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I also think Red is pulling a bit of a hustle with his "I don't like Tennis, the motionplus keeps going wonkey I can't win"..... yeah then I see you have a 5Star (now 6Star after beating me) level :heh:


That and you totally destroyed me on the first tennis game.... I put up a good fight in the 2nd but I don't think I had you under any pressure.

:laughing: I think you're putting words in my mouth there, Mokong.

Never said I don't like Tennis, or I can't win. What I said was, when I lose it's generally because motion plus has lost accuracy and can't be recalibrated. ;) I love the game... when it works as intended. And would love it even more (plus actually buy it :heh:) if the online was good.


not that I would expect anything less than £39.99 for the collection :indeed:
Hehehe! You just know it'll be that. Or even more! :shakehead

I would be fine with that price though, if the online was perfect. But as it is, Wii Sports Club is definitely overpriced in my opinion.

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Hehehe! You just know it'll be that. Or even more! :shakehead

I would be fine with that price though, if the online was perfect. But as it is, Wii Sports Club is definitely overpriced in my opinion.


It's the lack of online options that kill it for me. I still haven't used my 24 hour trial yet either. Man, that N-E Bowling league would have been sweet. :(

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has anybody played a guy at tennis called "toss" he swerves the ball so much you can't even hit it, it either looks like it's going 3 feet out then swerves just in or it will be on your forehand and swerve so much it ends up on your backhand, have not got a clue how he does it, wondering if holding A or B will do something like in Bowling.


@Mokong @RedShell can't remember who mentioned about rematches but usually if you go straight into another match you will more often than not play the same person again. I played about 15 matches last night and it was always the same 3 players.

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has anybody played a guy at tennis called "toss" he swerves the ball so much you can't even hit it, it either looks like it's going 3 feet out then swerves just in or it will be on your forehand and swerve so much it ends up on your backhand, have not got a clue how he does it, wondering if holding A or B will do something like in Bowling.


Sounds interesting. I've not come across anyone like that and have played over 50 games online at different times.

@Mokong X\-C on the island mini-game. Looking forward to some good competition on those leaderboards as Golf lends itself well to individual competition. :love:

Edited by tapedeck
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I can see on my Friends List @lostmario is playing this.... BUT I have no way to let him know I'm online and up for a game either through the OS or game itself....thanks a frakking bunch Nintendo/Namco.


I sent a PM here but he's not online at the mo so prolly won't see it till after he's finished. I sent him a PM on Miiverse just in case but sure even if he notices the blue light flashing he'll prolly just think it cause someone has turned on their WiiU....ggggrrrr





I just had a few more games.


Started with a 3 player 3-Hole match, I won again :D 3 out of 3


Then tried looking for another 3-Hole game....couldn't find anyone :(


So tried a 9-Hole game....no opponents there either :(


Then tried a 1-Hole game, found 2 players. Bit nervous playing just the one hole, I'd prefer at least a 3 Hole cause if you mess up on the first you'll have a chance to pull it back in other two (or for other players to make mistakes)....and with that my first shot went out of bounds...great looks like my 100% record is gone.


The other two took some pretty good first two shots (it was a par 5) so I was feeling like it was over, I then got up near the green, not on it with my 4th Shot (remember I had to tee off again on starting on shot 3) took my 5th shot and chipped onto the green with a wedge and got the angle and roll just perfect and it dropped right into the hole for Par, Woot.


One of teh others went out of bounds with his 3rd shot and he didn't recover well so I think his next shot was 6 so I beat him but the other was on his 3rd, then his 4th got him on the green, he had to get a long put to tie the game and totally messed it up. After that seemed like he raged when he knew he couldn't win and just starting wacking teh ball like crazy too much power everytime till the game made him give up after 10 shots :heh:



So yeah still got a 100% record on Golf, 4 out of 4.... gonna start getting paranoid every game now haha

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I've been playing Golf on trial all evening and well, I'm disappointed :(


Like, I LOVED the original and it was one of my most played Wii games but this game just feels so bare bones and empty. I remember with the Wii game thinking 'this could be epic with a proper online mode' and I was hoping that this game would be everything I wanted but it's not :/


On a brighter note, I love the new courses. So happy there's more than 9 this time round :) Now release some DLC with courses based on famous Nintendo games (HYRULE) and I'll be on it day 1.

