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Platinum Get!






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  Eenuh said:


Platinum Get!






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  • 4 years later...

Over the last week or two some streamers have been sharing more gameplay from Lance McDonald's homebrew 60fps patch, and it has just been released. 

Digital Foundry put out a great video on it last year:


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  On 2/9/2021 at 3:38 PM, Julius said:

Over the last week or two some streamers have been sharing more gameplay from Lance McDonald's homebrew 60fps patch, and it has just been released. 

Digital Foundry put out a great video on it last year:



This actually looks amazing.

The 30FPS didn't bother me too much until I played Dark Souls Remastered, at which point I was immediately spoiled by 60 FPS.



  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

Almost two years to the day I last bumped this thread and well...


...and have actually started tackling Bloodborne.


Been having a weird time these past few weeks, a bunch of ups and downs, but rather than do what I typically do in such a time - play FIFA or GT7 mindlessly - I wanted something which could be all-consuming in the way it grabs me, and obviously a From Software game would fit that billing perfectly. And, well, Bloodborne seemed to be the one calling to me most - just a massive shake-up in terms of appearance after I've played three dark fantasy From titles (Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Elden Ring) and a new type of combat to learn. 

Anyways, from the top - the character creator in this game kind of blows :p took me a good 40 minutes or so to come up with something I'd be okay spending more than 5 minutes at a time with!



The opening to this game is very ambiguous, and very attention-grabbing as a result. Sprinted by the wolf beast guy chilling out in the other room where I woke up after realising I didn't have a weapon to hand, sprinted through to th lamp, and went to the Hunter's Dream. Grabbed the Saw Cleaver and Blunderbuss - because those are the cool looking weapons on the cover, right? :D - and then returned to Central Yharnam. I've seen clips here and there of Bloodborne over the years, and my main takeaways were how much faster it looked compared to Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, as well as the parry/visceral system, which I thought was fascinating and looked anime as hell. 

So, naturally, first guy I actually fight in the game I get a shot parry/visceral off on :laughing:

Also did the same the first time I faced this horizontally challenged fella:

The shot parry and visceral feel SO DAMN GOOD! Give me monkey lizard brain all that dopamine please :D love how aggressive this game invites you to play, losing health but being able to gain some of it back just slicing and dicing dudes with a vengeance has clicked really quickly for me (thankfully!), I love the speed of fights, the dodging...I'm a bit over two hours in so far, but if this is any sign of things to come, I think this is going to have my favourite combat in any From Soft game I've played. Sorry Elden Ring :p 

I died a couple of times in this area to the bunch of dudes walking the streets, so in the end adopted the age-old approach I first adopted in these games at New Londo at sprinted through after taking out my fair share of the guys here, and haven't died since. Basically felt like I was constantly circling downwards, found some cool Hunter attire which I've since donned down in the sewers, came out to a bridge at a point but then just kept going down, ended up surrounded by gravestones after not diving deeper into the sewers (was starting to get hit hard!)...and felt like I'd gone maybe a bit too far down and like the bridge was probably the true way forwards, so headed back on up and crossed the bridge where I faced the Cleric Beast. For whatever reason the fight didn't click for me until about halfway through when I realised I could tank a few of his sweeping attacks, and so long as I didn't grabbed (which I did once, and it almost killed me getting bounced off the ground!), I could tank these hits while I was dealing damage and just get a bunch of health back; so long as I kept an eye on it, things would be alright. Tried to shot parry but it never paid off, unfortunately, but did get a visceral after bonking the hairy guy on the head at one point left him reeling! And the fight ended pretty shortly after that :peace:

After that, with the door behind the beast locked, I wasn't too sure where to go, so just decided to risk it and go deeper and deeper into the sewers after a bit of levelling up, and thankfully this paid off with working my way around a bridge some guys were playing catch on...with a huge flaming boulder? :p took care of the remaining folks and headed up to another boss fight, against Father Gascoigne. This one got hairy at points, especially seeing as he kept hitting me through gravestones while I kept getting stuck trying dodge around them, and similar to my fight against the Cleric Beast, it didn't really click until the end of his second (awesome) phase that I should probably have been trying to shot parry/visceral the whole time! D'oh! Finished him off with two consecutive parry/viscerals once I remembered those were a thing! Anyways, Gascoigne was taken care of first try too, and that capped off my first Bloodborne session. Picked up the Saw Spear to try out tomorrow - looks like it scales with Skill, and I think that's the direction I might go in if I'm right in thinking that that stat's responsible for my visceral attack damage? 

