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No Man's Sky


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I'm back into this and I've played for about 5 hours today. :D


Found a system earlier that was very toxic. One of the planets was extremely toxic and had storms with sentinels on high alert. The slightest thing I did, they were after me. I found tons of caves with large quantities of Albumen Pearls. Good for the wallet, but bad when you're trying to evade the sentinels.


Also won my first space battle today against 3 pirates.


I'm excited about the future of this game. To me, it's already a good game and I think it's got the potential to become even better in the future. The base nature of this game works. The structure, frame and mechanics are all there. There's loads they could do to improve it even more.

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I wish they had been allowed to complete the game at their own pace, and add all the features they intended, without having to rush it out to meet the deadline.


Still, if they can add all the features in patches, i suppose that's the next best thing - but they'll have lost loads of potential customers.


I wish i could be playing it right now, but the tv is in use...:(

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I wish they had been allowed to complete the game at their own pace, and add all the features they intended, without having to rush it out to meet the deadline.


Still, if they can add all the features in patches, i suppose that's the next best thing - but they'll have lost loads of potential customers.


I wish i could be playing it right now, but the tv is in use...:(


They had to get the game out there and I'm glad that it's here. If we really had to wait even longer to get the full vision, we could be waiting years...or it might actually never get released. What if they ran out of money or if too many people left the company?


A lot of people were dubious that the game would even work at all. This is an amazing technical feat, imo. Look at the file size and look at what they've managed to include. The game actually works. If you're on the surface of a planet and see a cave, you can go into it. If you see a hill on the horizon, you can run to it. If you see a planet in the sky, you can go there. I love what they've managed to do. I love the visuals, I love the music and sounds, I love the crafting and, for me, it's lived up to my expectations.


It's not perfect. I can understand fully if they had to remove things because games and circumstances change. I imagine their coding is complex and if they didn't feel that something was quite right, maybe it is best to remove it and add it in afterwards when it's finished completely. The beauty of games these days is that you can do that. That Miyamoto phrase about a bad game being bad forever is no longer true. Some of the best content or ideas that made it into The Witcher 3 weren't available at launch.


To make it clear, I don't think the game could ever have lived up to the hype. It was built up to be this biiiig thing and you're only setting yourself up for a fall once that happens. The communication hasn't been great, the hype began too soon and the interviews and coverage was crazy. IGN didn't help. They built this game up to be this massive thing by throwing loads of coverage and previews at people, interviews and so on and then knocked it all down when the game eventually did come out. The internet is a pretty hateful place these days and...if there's one thing people enjoy doing, it's hating.

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They had to get the game out there and I'm glad that it's here. If we really had to wait even longer to get the full vision, we could be waiting years...or it might actually never get released. What if they ran out of money or if too many people left the company?


A lot of people were dubious that the game would even work at all. This is an amazing technical feat, imo. Look at the file size and look at what they've managed to include. The game actually works. If you're on the surface of a planet and see a cave, you can go into it. If you see a hill on the horizon, you can run to it. If you see a planet in the sky, you can go there. I love what they've managed to do. I love the visuals, I love the music and sounds, I love the crafting and, for me, it's lived up to my expectations.


It's not perfect. I can understand fully if they had to remove things because games and circumstances change. I imagine their coding is complex and if they didn't feel that something was quite right, maybe it is best to remove it and add it in afterwards when it's finished completely. The beauty of games these days is that you can do that. That Miyamoto phrase about a bad game being bad forever is no longer true. Some of the best content or ideas that made it into The Witcher 3 weren't available at launch.


To make it clear, I don't think the game could ever have lived up to the hype. It was built up to be this biiiig thing and you're only setting yourself up for a fall once that happens. The communication hasn't been great, the hype began too soon and the interviews and coverage was crazy. IGN didn't help. They built this game up to be this massive thing by throwing loads of coverage and previews at people, interviews and so on and then knocked it all down when the game eventually did come out. The internet is a pretty hateful place these days and...if there's one thing people enjoy doing, it's hating.


Don't get me wrong, i think the game is great - i'm really enjoying it, and i think it is a great technical achievement.


But i feel sorry for the developers, as they had all these plans to put in the game that they had to cut at the last second due to time restrictions. If they had been allowed to complete the game as they imagined, maybe they wouldn't have had all this hate.


