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FAST:Racing Neo


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I've unlocked Hypersonic, it looks like only about 1500 people have done it so far from about 24000 who have played the game.


I've had really mixed results on Hypersonic so far. Finished 1st on the first race, then 9th, 8th and 10th to end up not finishing in the top 3 of the cup. Played through the first cup a few times and had the same kind of results, do well in one or two races then end up fucking up the others.


Has anyone had any framerate drops offline yet? I've had a couple on the first race of the first cup, both times it was when I was going through the fan section of the track.


Overall, I feel like i'm getting the hang of things, feel more like i'm in control of the car than it being in control of me.

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I don't think there are any sales figures available, so i'm just going on the rankings that you can see when you go to race in the single player. At time of writing I'm ranked 460th out of 27230 on the Subsonic Cobalt Cup. So about 27000 sold, which isn't too bad is it? I'm not familiar with what normal eshop sales are like.

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To be fair it launched in a very overcrowded time of the year, heavy hitters like Fallout 4, Rise of the Tombraider, Xenoblade and Star Wars Battlefront launched all very close together. I do get the feeling the game will have a bit of a tail on it with people getting vouchers etc for Christmas and the others who couldnt afford it due to buying gifts finally getting a chance in the new year.


I really hope it does well for both Nintendo and Shin'en, i was completely blown away by just how good it was and it would be criminal for it to vanish into the ether.

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Shin'en games are always generally discounted in eShop sales. I know quite a few people who are either waiting till after Christmas or for the first sale to grab it.


I've had a dabble with Hero Mode. I don't think I'll ever be able to conquer this mode. On each course, you have to finish first (It's in hypersonic speed) whilst your boost metre also doubles as a shield. If you crash out/empty the metre you automatically lose the race. I really haven't played a game this challenging for quite a while. It is refreshing.

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27,000 isn't a bad start, for reference, that's about the same amount that Shovel Knight sold on Wii U in its first week. Not to mention that Xmas is coming just around the corner, so they'll find a lot of new Wii U owners looking for something shiny and new on the eShop for their brand new console in a few days ;)

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I know, I do expect them to sell for a longer time nice numbers so overall it should reach a big number for them, but people were talking so much about the game, that I did expect them to sell more in the first week (minecraft sold more in first 2-3 days).

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How much of a cut do Nintendo take from eShop sales? At 15 Euros a pop and >25,000 games sold I guess that's about 375,000 euros minus whatever Nintendo's cut is. For a game that's been in development, for what, 2 years, I guess that's already not so bad.


Really enjoying this game by the way. Obviously it's not a patch on F-Zero, but for a £10 eShop game, it's great! Hypersonic is hard as nails.

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I think this is one of those vocal minority things though. People who like these kind of games really like them, so we hear a lot from them.100% of the people I know with a Wii U have the game, but I only know one other person with a Wii U so :D

But I was surprised by the low numbers.. 27k.. so thats about 0.27% of all Wii U owners... pretty disappointing I would say.. but it is just one week.. also it maybe that lots of people have bought it but not had the time to play it just yet, or have only dabbled in the other modes. Hopefully that 27k will creep up over the coming weeks to a more reasonable number :) I'm fairly sure I will buy the game for my nephew when he get's his Wii U for Christmas, so that will be +1

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My observation on the 27k figure would be that I only noticed the various statistic bars (that show my ranking regarding time completing each cup) only after I played a few online matches. I may be wrong with my assumption, but perhaps the game only connects to the internet to gather your time data after you play the online mode.

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My observation on the 27k figure would be that I only noticed the various statistic bars (that show my ranking regarding time completing each cup) only after I played a few online matches. I may be wrong with my assumption, but perhaps the game only connects to the internet to gather your time data after you play the online mode.


I haven't played online yet, I still see those bars, although not consistently. But that is also possibly true, that the data isn't collected across the board, and only a % of players data is collected.

It's also a possibility that the data is collected on a country/regional basis?

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I haven't played online yet, I still see those bars, although not consistently. But that is also possibly true, that the data isn't collected across the board, and only a % of players data is collected.

It's also a possibility that the data is collected on a country/regional basis?


It also doesn't count the people that play offline (those who might not have stable internet connections and disconnected after downloading it), however small a group that is.


But either way 27K is the minimum and that's not a bad start :)

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I've managed to unlock all of the cups in Hypersonic, and place 3rd in all of them. Sunhara Desert on Hypersonic is absolutely brutal. It's absolutely impossible for me to get through the track without crashing unless I go at a snails pace, even at my best I only managed to finish 7th on that. Luckily I was good enough on the other tracks to drag myself through, but it took me a long time to do it.


Next job is getting 1st on all the cups, think that might take a while...

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How much of a cut do Nintendo take from eShop sales? At 15 Euros a pop and >25,000 games sold I guess that's about 375,000 euros minus whatever Nintendo's cut is. For a game that's been in development, for what, 2 years, I guess that's already not so bad.


Really enjoying this game by the way. Obviously it's not a patch on F-Zero, but for a £10 eShop game, it's great! Hypersonic is hard as nails.


Nintendo take 30% on all eShop games (Virtual Console split is something more like 60-40 or 70-30 in their favour though, since they handle all the actual emulation/QA work internally - the original publisher literally just provides a ROM and that's it)


30% is the industry standard across all digital platforms.


That being said, I think that some publishers get secret sweetheart deals... I know that Activision get a cut from Xbox Live and PSN subscriptions (they were directly responsible for the $10 price hike that XBL got back during the 360 era) and I think they get some sort of a royalty break from Nintendo (for a long time, they refused to release anything digitally on Wii U or 3DS because Nintendo weren't offering them any sort of preferential treatment. Since their stuff is now appearing on the eShop, I assume that Nintendo gave them some sort of offer...)


Likewise, Nintendo have worked with Capcom on special deals with Monster Hunter and the like (remember the offer where you got extra copies of Monster Hunter to give to a friend?). I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo helped subsidise the costs of that...

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That's really good to hear, its the first Shin'en game I've played and I'm really enjoying it so l hope that it does well. It sounds like they have a really good relationship with Nintendo too which is obviously refreshing to have such a talented third party ready to put the hard work in on a Nintendo console.


I was worried the difficulty would be frustrating but now I'm relishing the challenge of coming 1st in every cup and beating the developers times, I still don't see how I'm ever going to win a race in hero mode though, but a week ago I couldn't imagine even unlocking it so we'll see how it goes!

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It's no F-Zero, but I've been enjoying this game over the last few weeks.


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Championship was made a lot easier by the inconsistency of the AI, I was getting first overall with as little as 38 points.


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The developer times were pretty much no challenge at all on most tracks. I don't understand why they were made so easy? Only thing I can think of is appeasing completionists who only care about the "100%" no matter how little challenge it is. ::shrug:





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