Besides the combat being awesome, the exploration so far feels like Dark Souls on crack, in large part thanks to how vertically designed this part of the game has been: ladders galore, hidden elevators, and plenty of shortcuts looping around to! Combine that with the awesomely exhilarating combat, and well, the game's sound and visual design...





...and, while only two hours in, yeah, I can sense that this game is going to be very special - even by From's own stupidly high standards. Shame about the framerate though, definitely been a couple of times where it's noticeably nosedived, including during the boss fights I've encountered so far. It's actually the first From game I'm playing targeting anything but 60 fps, so I'm pleasantly surprised by how quickly it all clicked despite that!

Really wish I could tell Gehrman to cool it, though...


Anyways, that's it for now! Don't think I'll go crazy in-depth in here during my playthrough, but I'll be back for boss fight thoughts for sure, as well as anything interesting otherwise :peace:

Oh, and to update my Death Tally vs Bosses counter! It's something I toyed with in my notebook while I played Elden Ring and is really fun to look back on, so figure I'll slip it in here to give you an idea of just how bad and good I can be at video games :p 

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...really feel like I'm jinxing that third boss fight, huh? 

Edited by Julius
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I saw you play this yesterday and was thinking to myself: "Hope he does the occasional write-up of his experience". AND YOU DID IT :D

*sees your death tally vs bosses*

:o Impressive. I need some captures of future boss fights, pretty please :D


  On 2/10/2023 at 3:52 AM, Julius said:

the game's sound and visual design...


It's stupidly good, isn't it?

As is the entire game. There's a reason people want a remaster and sequel so badly :(

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Spent a few more hours with the game just, and I'll probably get back to it later, just got a few errands to run (woo). 

Started off by climbing on up to and opening the Oedon Chapel, meeting some creepy-looking but seemingly kind-souled dude who wants me to send people there if they're looking for a place to stay. Prepping mentally for a classic From betrayal at some point but sure, I'll send people over. 

Walked around a bit, got to the elevated area overlooking the bridge where I faced the Cleric Beast, wandered around some more and found a sealed gate with a huge cathedral behind it – I'm guessing that's unlocked by the item costing 10,000 Blood Echoes in the Hunter's Dream. Whatever, can't afford it right now, mentally noted it and went another way and started a rather elaborate descent through Old Yharnham which saw some dude threaten me and then try to gun me down, probably the closest thing I've experienced to a cinematic setpiece in one of these games so far? Bunch of beasts about, always fun, guys scaring the crap out of me jumping through and breaking doors, wooden boards, etc. Not a fun time. Nice to be playing a From Soft game where I'm fast enough to attack and use a torch, though, whereas in Dark Souls it feels like I'm putting my entire guard down when I swap a shield out for a torch (speaking of, did find a wooden shield...which I found very amusing :laughing:). 


Anyways, eventually got to the bottom of the area and came to what obviously looked like a boss arena, a huge cathedral-looking thing. I spotted what I thought was a spectre by the staircase on my way down, so I ran over and activated it before the text popped up (couldn't see anyone around so was curious how they died)...and accidentally summoned Alfred, some dude I met a little while back. Okay, definitely a boss arena then, and kind of sucks that I accidentally summoned someone before I knew what was going on, but whatever ::shrug: I'm not one of those that thinks summoning is wrong in these games (I love the challenge of bosses solo, sure, but it's nice to have the option for particularly challenging bosses – I'm sure I would've used Solaire against O&S in Dark Souls if I'd done what I needed to for him to turn up!), I think I'm more irked at myself that I activated it before I knew what was going on! 