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I've been playing Golf on trial all evening and well, I'm disappointed :(


Like, I LOVED the original and it was one of my most played Wii games but this game just feels so bare bones and empty. I remember with the Wii game thinking 'this could be epic with a proper online mode' and I was hoping that this game would be everything I wanted but it's not :/


On a brighter note, I love the new courses. So happy there's more than 9 this time round :) Now release some DLC with courses based on famous Nintendo games (HYRULE) and I'll be on it day 1.


Just wondering why did you never get Resort? that had 18 holes


Also I didnt see you online on my friends list.... though I think maybe I dont have you added :( Will add you after I finish this round with randoms... on 2nd of 3 holes... hopefully catch you for a game before your trail expires

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Just wondering why did you never get Resort? that had 18 holes


Also I didnt see you online on my friends list.... though I think maybe I dont have you added :( Will add you after I finish this round with randoms... on 2nd of 3 holes... hopefully catch you for a game before your trail expires


Don't worry I'll be buying the full game so we can hit up some holes after Christmas :) What are you thoughts on tennis, out of interest? It was never a favourite of mine but I'm tempted to just buy it for when I have friends over. Does it require M+ too?


I can't remember why I never got Resort tbh. I think I was just a bit disappointed with the Wii at the time and I got the opportunity to play the sword fighting mini game (or whatever it was) and I just didn't like it. I didn't realise that Golf was on there too though, I might have to check it out if I can find it cheap :)

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It's a strange (glaring, even) oversight when all of their other M+ titles work perfectly. (Including PingPong in WSResort).
I've actually experienced it on every single M+ game, even Ping-Pong on Resort. ::shrug:

It was most annoying when playing through Skyward Sword though. :sad:

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Don't worry I'll be buying the full game so we can hit up some holes after Christmas :) What are you thoughts on tennis, out of interest? It was never a favourite of mine but I'm tempted to just buy it for when I have friends over. Does it require M+ too?


Alright cool, might catch you for some games this evening then :D


FYI, I won the game last night, now 5 for 5 (I'm so gonna jinx myself soon)


I do like the tennis... dispite losing 90% of my games haha, not bought it yet though trying to hold out on that but got a feeling I might do over Xmas when family around... could just get a day pass I guess but then if I ever do decide to buy it later I'll feel I overpaid overall :heh: Same goes for Bowling....prolly more so Bowling as I know my cousins who'll be at my sisters for Xmas enjoy that more than Tennis


And yeah all games require Motion+ in Sports Club



I've actually experienced it on every single M+ game, even Ping-Pong on Resort. ::shrug:

It was most annoying when playing through Skyward Sword though. :sad:


I experienced it on Resort Ping-Pong and Sword Play and Tennis on Club but never in any other game, including Skyward Sword.

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I experienced it on Resort Ping-Pong and Sword Play and Tennis on Club but never in any other game, including Skyward Sword.
Lucky you. I'd have loved to have been able to play through Skyward Sword without any calibration issues.


I think the fact everyone seems to get different such different experiences, illustrates just how random Motion+ is.

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Also here's something else to put in the "Things Nintendo Need to Fix" pile


Found out last night the Stamps/Acheivements can only be gained in Local Offline Play... even if you acheive something during online play it'll be recorded in your stats but you won't get the Stamp


Spotted this when I realised I had no stamp for getting a Chip-In in teh Golf last night



Here's my Play Records showing I have 1 Chip-In



But I don't have the stamp/acheivement



Minor issue but very annoying, imagine if you got a Hole-In-One during online play, you may never get one again (I know I've only ever had one ever between both Sports and Resort..got it on Resort)



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Minor issue but very annoying, imagine if you got a Hole-In-One during online play, you may never get one again (I know I've only ever had one ever between both Sports and Resort..got it on Resort)


Got a hole-in-one yesterday, my first ever in any of the Wii Sports games, and got the stamp. Made my son nearly cry as he hates losing.



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Fair play, which hole you get it on? What were wind conditions like?


I assume then you were playing on local mode yeah


Classic (hole number 2 I think, the very short par 3). A very lucky shot, the wind was blowing NE at 2mph. At first it looked like I overhit it, it bounced short of the pole, slammed into the top of the pole directly where the flag attaches, which seemed to snag the ball, and it just rolled down the pole and in. Never would it have happened in real life. I was waiting for the ball to go bouncing off the pole and off the green.:santa: And yeah, it was in local mode.

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I just added 20euro to my eShop in prep for Xmas in case the family wanted to play Tennis and Bowling



And it actually is for 25th and 26th...


*The promotion period starts at 11:00 UK time on December 25th 2013 and ends at 23:59 UK time on December 26th 2013.


Don't know why they just put the 26th in the headline.

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