You say they had to get the game out there, but i think it would have been better to wait, and potentially lose all the hype, while releasing the complete game that they wanted, rather than releasing at the Height of Hype ™ and getting all this backlash.


But anyway, onto another awesome moment i had playing this game the other night:


I was on this lush planet, exploring, but i could not find any animals! I had only found two or three species (small rodents and blobs), and was struggling to find any others. I was getting a bit frustrated, and i crested this hill just as the sun was setting. This chill music kicked in, and i heard this deep lowing sound, kind of like a bass cow. I turned around, and this enormous 5m tall horned giraffe thing lumbered out of the trees and stepped over me. I turned back and saw the whole valley filled with these roaming giraffe things, all lowing and calling to each other. It was like the scene in Jurassic Park when they see the Brachiasaurus for the first time. It was, as they say, dope.

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Don't get me wrong, i think the game is great - i'm really enjoying it, and i think it is a great technical achievement.


But i feel sorry for the developers, as they had all these plans to put in the game that they had to cut at the last second due to time restrictions. If they had been allowed to complete the game as they imagined, maybe they wouldn't have had all this hate.


You say they had to get the game out there, but i think it would have been better to wait, and potentially lose all the hype, while releasing the complete game that they wanted, rather than releasing at the Height of Hype ™ and getting all this backlash.


The lack of multiplayer seems to be the thing that's annoyed people, or it's at least started the ball rolling.


If they also waited too long and lost all hype like you said, that would translate over to bad sales. It's very much a lose-lose situation. If you wait, the fans will move on to something else and you won't get the sales anyway. I'm surprised at how big this backlash has been because I don't think the game warrants it, at least not on PS4. I hear that the PC version was another story but appears to be mostly sorted now?


But anyway, onto another awesome moment i had playing this game the other night:


I was on this lush planet, exploring, but i could not find any animals! I had only found two or three species (small rodents and blobs), and was struggling to find any others. I was getting a bit frustrated, and i crested this hill just as the sun was setting. This chill music kicked in, and i heard this deep lowing sound, kind of like a bass cow. I turned around, and this enormous 5m tall horned giraffe thing lumbered out of the trees and stepped over me. I turned back and saw the whole valley filled with these roaming giraffe things, all lowing and calling to each other. It was like the scene in Jurassic Park when they see the Brachiasaurus for the first time. It was, as they say, dope.


Jealous. I found a lovely planet in my first system with gorgeous pink flowers and trees and tons of water and ocean life. It's crazy how different the experience has been for a lot of people. I've actually not run into that many creatures yet.

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This game is a technical achievement, but a empty husk of a game. I'll have to agree with the 6/10 metacritic. Disappointing but it's been a fun experience.


The grind is just so boring, and synonymous with modern openworld gaming. The difference is at least there's a storyline in those other grind-fests.

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This game is a technical achievement, but a empty husk of a game. I'll have to agree with the 6/10 metacritic. Disappointing but it's been a fun experience.


The grind is just so boring, and synonymous with modern openworld gaming. The difference is at least there's a storyline in those other grind-fests.


You know you don't have to grind anything, right?

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Then you'll have experienced most of the game after visiting a few systems.


No you won't. After 100 hours I'm still seeing new things.



The grind is to allow some sort of progression. Something to do.


You talk about the grind yet give no specifics of what you suggest that entail There are several ways to play the game. Get bored of mining? Go shoot some pirates/traders. Get bored of that, go explore that far off planet and explore it's oceans and seek out new life.

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I really don't understand what people find so difficult about the game's concept.

It's like having to explain to people what you "do" in Animal Crossing (underneath it's basically the same game!)


You are free to go explore this enormous universe and find incredible beasties and most importantly.... RELAX. It's not a game which urgently pushes you towards the end of a level or defeating a boss or getting that next special item (which is different to getting slightly better gear). This game lets you do what you want at whatever speed you want.


Honestly, I think it's going to have a huge evergreen following of people who just go on to escape for a bit and to mess around. Virtual tourism if you will.


Some of you say it's an empty husk, I say that that is more of a reflection on you than the game.

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I really don't understand what people find so difficult about the game's concept.

