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Thanks for all the Info and welcome back Big Tac. The news has been so ultra-dry without you.


1 Do you know what the Free radical project will be like

2 Do you think(own opinion) the revo's graphics are comparable to the competition

3 What games should we anticipate for launch

4 Does the shell look even more comfy than the cube controller

5 Can you if u know give us clues about the 3rd revolutionary feature


Thanx Big Tac : peace:


ps. any other info would be much appreciated.

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1) Yes, but I can't go into details. But the action and gameplay is insane. I think it will be best on Revolution.

2) Yes. From what I saw Ubi's titles look better then all of the games out now for the 360. I think it will compete but maybe for the short run.

3) What games are you referring to? Are you talking about Ubi's titles or titles from everyone.

4) I held the classic shell in my hand and it's more comfortable then the cube's controller. But remember when I held it the classic shell didn't have the freehand control in it.

5) I don't know what the next Revolutionary feature is.

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Thnx Big tac

I was wondering what titles you think will definitely make launch from all developer u can think of and the ones that might


Thnx again


What did u mean when you said for the short run.


do any games look as good as oblivion which I think looks amazing


1 any news on a ppu or any advanced physics for the Revoltion

2 Does revolution use any really good force feedback which is something I think is essential

3 Are the graphics better than Gears of War

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Thanks BigTac, keep the news coming...I believe you.


1) Is there any chance of Skies of Arcadia II or Shenmue III on Rev? :heh: ..or what do you know about what Sega is developing that you can share with us?

2) Are Resi5 and Sonic coming to Rev?



I would like to ask one more thing though, and its a bit drastic.


3) I know you said you don't know the other revolutionary feature but have you heard anything about steroscopic 3D being used in any way on the Revolution? Because those people in the film industry said it would be used on a videogames console in 2006...

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Thanx for responding to my earlier post BigTac.


I know you have a ton of questions here, but i am afraid i will have to add one (well two) more.


Do you think from what you have seen that the revolution has the capability to...

a) Carve a new market for nintendo in the non gaming arena?

b) Bring Nintendo anywhere closer to the market leader they once was?


Thanx for your time.

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Thanx for responding to my earlier post BigTac.


I know you have a ton of questions here, but i am afraid i will have to add one (well two) more.


Do you think from what you have seen that the revolution has the capability to...

a) Carve a new market for nintendo in the non gaming arena?

b) Bring Nintendo anywhere closer to the market leader they once was?


Thanx for your time.


Thats a tough one for someone to answer.

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Can I ask why no one doubts Big-Tac credibility? Has he proofed himself right in the past?


Me and my friends were thinking about investing in Nintendo, but now that I now some big news will be revealed at D.I.C.E. and especially E3, it will be totally worth it!

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-> The fish. 3 weeks ago he said this:

I don't know the name but developers have told me the Nintendo made the final decision on the name and they know it as well. And on the topic of something being leaked I just said that because I really think real info will leak out out soon.


I'm thinking if normal controller shell has to have the remote inserted, wouldn't it get really heavy ...

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Do you think from what you have seen that the revolution has the capability to...

a) Carve a new market for nintendo in the non gaming arena?

b) Bring Nintendo anywhere closer to the market leader they once was?

I may not be an industry insider, but all anyone can give is conjecture at this point.


It's tempting to look to the DS when predicting the Revolution's ability to widen the market, but I'd argue that they aren't as similar as focus on new input methods would imply. Whilst no doubt we will see console versions of titles such as Nintendogs and the Brain Training series, I believe that the DS' portability is one of its most attractive features to non-gamers: it's easy to play in short bursts, can be taken travelling/commuting, etcetera. The Revolution won't be so self-contained, and whilst I can see many people who might not normally play games joining in if it's on, I'd imagine they might not be so eager to switch it on of their own accord.


Having said that, the unit's intuitive controller might take the TV-operating public by storm; most thought that the release of the PSP would see the DS' success a brief one, and before that many deemed it a gimick. As nothing like the Revolution has ever been released, all we can really do is sit back and enjoy the ride.


A ride to the top? Nintendo back at number one? I can't answer those questions, but I can pose one of my own: does it matter? Nintendo will continue to make great games, we'll continue to buy them, and I think they've a good enough to noggin for business to come out the other side better off financially even if they do produce 'another GameCube'.


Whilst Sony and Microsoft clamour for the number one spot I can see Nintendo settling in to a comfortable second. For those of us willing to buy more than one console the Revolution is an obvious 'backup' to a 'pure gaming' machine such as the 360 or PS3, and its presumed lower price will ingratiate it with the less 'hardcore' demographic and families alike.


Nintendo might never be 'cool', but if that bothers you I think you picked the wrong hobby.


On to Demuwan: I believe that BigTac meant that upon release Nintendo's console will offer comparable graphics to that of the 360 and PS3, but in the long run those two machines' sheer horsepower allow for more graphical jiggery-pokery when developers really start to get to grips with things.


I imagine the Revolution will be similar to the GameCube in that developers will be able to chalk up acceptable graphics with relative ease due the provided development suite. Games will still look better over time, but the disparity won't be as obvious as that between PS2 launch-window and contemporary titles, for instance.


So yeah, that's all I had to say. Even though you didn't ask me to say it.

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...obvious 'backup' to a 'pure gaming' machine such as the 360 or PS3, and its presumed lower price will ingratiate it with the less 'hardcore' demographic and families alike....


Pure gaming machine?... I agree with everything you said, and I know what you're trying to say, but a PlayStation or an Xbox are not pure gaming consoles, they are entertainment hubs.


A pure gaming console doesn't play DVDs out of the box, play music CDs out of the box, allow you to rip music to its harddrive, play that music over a title's soundtrack, browse the internet... That's more like a PC to me.


A pure gaming machine plays games. A Nintendo console is pure gaming machine.

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He's been around for a long time and seems real. Many people questioned him at the start, but i guess we are beyond that now :)


he registered in september 2005, I have watched his first posts and everyone seemed to have thrusted him immediately. Unless I'm looking at the wrong posts.


Would you mind looking up the posts where BigTac convinces everyone that he's not a fake? I would like to go to bed and tell my friend about this news.

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he registered in september 2005, I have watched his first posts and everyone seemed to have thrusted him immediately. Unless I'm looking at the wrong posts.


Would you mind looking up the posts where BigTac convinces everyone that he's not a fake? I would like to go to bed and tell my friend about this news.


Ahem, no, you didn't see the posts he first made, those were on Cube-Europe forums.


Unfortunately, the forums there had a somewhat major crash, and many posts have been lost. You can still go and look however, go to the bottom of these forums on the main forum page and click the link where the discripto says something like 'visit the old forums'.

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