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Assassin's Creed: The Game


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No, I was successful getting to my target and doing what I do.


On particular nights I can receive a bit of extra info, though. I do not know if the note was sent to me or my target.

@Mr\-Paul, did you receive a note last night?


I know the information in the note to be total bollocks.


How do you know if it's bollocks if you didn't get it? :p

And no, I didn't receive a note. What would this note be about? Me seeing you targeted me?

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Ok so yeah, i targetted Magnus and found out he was targetted by Haytham E. Kenway.


This is what confused me as Magnus claims to be Haytham. One way or another it looks like Magnus targetted himself, im also slightly confused as to why we seem to have the same power? I literally find out who targetted my target.... So Paul must be a role reflector? Or someone re-directed Magnus?


Rez being untargettable rings alarm bells, and he is being especially quiet and nonchelont in the game.


Care to give us anything @ReZourceman

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I am definitely not a role reflector, or Haytham, so am extremely confused at what Magnus is saying. Whatever reason Magnus got "Haytham targeted Haytham" is not down to me at all. He says he is a reverse tracker, and that no-one targeted me is his info, and the Haytham info is supplemental. It sounds like someone who has targeted Magnus may be imitating Haytham.

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@Mr\-Paul are you a power reflector?

@Esequiel I'd like to know what character you are.


What have we heard from you?


Anyway, I will oblige your question. When I do my second power, I track someone. Last night I did not get who they targeted but rather a very brief slice of information of the interactions of whichever players I reached.

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