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My gripe with Cisco remembering is that if Cisco can, so can everybody else. And it just doesn't make sense (unlike everything else in the show...).


Well, it goes to show that time-traveling is a dangerous topic. The only piece of entertainment I've seen / read that handles it well is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

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I think it might have been better if Cisco started remembering after his speed force resuscitation, then we could have just used that as a reason.


It's funny that the writers of both of these shows seem to really struggle early on to write for their main female love interests but can write the secondary ones just fine. Felicity and Caitlyn are so much better than Laurel and Iris.

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I'd much rather he be meta-human, tbh. He is in the comics. And I can't think of a better way to jump-start his powers than a collapsed alternate future. Ever since Vibe's recent run of JLA, with Cisco being picked for the team precisely because he could counter the Flash, I've thought that was an interesting pairing (sadly the execution of that comic wasn't great).

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Well, thanks for the spoilers there regarding Cisco. Cheers. Appreciated. Not all of us read the Flash comics and want to know things ahead of time just because you do.


The episode was fucking terrible and anyone who thinks otherwise is far too forgiving. Literally every 2 seconds something was shit.


The CG of the bees looked terrible, both up close and in their super low resolution swarm form. The story was basically ripped from a Smallville season 2 episode like 15 years ago or whenever that was and it was just as crap then. There was no logic to Barry not being able to outrun bees. Since when does Barry need telling how to get out of a building that he literally just ran in?


The acting was just awful all the way through, as was the direction. Example, go back and watch Caitlin performing CPR.

a) why does she go straight to CPR without checking his breathing?

b) no shots of her face, visual distress?

c) is she actually even trying to save him or not? She barely even presses down.


Why are we returning to the same old trope of "x can't know my secret, it's too dangerous"? That's fine, unless everybody else fucking knows your secret. And how hard would it really be for Eddie to hide the fact that he has a secret? And what sort of solution to relationship tensions is a double-date-plus-fifth-wheel scenario? Who would even agree to that? And "passive aggressive" (in quotes because that's what they were aiming for, but missed) banter over the table in the restaurant, who does that??


The writing, Jesus, "mama's been away from a keyboard too long", "she's like my nemesis - I've never had a nemesis", "bug-eyed bandit" (in sync - yeah, right), "drop the mic!", really?? Drop the god damn mic. She could've at least pushed that little computer mic over, then it might've been funny. In fact almost every line given to Felicity was awful. We get it, she's a computer geek, she can be a normal human being, too.


And it's not just because Daredevil raised the bar so high Flash can't even fucking see it. It was way, way shit by its own standards.


I am severe disappoint.

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It's not a spoiler. The JLA aren't in this. Cisco isn't a bad guy in the comics. He barely even features any more. My point was that they have complimenting powers and that would be interesting to explore and tie into. Chill the fuck out, not everything is a spoiler.

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^ lol, spoiler comedian. Aeris dies, extremely well known situation is completely identical to this LOLOLOL.


Why should I chill out? Something bothered me, I have a right to be bothered.


I've said it a million times, some people get a vast majority of enjoyment from a series when as much of it as possible is new to them.


Cisco is a character who has appeared in the comics, had powers and a hero/villain name. I didn't even know he was a bad guy until you just added that in your last post. Now I won't be surprised at all if that happens. That's a spoiler to me.

Just because that kind of thing doesn't bother you, doesn't give you the right to tell other people to "chill out" just because they're irritated by it.

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^ lol, spoiler comedian. Aeris dies, extremely well known situation is completely identical to this LOLOLOL.


Why should I chill out? Something bothered me, I have a right to be bothered.


I've said it a million times, some people get a vast majority of enjoyment from a series when as much of it as possible is new to them.


Cisco is a character who has appeared in the comics, had powers and a hero/villain name. I didn't even know he was a bad guy until you just added that in your last post. Now I won't be surprised at all if that happens. That's a spoiler to me.

Just because that kind of thing doesn't bother you, doesn't give you the right to tell other people to "chill out" just because they're irritated by it.


He's not a bad guy, he's in the Justice League of America for fuck's sake. You're just stifling discussion. If that post was an issue, there's no point in discussing this show all.


Fine, whatever, I can just use the Flash TV sub-Reddit.

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I'm asking for spoiler tags not to avoiding talking about it at all! They're not difficult to use.


Kind of harsh to accuse me of quashing discussion, I didn't make you stop spoiling things, heck I didn't even ask you to, I put one line voicing my irritation which blew up into this. The rest was a rant about how crap the episode was.

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I didn't know that Cisco was a meta-human and would've preferred not to have that fact spoilered for me. Even with him remembering the alternate time line, there's no indication in the show that he actually has super powers.



Just watched all of this series over the last couple of days and I've really enjoyed it. Now I'm stuck waiting each week for the latest episodes :shakehead

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I'm asking for spoiler tags not to avoiding talking about it at all! They're not difficult to use.


Kind of harsh to accuse me of quashing discussion, I didn't make you stop spoiling things, heck I didn't even ask you to, I put one line voicing my irritation which blew up into this. The rest was a rant about how crap the episode was.


Dont forget you also ruined FFVII for me...

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This week's episode was so much better I can hardly believe it was the same show.... Even though it was essentially monster of the week, the writing was really back to what made early episodes of this and The Arrow great, filling in plot holes, no fluffy frustrating conversation that misses clear points. They even approached one of my biggest issues with the show, namely the gen pop's knowledge of metas and thoughts on how to deal with them. And undid the most annoying thing about last week, Thorne not having a simple, but still safe, way of explaining himself. Top stuff! Hope it keeps it up til the end of the season.

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Really? I thought this episode was pretty filler and had some of the smartest characters make stupid decisions for the sake of some shapeshifter antics.




Yeah, this is the only episode that's actually pissed me off. Flash was DUMB AS SHIT not once but TWICE. No one would be this fucking stupid, let alone a super-intelligent hero.


He fell for Everyman changing into Eddie and knocking on his door? No fucking way. Stupidest scene all season.


He stuttered, paused, stumbled and waited (whatever you want to call the combination of that) when Everyman morphed into Iris. Like. He's the Flash> Don't even give him time to change, and even then, don't go "Oh shit, you look like Iris. Whoa!" absolute bollocks.



And Iris continues to be the biggest cunt on television.


Other than that I liked it though.


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I basically glossed over the bits with the MOTW and enjoyed the rest of it :p I really liked when Eddie convinced Flash to take him back in. Yeah the weakest bit was Flash being dumb enough to fall for things. But nothing was as bad as Felicity saying "drop the mic".

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Caitlin was also pretty bloody stupid in the episode.


So you know there's a shapeshifter going around, one you know Barry has come across, and suddenly Barry starts acting really strange and you don't suspect anything?


And even when they find out, she doesn't inject him with that serum thing? AND they decide to transport him across the city in the back of a standard car? AND they don't even think to inject him full of tranqs? COME ON!



I still think the Felicity drop the mic line is reasonable. It's verging on a meme now (it's used in a number of shows) and she's dorky enough to use it thinking she's being cool.













I'm not procrastinating....



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I know it's a meme, and that's exactly why it was there and literally why I hated it. I don't want memes in my TV shows. It's a painful attempt at looking relevant to teenagers and will sound even more awkward and stupid when rewatched in the future. Even going back through 10-15 year old shows now and hearing them reference Yahoo and Myspace is ridiculous.


The plot progression in this episode may have been dire but dialogue is far more important to me, and that was a shining beacon of light compared to the previous week's constant forced double entendres and "pop culture references".

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