It's like having to explain to people what you "do" in Animal Crossing (underneath it's basically the same game!)


You are free to go explore this enormous universe and find incredible beasties and most importantly.... RELAX. It's not a game which urgently pushes you towards the end of a level or defeating a boss or getting that next special item (which is different to getting slightly better gear). This game lets you do what you want at whatever speed you want.


Honestly, I think it's going to have a huge evergreen following of people who just go on to escape for a bit and to mess around. Virtual tourism if you will.


Some of you say it's an empty husk, I say that that is more of a reflection on you than the game.


I play and love Elite Dangerous and Animal Crossing, I know all about games like this.


Space tourism is great, but the truth of the matter is, procedurally generated worlds just aren't very interesting after the first half dozen, once the novelty of the world building wears off.


You go to a planet, it'll look different, it'll have different resources, the animals will look different, but act in the same basic ways. it'll have the same types of buildings every square mile. And that's basically it. The stations all look the same. You only ever run into single aliens, they don't interact with each other. One of the best parts about this game to me is your interactions with Polo and Nada, recurring characters in a game that desperately needs more.


It's an amazing technical achievement and a brilliant skeleton of a game. They just needed to offload it to another developer to build something compelling on top of that.


I'm still enjoying the game but the crushing disappointment of the Atlas quest really turned me sour on the whole thing. I'll make my way to the centre, but I anticipate similar disappointment.


I spent four hours today grinding transmission towers to upgrade my ship to a 48 slot one. It wasn't fun, but I did it anyway for some reason. ::shrug:

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Some of you say it's an empty husk, I say that that is more of a reflection on you than the game.


The same could be said about peoples disappointment with end of the Atlas Path and other things. What were people expecting? 20 million units? A slightly bigger ship?


And grinding Transmission Towers for a bigger ship, for hours, does sound boring. But, you only have yourself to blame.


If you want to play the game in a boring way, then you reap was you sow.


And animal interactions differ. I've seen some weird stuff, and some rather moving behaviour I never expected to see.

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I do find it odd that you only seem to come into this thread to post something negative. Especially considering you freely admit to having never played it.


Whilst I don't agree with liger's points I don't think it's an entirely unreasonable post given there certainly IS mixed reaction. I found out this weekend that my mate and his son just traded their copies in for Overwatch as they just weren't feeling it. I however agree that on a larger scale it looks like NMS has been a pretty good success in terms of sales.


I personally never had any hype etc as I didn't follow it and I still don't own it but I'm still here posting in the thread too! I guess part of my motivation to post re: this was just given it's come up elsewhere about people almost telling people what they can and can't post(not saying you were doing that, though).


As said I'm not fussed/complaining though - I'm hoping it's going to lead to a rather swifter than expected price drop :D Personally I see myself, having seen impressions and reports here, being one of the sort of people who'll enjoy it when I get round to it. If anything lack of multiplayer is a bonus on that front as it should mean my experience is still fairly the same!


The internet is a pretty hateful place these days and...if there's one thing people enjoy doing, it's hating.


YOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH, WHORE! (jk please dont hate me <3)

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Exploring designed locations will always be far more interesting than exploring procedurally generated ones though. After a dozen planets you've seen basically all you're going to see, with slight variations. Sure the wildlife will be different, but does it really make any difference?

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That's basically the problem I'm having. I'm tired of seeing the same buildings in very similar environments (basically colour swaps of the same planet, with a token hazard thrown in such as heat/cold/toxic/radiation).


I'm excited for what the game could be, but bored by what it is.

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I do find it odd that you only seem to come into this thread to post something negative. Especially considering you freely admit to having never played it.


I just follow the story. No different to when drive club first launched and I posted in that thread mostly negative news as that's what was out there. They turned it around and I got the game which is fantastic. Maybe the same will happen with NMS.

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Had a great "sesh" on this last night. Meant to play for 20mins before bed, and ended up playing for an hour and a half.


Spent a while gathering resources to make 5 fuel cells and fully fuel my hyperdrive, then spent a while 100%ing the two planets in my current galaxy. There was a single animal that evaded me both times, but I love wandering around searching for it, it's like being on safari!


Going to hyperdrive to a few new planets next, I think.

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