Anyways, approached the doorway, could see some sort of beast chilling in the back, so walked in with my new buddy Alf and we had a whole back and forth for 5 minutes with the thing before the Blood-starved Beast was down. Feel a little robbed that I accidentally invited Alfred along with me to the fight (I continued because I figured I'd die and could just use this attempt to scope the fight out to take it on solo, as I unlocked a bunch of shortcuts that I'd never get to use now!), but whatever, the guy died when it had about a third of its health left and I regretted it a little less when I saw how much it was poisoning me – thankfully, the area leading up to this was filled with Antidote-giving enemies, and so they were already in my Quick Items ready to be used (also nice to be able to have Quick Items and be able to heal separate to that!). I found and tested a Beast Blood Pellet not long before this fight and it seemed helpful, so had that in my Quick Menu, as well as the Fire Paper that Alfred gave me earlier, and both came in very handy during the fight. As someone who hasn't used stat-boosting items specifically for fights in other From games before this (lack of them being around and just not knowing what to do with them), I'm really enjoying how they're pretty plentiful on Bloodborne (if you fully explore), reading the item descriptions for everything I get has been a great way to figure out what's helpful and what's not so far, and so I'm going to save them for bosses and the like moving forwards (and try to remember to use them). Oh, and finished the thing off with a visceral because, once again, completely forgot to parry until the very end, but it was a fun and cool way to finish it off! 


Anyways, after that, back to the Hunter's Dream, where I acquired the item I figured I needed to access the Grand Cathedral. Got back to the gate and unlocked it, ran around the area, bunch of loops and shortcuts to love, found a summon close to the Cathedral for someone called Henriett (who I don't think I've met?) which I knew meant a boss was bound to be in the area but I actively chose not to bring her along – not after the whole fiasco with Alfred. 

Eventually made my way to the entrance of the Grand Cathedral (after finally figuring out how to parry the guys with three-pronged wooden spears outside, man the window is super early on those dudes!), ascended, and came out to a huge room with a woman praying. Cutscene played out and, hey, wouldn't you know it, there's the boss fight! Vicar Amelia totally didn't give me flashbacks to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood or anything :p threw an oil urn at her (I finally hit someone with one! I'd whiffed all my other attempts to this point) and followed up with some molotovs (if the game has taught me anything so far I think it's fire is bad for beasts, or at least that's the logic I've chosen to roll with!) before we had a bit of back and forth, I backed up a few times to heal, eventually got my Fire Paper and Beast Blood Pellet equipped and went to town. Love that Amelia has moves to make sure I don't just hide behind her legs (what I normally do after my experience with bigger enemies in other From games, probably starting with those big ass knights in Dark Souls?) and it was a bit of a pain that she had a heal, but whatever. Finished her off with a visceral too! Think I bonked her on the head or something to open that up, I'm not too sure, similar to my experience with Cleric Beast tbh and not knowing how I triggered the visceral opening...but I'll take it! Got a cool cutscene after by grabbing the item at the altar...interesting. 

So yeah, a solid two hours or so with the game, another two bosses down, and 0 deaths my entire session. I'm sure my luck will run out against a boss soon, but it's not something I care about retaining too much, because dying in these games is inevitable; love how much I didn't care when I died during my first session getting swamped by dudes or when trying to learn parry windows, such a stark contrast to my days with Demon's Souls a couple of years ago. Really feel like Artorias of the Abyss was a decent warm-up for this game, if only to contrast how slow Dark Souls is compared to Bloodborne! Only allowing myself to hit Gwyn with parry and ripostes to see credits again definitely came in handy. 

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Not really sure where I'm going to head next. There's an area to the left of the Grand Cathedral, an area to the right of the Grand Cathedral, there's that door I didn't go back to at the bottom of Old Yharnham near the Blood-starved Beast, and there was a tower and a short bridge I decided against climbing to explore other parts of Cathedral Ward. Curious to see which direction I'll choose! 

