required it for was the aforementioned 1v3 boss.


My nephew was going off it with me as he struggled with him. He's baffled how easy I'm finding the game.::shrug:


I can get how you're finding it easy. I've played MH and know the similarities. I'm just not much good at either honestly. But I have fun with them regardless. Plus I do know that for the lack of trying for a better word there are some idiot savants out there that can just pick up the controller and blast their way through this game. People that routinely punch that very first enemy to death.

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I'm talking about
Martyr Logarius



You're 100% correct; this and the souls games are all about being tough but fair. Knowing how to play and how the enemy acts is way to play. Personally I am just bad at it. I can easily learn the patterns and attacks but fuck if I can keep them straight and get my timing correct. My timing is terrible.



I've never summoned coop, I have been summoned into a game, a NG+, so I got a ton of echoes for it. But some bosses, the extra NPC can really help. I think the only one I required it for was the aforementioned 1v3 boss.


Yup, that fucker. I struggled on that one. Did it eventually, but it was definitely one of the tougher ones.


Yeah, I know what you mean. Being able to analyse is one thing, but being able to stay patient and know when to attack is another. Actually doing it and being quick enough is tricky.


Guys...@Eenuh has just started this game. I've got no idea how this one is going to go. :o


Can't tell you what it's like being able to see this game on the big screen again!

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Took down another 4 bosses since my last post, the last of which was a battle against an army of what looked like mushroom men! :D


I have to say, I didn't care for the area that was filled with poison and had those enemies that killed you with frenzy. The whole area just felt cheap and was really annoying to play through. I was talking to my nephews mate about it and he says most players hate that area. I'm assuming people on here aren't a fan of it either?


Gutted I have work tomorrow as I really want to crack on with this. :(. I may get up a little earlier and get a bit of time on it before work. :)

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Took down another 4 bosses since my last post, the last of which was a battle against an army of what looked like mushroom men! :D


I have to say, I didn't care for the area that was filled with poison and had those enemies that killed you with frenzy. The whole area just felt cheap and was really annoying to play through. I was talking to my nephews mate about it and he says most players hate that area. I'm assuming people on here aren't a fan of it either?


Gutted I have work tomorrow as I really want to crack on with this. :(. I may get up a little earlier and get a bit of time on it before work. :)


I'm guessing that's...


the Nightmare of Mensis?



If so, then yes, I didn't like that area. I was glad to get through that area.

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Aye. That's the one. Horrible area that puts a black mark on an otherwise ( so far ) brilliant game.


Yeah, I didn't fancy that area too much. But, I figured it was the game's way of making you feel uncomfortable again, as I felt pretty strong and badass at that point.


I'm watching @Eenuh persevere. Can confirm that she is finding that "street with 20 dudes" area quite tough. She's made it to the boss but promptly died. No blood vials left. Things are tense. :heh:

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Aye. That's the one. Horrible area that puts a black mark on an otherwise ( so far ) brilliant game.


It's not the best area for sure but it's no blight town (Dark Souls 1). My biggest issue there was Frenzy really. I do love that boss though.

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She sounds as good a player as me. My first time I took forever to be comfortable taking on groups of the "dudes" and finally taking out the bosses.


Of course now knowing what I know I can kill everything(excluding bosses) from central Yharnam through old Yharnam without a second thought.

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She has unlocked the shortcut back to that lamp! After many attempts. :D


Congrats! :yay:


Has she saved up for some armour yet from the messengers? ( @Eenuh get in here and tells us about your adventure ) I found that really helped me in that first area, especially as you can't level up at that point.


Man, I wanna get home and get back on this. You know a game has it's hooks into you when you're at work and all you can think about is playing on the game. :D

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There's a set you can find in the early area for free. And really most armor is conditional to the enemy as to what's best. Many aren't clear cut better or worse than each other. What weapons are you using HoT? Saw Cleaver still or have you switched to anything else yet? There's a certain fuckoff huge blade that is on the overpowered side.

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There's a set you can find in the early area for free. And really most armor is conditional to the enemy as to what's best. Many aren't clear cut better or worse than each other. What weapons are you using HoT? Saw Cleaver still or have you switched to anything else yet? There's a certain fuckoff huge blade that is on the overpowered side.


I'm still rocking my Saw Cleaver. I've levelled up to the point where I need a single Blood Rock ( I think it's called that ) to push it to the next level but I haven't come across one yet.


The armour is weird in this game. I'm still using one I got in the early part of the game. All the stuff i've found since is either worse or around the same level.

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So yes, I finally started this game, mostly because I didn't have much else to play at the moment (didn't feel in the mood to start the Uncharted trilogy for some reason).


I knew it was going to be difficult from having seen @Fierce_LiNk play through this game, and knowing that I am not an amazing gamer, I was bracing myself for the worst. And the worst did come. I could handle the guys when there were only 2 or 3 of them one after another, but once they start teaming up on you, it seems almost impossible to deal with them. I tried many times to sneak past some of them (the bonfire part in the middle of the street), and this would quite often work... but then I would get killed by something else further down the line and have to start all over again. I think I spent about 2 hours going through that first part again and again.


I did stumble upon the boss by accident somewhere in those first 2 hours, but I think I only had one blood vial left at that point so I didn't last long. :P

The game was getting very very frustrating at this point, I was just getting tired of having to do the same bit over and over again and losing my blood echoes every time (hadn't done any upgrading yet at this point). Eventually, thanks to a tip from Fierce_LiNk, I managed to go all the way around the level and open that door that leads back to the lamp! Hooray, shortcut to the boss! :D


So now I have been farming echoes for a bit and gone up to level 14 or 15. Don't have any armor yet though, do I just buy it from the bath messenger?


I will probably try the first boss again tonight, after stocking up on molotovs. Will see how it goes. Probably not going to end well. :P

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Just defeated Micolash! What a hilarious boss fight. :D The game throws massive, intimidating beasts at you at an alarming rate and then you get this guy who is essentially a coward. Great stuff! :grin:


Does anyone know if there's a point of no return for starting the DLC? I wanna do it on my first run and was wondering when I should start it.

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Just defeated Micolash! What a hilarious boss fight. :D The game throws massive, intimidating beasts at you at an alarming rate and then you get this guy who is essentially a coward. Great stuff! :grin:


Does anyone know if there's a point of no return for starting the DLC? I wanna do it on my first run and was wondering when I should start it.


You can jump between the DLC and the main game easily, it's just more lamps and a different headstone in the hunters dream. So jump around as much as you like.

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Man, I'm proper struggling with this game already!

Just cannot defeat the blood starved beast!

:shakehead When the bastard starts chucking poison everywhere, there just doesn't seem to be enough time to use antidotes or blood vials. ::shrug:

I tried summoning the NPC in that area a few times too, but he isn't much help at all. :blank:

Guess I'll try leveling up some more...

Speaking of which, do the enemies not disappear after a while, like they do in Dark Souls? I already spent quite a while clearing out the area near that boss, but the same amount of enemies always seem to be there.

Can you just level up indefinitely in Bloodborne then? :hmm:

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@RedShell enemies seem to be infinite.


As for the BSB, you could try equipping armour that has a higher poison resistance. If there is any available that is. Also, someone in this thread mentioned you can toss a jar of blood or something to distract it. I was bored at work and went back through the thread to read everyone's adventures. :D


I've just reached level 101! :yay:


My mate was saying I'm right near the end, so I think I'll just concentrate on the DLC stuff before taking on the final boss.

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