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The Ultimate Warrior passes away


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WWE is shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the passing of one of the most iconic WWE Superstars ever, The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior began his WWE career in 1987 and quickly went on to become one of the biggest stars in WWE history. Warrior became WWE Champion at WrestleMania VI, defeating Hulk Hogan in an epic encounter. We are grateful that just days ago, Warrior had the opportunity to take his rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame and was also able to appear at WrestleMania 30 and Monday Night Raw to address his legions of fans. WWE sends its sincere condolences to Warrior’s family, friends and fans. Warrior was 54 and is survived by his wife Dana and his two daughters.




Such horrible news, literally just as he makes peace with the WWE and was entered into the Hall of Fame Saturday Night. He was on RAW giving a promo just on Monday:





RIP Warrior, thanks for being one of the most entertaining guys in wrestling. You were a huge part of my childhood

Edited by Helmsly
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Just came from the IGN forums reading up on Smash Bros. and peoples take on the Direct when the banner caught my eye, I never read them but it said "Ultimate Warrior passes away". I couldn't believe it and he was only 54. They're speculating already over there. Strange timing, The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage were a big part too of my childhood. Always remember his rope shaking or by the end of the fight there'd be little face paint left. At least he lived to see his induction into the Hall Of Fame and patched things up after an 18 year abscence. R.I.P.

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Shit I skipped his segment on Raw this week, I'll go back and watch it now,


But damn that was out of no-where? Unbelievable. At least he patched things up with the company, but still unbelievable he was there talking to the crowd 2 nights ago?



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@Dannyboy\-the\-Dane The police statement mentions a catastrophic medical condition. Definition:


A morbid condition that results in health care costs that exceed a person's income, or which compromise financial independence, reducing him/her to subsistence or near-poverty levels; CIs are usually life-threatening and may leave significant residual disability–eg, AIDS, major burns, trauma with residual paralysis or coma, and terminal CA



In other words, some sort of illness he couldn't afford to treat. That's the American Wonderland for you...
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Found out during my lunch break at work, left me shocked and gutted. We've lost a legend and my all time favourite wrestler.


I'd only watched his segment on Raw yesterday and his HOF speech on Sunday, looked healthy and happy. Was so glad to see him finally get in the hall of fame and be back on good terms with the WWE.


Huge warrior fan since 1991. He got me interested in wrestling after I watched my first PPV with my brother, Royal Rumble 91. Screw Hogan, it was all about The Ultimate Warrior.


Next weekend my mum took me to town and I got my first two hasbro wrestling figures, Warrior and Savage.




Not long after I started getting my parents to buy and rent me any WWF videos I saw. Seeing Hogan vs Warrior at WM6 for the first time, WOW.


His match with Savage at WM7 will always be my favourite match of all time, it had everything. If you haven't seen it, watch it on youtube.


RIP Ultimate Warrior Thanks for so many great moments during my childhood! :cry:



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