Oh, and also – there's 1000% something weird going on in this game. I'm not quite sure what, but reading the Chalice I got after beating BSB and learning about the existence of Pthumerians (what a Lovecraftian name that is! And Byrgenwerth), and then that time some portal or something turned up by Cathedral Ward when I grabbed that dead guy's top hat...


...or how about the fact that these statue dudes have very alien-looking heads on the staircase leading up Vicar Amelia? 


Curious. Love it. Also have no idea what Insight is/does, but seeing that there's a way to increase it with items (Mad Man's Knowledge)...there's definitely something going on that it links into design-wise or mechanic-wise, I just don't know what ::shrug: and I love not knowing what, but based on the mentions of Pthumerians in some loading screens (also - finally a From game which loads slowly enough for me to read item descriptions!) being some superhuman being (or something to that effect)...this is 100% rhetorical, but in my head I'm questioning: are we doing some Eldritch horror stuff or something? Because I both love and hate that stuff, it creeps the hell out of me, I thought I was just signing up for werewolves and other Gothic horror crap :laughing: think I also saw some tentacle-bearded kind of dude with a crow out of reach in Cathedral Ward too...

Anywho, some more pics because I didn't know where to put these, but just...vibes. urgh. I love it.



Lastly! Got to shout out just how overtly heavy on lore this game has been so far, from actual notes in the game filling in blanks, to cutscenes giving context, it's a lot more direct with giving you an idea about the different characters and factions that have been at play in this world and I'm all for it. 

I'm loving it so far, long may that feeling continue :peace:

  On 2/10/2023 at 8:02 AM, drahkon said:

I need some captures of future boss fights, pretty please :D


Would love to! Any suggestions on what I could use outside Twitter? I don't beat the bosses fast enough to keep it within the 2 mins 20 secs or whatever that's the limit for non-paying accounts :p

Edited by Julius
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Hemwick Charnel Lane kind of sucks, and the Witches of Hemwick boss fight really sucks. That might be one of the weakest boss fights in a From game that I've played, right down there with Pinwheel? 

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That's all, think I'll leave it there for today :p I went up and down the tower I mentioned before and came to a locked door at the top (with some cagey platforming to get to the bottom!), and similarly, it turns out the door I was trying to open by BSB is just straight up not accessible from that side. Mentally noted those for later before I went to the left of the Grand Cathedral and did the Hemwick stuff. 

That means my next port of call tomorrow will be whatever's to the right of the Grand Cathedral! :D

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  On 2/11/2023 at 5:15 PM, Julius said:

Would love to! Any suggestions on what I could use outside Twitter? I don't beat the bosses fast enough to keep it within the 2 mins 20 secs or whatever that's the limit for non-paying accounts :p

  1. copy your capture to an USB drive
  2. slap it on your PC
  3. upload it to any kind of video service (I prefer gfycat, but I think there's a 60 second limit)
Posted (edited)

I've seen things. A whole lot of things. 

I've taken lengthy notes for a meaty update, but as I don't have time to sit down for that just yet, for now, I'll just say: I'm 12 hours in, and I think this might be my favourite From Soft game, and an instant favourite of all time. Everything about this game is speaking to me. 

Sorry, Elden Ring, your reign was short-lived :p

For anyone wondering where I'm up to without me giving a meaty update on bosses (I finally died to one! – well, actually two!) and areas...

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Freaking loving this game man

Edited by Julius
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Right, seeing as I've seen one of the endings and credits roll as of Tuesday (and have been putting off the game to savour it a little bit :p), this is going to be a pretty meaty update! I'm going to try to avoid posting too many clips in this update if I can help it (we'll see how that ages I guess!), but @drahkon I'll try to get some boss clips prepped and dump them all when I'm finished with the game in here for you :D

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So, that's been Bloodborne!

Nah, who am I kidding, I know there's DLC to head off and complete, as well at these Chalice Dungeons I read so much about in the loading screens :p I've then got to look up how I'm going to hunt for that Platinum and how to obtain the other endings (I'm guessing one is from refusing?). 

