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I'm not a fan of motorcycles. It's like they took the worst parts of cyclists and cars and put them in one machine.

However, they are less polluting than cars, so they do have that going for them. Plus motorcyclists make great organ donors.

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23 hours ago, Ashley said:

They're noisy, they're polluting, they are the most un...reliable?  Untrustworthy...? on the road.  Basically they can go quickly while zipping in and out of others.

You do you, but they are my second least favourite mode of transport (and only behind cars because of their ubiquity).

Unreliable, untrustworthy... what do these things even mean from an outside context? I'm very confused. "Basically they can go quickly while zipping in and out of others." < I'm struggling to even see how this is saying something negative, but assuming you're saying they move back and forth across lanes (dangerously?), it's worth mentioning: people ride very differently in London to the rest of the country (maybe this is the typical Londoner forgetting London is not the whole world?). There's no winding in and out of traffic in most towns and cities,you can usually just filter down between lanes. Not that there's anything wrong with lane filtering, it's completely legal and the reason Deliveroo gets you your sushi on time.

Not that the behaviour of riders has anything to do with bikes themselves.... you talk as if the bikes are autonomous and what they're doing isn't the fault of the decision of the person sitting on it. I ride my bike on mostly empty twisty country lanes, 99% of the time no pedestrian comes near my bike, no other vehicle has to worry about me, I'm just enjoying watching the sights fly by and feeling the rush of leaning into the twists, it's like a rollercoaster but you're in control and you can just ride it all the way to Europe if you feel like it.

All bike, car and bus pollution is pretty irrelevant in a world where something like 15 cargo ships produce more pollutants than all the cars in the world combined.

Noisy, I can't really argue with that, but the loudest noises I hear around where I live are usually from cars with decked out exhausts. However again that comes down to the behaviour of the individual. They are not loud on their own when being ridden normally and using the gears properly. I get out of urban areas before I hit the top of my rev counter. 

Funnily enough I think if you told me "I hate most bikers" I'd be less irked than I am right now, how strange to have something you love ranked on a chart by someone with no experience of actually using it. It's like if I just waltzed into the Xbox One thread and told them that I rank their console #2 worst ever behind the Virtual Boy despite never using either.

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7 minutes ago, Shorty said:

Unreliable, untrustworthy... what do these things even mean from an outside context? I'm very confused. "Basically they can go quickly while zipping in and out of others." < I'm struggling to even see how this is saying something negative, but assuming you're saying they move back and forth across lanes (dangerously?), it's worth mentioning: people ride very differently in London to the rest of the country (maybe this is the typical Londoner forgetting London is not the whole world?). There's no winding in and out of traffic in most towns and cities,you can usually just filter down between lanes. Not that there's anything wrong with lane filtering, it's completely legal and the reason Deliveroo gets you your sushi on time.

Not that the behaviour of riders has anything to do with bikes themselves.... you talk as if the bikes are autonomous and what they're doing isn't the fault of the decision of the person sitting on it. I ride my bike on mostly empty twisty country lanes, 99% of the time no pedestrian comes near my bike, no other vehicle has to worry about me, I'm just enjoying watching the sights fly by and feeling the rush of leaning into the twists, it's like a rollercoaster but you're in control and you can just ride it all the way to Europe if you feel like it.

All bike, car and bus pollution is pretty irrelevant in a world where something like 15 cargo ships produce more pollutants than all the cars in the world combined.

Noisy, I can't really argue with that, but the loudest noises I hear around where I live are usually from cars with decked out exhausts. However again that comes down to the behaviour of the individual. They are not loud on their own when being ridden normally and using the gears properly. I get out of urban areas before I hit the top of my rev counter. 

Funnily enough I think if you told me "I hate most bikers" I'd be less irked than I am right now, how strange to have something you love ranked on a chart by someone with no experience of actually using it. It's like if I just waltzed into the Xbox One thread and told them that I rank their console #2 worst ever behind the Virtual Boy despite never using either.

The wording was failing me, as I alluded to, but yes essentially lane filtering.  I know its legal and I know it can be done perfectly safely.  I guess just from my perspective I am the most vulnerable road user and motorbikes can get the quickest from A to B, which means there is a better chance they can seemingly come out of nowhere rather suddenly.

I have lived outside of London far longer than I've lived inside and I do leave the city quite often so I'm not sure what that is all about...I have also never used Deliveroo (and I see more of them on bikes than motorbikes) and I've not eaten sushi in a long time if we're going to discuss assumptions.  

I wasn't trying to offend anyone that does ride them, just explaining why I dislike them as a vehicle.  And yes, I've not ridden them much (I have been a passenger on them) and I wasn't trying to say there's no merit to them, especially for individuals because clearly people enjoy them, they just make me very uneasy.  As do large crowds and heights and various other things that make me anxious.  

I don't think vehicular air pollution is irrelevant just because other things cause more, but that's really a different issue.

I don't hate bikers though and my opinions (and rankings) of vehicles was based on my own preferences.  I dislike cars, but obviously I use them from time-to-time and I know for certain people and/or locations they are necessary.  I was just trying to converse and I can see how it came across as wanting to crap all over motorbikes but I was very much just trying to join in an open conversation in the same kind of way I would in real life if others around me were discussing motorbikes.  

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I appreciate that breakdown :D sorry for getting ultra defensive. Learning to ride and buying a bike was something that kept me going in a rough patch a couple of years ago so it kinda means a lot to me.

13 hours ago, Ashley said:

I have also never used Deliveroo (and I see more of them on bikes than motorbikes) and I've not eaten sushi in a long time if we're going to discuss assumptions.  

I was just being rhetorical/making a whimsical reference there, didn't mean you in particular so sorry if it sounded presumptuous.

To get back on the want face topic, I want a 55" 4k HDR TV - @Deathjam weren't you going to jump in with a suggestion for me here? ;)

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1 hour ago, Shorty said:

I appreciate that breakdown :D sorry for getting ultra defensive. Learning to ride and buying a bike was something that kept me going in a rough patch a couple of years ago so it kinda means a lot to me.

I was just being rhetorical/making a whimsical reference there, didn't mean you in particular so sorry if it sounded presumptuous.

First part: And that's super great.  I'm glad it helped and I didn't in any way mean to suggest it couldn't or shouldn't be a good thing for others.

Hah I know. ✌️

Currently I just want to be here: 


I said to myself I'll go on holiday next month but I can see it slipping until the following month for various reasons.

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I really want a 3D printer. I'm pretty much set on getting one at the start of next year and just put some money away each month until then. I love all the stuff cosplay people do and while I dont actually cosplay myself, I'm starting a collection of prop/costume stuff that I'd like to be able to build my own stuff for.

I'm pretty much set on the Creatily3D CR-10 3D printer at this point. Its a good size and apparently very good quality for the price.



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