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Nintendo Direct: The Legend of Buffering


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Oh, and they need to hire out the company that does Lego games to make a Lego Nintendo World. It would be like Lego City, except the various districts would be based on Nintendo games. Nintendo characters with unique abilities.


Mario Kart needs to expand too. they should keep it as "one Mario Kart each console", but after each one has been out a while it receives an expansion that turns it into Nintendo Kart.

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Twilight Princess needed a HD remake more than Wind Waker imo because Wind Waker was already timeless whereas Twilight Princess looks absolutely terrible (even then it didn't look great on most TVs). The textures in that game...good lord.


It looks alright, very dark though. Too dark at times, hard to make out things in places. Would definitely benefit from motion plus controls rather than waggling through the game. Maybe add in more to the overworld. Job done. Not mad about remakes but I'd buy this for sure. Oh and because it's a better game than Wind Waker :heh:

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'Smash Kart' has the potential to be it's own series, because so little about it would actually be about Mario by the time they've done levels based around all the other series and characters, that the two could co-exist.


And just like Smash Bros... Smash Kart would be crazy it terms of it's item potential :D


Lego Nintendo should be more of an organic world I feel, with the mushroom kingdom leading into Hyrule, leading into DK's Jungle etc... like the Subspace Emissary. And like in Lego Marvel you can fly up to the helicarrier, you would be able to venture into Space for Metroid and Starfox, and even visit Dreamland :)

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I wouldn't care for a TP remake unless they actually addressed the fatal flaws with that game. If such a thing was announced, my response would be "meh" until I heard something about wallet size being increased or sidequests being revamped.


With Wind Waker, correcting the flaws amounted to increasing sailing speed and reducing the size of the Triforce hunt, so I trust they would actually do it with TP... as long as they realize what is, indeed, its problem.



On the subject of HD "remakes" (and I use the term liberally, here, many that call themselves HD remakes are rather updates), I say don't bother, unless you're adding something substantial to the game. For example, people have suggested an HD remake for F-Zero... surely, being online would be THE significant improvement, not whatever graphical update they can muster. Basically, I clamour for an F-Zero GX online remake. I don't care about anything else.


The other purpose is rereleasing it for a new audience, where HD is really just a basic update of sorts. That makes sense, as long as it isn't called a remake.

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Regarding the whole GBA on Wii U controversy, I, for one, am very happy with that decision.


I LOVE my 3DS, but if playing Link's Awakening and Metroid 2 on it has taught me anything, is that it's just not ideal for retro gaming, as the dpad's position is a bit awkward and left me with a sore hand on many occasions. Where as with the Wii U, the gamepad's dpad is in the perfect position, and the screen is better, so... yeah, hooray!


Twilight Princess needed a HD remake more than Wind Waker imo because Wind Waker was already timeless whereas Twilight Princess looks absolutely terrible (even then it didn't look great on most TVs). The textures in that game...good lord.


Is this a thing? I've always thought TP looked great! Oo


Anyway, I wouldn't really be interested in a remake, because there's nothing to fix. With Wind Waker, they definitely had room to and did improve the game's mechanics, but with TP, there isn't much in need of refinement... as for the visuals, all I can say is

, which is perfectly legal and doesn't require us to buy the game again. ^^
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I wouldn't be opposed to a remake of Zelda II, either. Aren't its main flaws the dated save system, as well as absurd difficulty? Two things that can be solved by a remake.


Truth be told, most games that could use remakes are games from the 8-bit era and the early 3D gaming days. Those were the ones that aged the worst, often having more ambition than what the game could do.


I struggle to find games from the GC/PS2 era that deserve remakes (full-blown remakes, I mean).

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I wouldn't be opposed to a remake of Zelda II, either. Aren't its main flaws the dated save system, as well as absurd difficulty? Two things that can be solved by a remake.


Truth be told, most games that could use remakes are games from the 8-bit era and the early 3D gaming days. Those were the ones that aged the worst, often having more ambition than what the game could do.


I struggle to find games from the GC/PS2 era that deserve remakes (full-blown remakes, I mean).


Aye, many pearls from the 8bit and 32bit days are hard to enjoy nowdays for technical reasons.


I wasn't really counting Zelda 1 and 2. It's not that they weren't incredible games for their time, but Zelda's true birth and full maturation was only achieved in A Link To The Past. It's the first Zelda that feels fleshed out, with Zelda 1 and 2, you wouldn't really have much to remake, as most of what they did right has already been reimplemented somewhere along the way.