Here's my final death tally vs bosses in the main game:

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And my stats and playtime at this point (sub-20 hours, which I'm super happy with!):

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I'll be back with plenty more to say about the DLC, the Chalice Dungeons, and the Platinum as I get through the rest of what this game has to offer, but to just summarise my final thoughts on my experience with the main game of Bloodborne: this is my favourite From Software game that I've played to date (again, sorry Elden Ring), and I think immediately enters my Top 5 games of all-time. I'll take some time to think about where exactly it lands, but it's in great company for me with Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest XI and The Last of Us! 

So that's my mega update for now...


...but the hunt goes on!

Edited by Julius
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Posted (edited)

Started The Old Hunters DLC a couple of hours ago. 





(that second screenshot might be my favourite that I've taken in the game so far, looks so badass!)

Really takes a while to get to that first lamp, huh? :p yeah, bunch of Hunters around which are plenty of fun to deal with, all sorts of ugliness to encounter in the river of blood and with those squid-faced hulk guys...but man is this some really fun DLC (so far). 

I'm early and to be honest so far it's a surprising amount of reused assets in terms of environments/structures, but the way they've shifted things around and changed up the colour palette makes areas kind of dragged and dropped from the early main game feel so fresh. It feels like such an efficiently designed piece of DLC at this stage. 

Anyways, I made it to the first boss and beat him on my second attempt, and it wasn't too long so I've uploaded my failed first attempt and my successful second attempt (albeit split into two halves!).

@drahkon, this is for you :grin:

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Man, this boss fight! I kind of wish I got to spend longer with it. The music (oh my word THE MUSIC!!), that introduction cutscene, the transition to the second phase, the boss design, the way it speaks to the core of the tale of Bloodborne and the balance between man and beast, the way it contextualises the river of blood you've just spent so long walking through...just, hot damn, bravo From, that boss hit EVERYTHING I want from a boss fight :bowdown: and that's the first one in this DLC?! 


I just...there are simultaneously no words and so, so many words that come to mind. That's honestly and genuinely an immediate favourite boss fight – hell, in the second half, it feels more like a dance than it does a fight. 

I also just need to highlight how efficiently impactful From's cutscenes are in general, but especially here in Bloodborne, and especially with this boss. I can't remember any of their cutscenes running longer than 30 seconds to a minute in length, and yet time after time, it delivers on raising the stakes of a boss fight or bringing attention to a change in the scenery. 

This game is a freaking masterpiece. And there's still more for me to see! 


Edited by Julius
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Thanks for the writeups and videos :)

Had to laugh out loud at the elevator mishap. I think every Souls-player gets at least one of those :laughing:

  On 2/25/2023 at 6:31 PM, Julius said:

This game is a freaking masterpiece. And there's still more for me to see! 


Indeed :D

The world needs Bloodborne 2 :(

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

So, Future Press have announced a limited 25th anniversary reprint of their Bloodborne Complete Edition Guide...which I might need to look into picking up. 

Unrelated, but I never did finish putting my death counter together in here, did I? Well, I've still got the notes -- so I guess it's better later than never! All bosses in bold, like before, are bosses I hadn't previously listed. 

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Kind of finding myself wanting to return to Yharnam for another round just seeing all those boss names again :laughing:

Edited by Julius
  • Thanks 1
  • 2 months later...

It's being rumoured that, once again, a new Bloodborne gaming project is in the works: 

If PlayStation are doing something with the IP, you can't convince me that it'll be anything other than a remake – it just seems to be the way they like to do things these days ::shrug:

  • 5 months later...

So, there's an interesting update on Lance McDonald's 60fps patch for the game~

  On 2/9/2021 at 3:38 PM, Julius said:

Over the last week or two some streamers have been sharing more gameplay from Lance McDonald's homebrew 60fps patch, and it has just been released. 

Digital Foundry put out a great video on it last year:



Yeah, so SIE have DMCA'd it and Lance has taken it down...nearly 4 years after it was released, with the game's 10th anniversary in March. 


I'm not saying anything, I'm just saying. 

  • 2 weeks later...
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