If they did remake them, they just wouldn't be the same beasts at all, would they? The simplicity we accepted so fully in those days is hard to swallow 20 years down the line. This isn't the same medium it was during those days... the game, so to speak, has changed.

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'Smash Kart' has the potential to be it's own series, because so little about it would actually be about Mario by the time they've done levels based around all the other series and characters, that the two could co-exist.


And just like Smash Bros... Smash Kart would be crazy it terms of it's item potential :D


Lego Nintendo should be more of an organic world I feel, with the mushroom kingdom leading into Hyrule, leading into DK's Jungle etc... like the Subspace Emissary. And like in Lego Marvel you can fly up to the helicarrier, you would be able to venture into Space for Metroid and Starfox, and even visit Dreamland :)


Hmm, I guess. I was sort of just suggesting a Mario Kart expansion that just had more Nintendo themed characters/items/tracks from non Mario games (basically the same but MORE). Though I guess an insaner, different type of Mario Kart "Smash Kart" could work too. It couldn't just be a character/item/decoration flip though, like you said it would have to be out and out crazy to make it distinctly different.


Lego Nintendo World had always been a fantasy game for me, but I never thought for one minute it would ever get made. Then Wii U got its one exclusive Lego game, and now Hyrule Warriors is coming out. Main IP farmed out, exclusive Lego game... All we need is someone at Nintendo to put the ideas together and throw some cash at it!


There was also a few more Direct games. I believe Japan had more on persona Q, and a new Shining game called Battle Arcus, which contains characters from the Shining games but it's a one-on-one fighter. Though I'm not sure that last one is 3DS, I'm sure it was on Nintendo Direct, youtube didn't make it clear.

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If they did remake them, they just wouldn't be the same beasts at all, would they? The simplicity we accepted so fully in those days is hard to swallow 20 years down the line. This isn't the same medium it was during those days... the game, so to speak, has changed.


I agree about Zelda I. I once heard someone say "Zelda I was the Skyrim of those days", and I think they're right. The first Zelda works fine, as long as you have the right mentality for it (a.k.a. the patience to explore it with no tips or prompts whatsoever).


However, Zelda II is different. I feel that it's hampered by needlessly frustrating design choices that could be solved by a decent save system. Even the high difficulty could stay.


I suppose a spiritual sequel would be more in order, though. The 2D sidescroller genre has grown quite a bit.

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Regarding the whole GBA on Wii U controversy, I, for one, am very happy with that decision.


I LOVE my 3DS, but if playing Link's Awakening and Metroid 2 on it has taught me anything, is that it's just not ideal for retro gaming, as the dpad's position is a bit awkward and left me with a sore hand on many occasions. Where as with the Wii U, the gamepad's dpad is in the perfect position, and the screen is better, so... yeah, hooray!




Is this a thing? I've always thought TP looked great! Oo


Anyway, I wouldn't really be interested in a remake, because there's nothing to fix. With Wind Waker, they definitely had room to and did improve the game's mechanics, but with TP, there isn't much in need of refinement... as for the visuals, all I can say is

, which is perfectly legal and doesn't require us to buy the game again. ^^


I agree with both these points.


The original 3DS is an ergonomic mess when having to use the D-Pad for any length of time is not nice. I wanted to get all the Mega Man games for it when they went on sale but the thought of having to play such input intensive games with it put me off.


And if the ambassador games are anything to go by, they would look fairly ugly on the 3DS screen. Big and blurry or small and difficult to see - either way you get washed out colours... score!


As much as I would like to carry on playing Kirby, the device itself is actively discouraging me from going back.


So yeah, I don't see them as a loss to the 3DS library.




As for TP, I recently did a 100% completion of this, my first actually, and thoroughly enjoyed it - once more reaffirming my belief of it being it being the second best 3D game after MM. Aside from some textures that don't quite pass muster today, it looked fairly decent still and it was hailed by most back in the day for it's graphics, given the tech it was running on, even if it wasn't as detailed as RE4 was. Of course, they could go to town with the graphics in a remake and sure it would look great. A swap from Wii remote to contol pad would be nice too but there are less flaws in that game than Wind Waker had to the extent that gameplay improvements would likely be minimal.

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