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Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture


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When you bought it did the 20% PS+ discount show up? I checked before going to work and the discount hadn't been activated yet. It was still showing as £15.99.


No, it was £15.99 - wasn't even aware there was meant to be a 20% discount. Oh bugger!

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I did the same, don't worry.


Dammit, whaddo we do? Tempted to send an email or contact them some how.


No idea - I'm not too bothered it was only a couple of quid. Would have been annoyed if it was more than a fiver.


BTW you can run but you need to hold down R2 and you'll slowly move slightly quicker.

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It's a gradual increase in speed albeit only by a slight amount :P


Anyways I finished it in one sitting. Nice game, although I do hope they add an increase in movement speed somewhere down the line. I would like to replay it and explore everything but not if it takes me until the end of time.

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It's a gradual increase in speed albeit only by a slight amount :P


Anyways I finished it in one sitting. Nice game, although I do hope they add an increase in movement speed somewhere down the line. I would like to replay it and explore everything but not if it takes me until the end of time.


Wuuuh. I understand that it'll be a short game, but how are we talking in terms of hours? Not that I'm that bothered that it'll be short.


What did you think? No spoilrarghs yet please, though.

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Gaf have said it takes around 6-7 hours on your first play through.


Lovely. :)


I've already told wifey-to-be that we're going to do what we did with Journey. We'll play it separately, so that we both get our own playthroughs without spoiling it for the other.


Only just realised that these guys are Brighton-based, too! :yay: One of my many homes.

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Would you say it's a game you can play during the day? Or does it take away from the atmosphere?


Oh yeah definitely. Its not an atmosphere that I would think would be particularly hightened by playing at night as most of the game is set early evening so its still pretty sunny out in the game. Its just the game itself that gives it such a good atmosphere. I'm about half way through at the moment apparently so I think when I get home from work and carry on, I'll probably use headphones this time.

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I jumped on this for half an hour last night and yeah, like others the walking speed is just a bit too slow for my liking. The "running" really didn't do much in terms of speeding walking up, at least I didn't really notice a change. Probably doesn't help that I've just come off of the back of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and you can actually run in that.


Hopefully it is something that they'll patch though maybe once I play more it'll click with the narrative they're trying to tell. Looking forward to playing more but it does seem a bit more passive than I was expecting which is a shame. Looks gorgeous though and the music so far has been amazing. Really nailed the look and feel with the aesthetics.

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I've just finished this. Right now, the credits are rolling and I'm listening to the utterly superb soundtrack. (which is also on Spotify!)


I loved it. It's sloooow paced, but...it's the rapture. The end of the world. Why run? You've got all of the time in the world. :D


I...don't even know where to begin with the ending. Extra-terrestrial life? God? It seems to be leaning towards the former, but there was something a bit religious about the way they kept talking about the light.


I love how they don't explain it all outright, because they couldn't know everything anyway. It's mysterious and explaining every little detail would have killed the mystery, imo.


What exactly happened at the end? You see that white...shape seemingly open up? Space craft? Heaven? Ahhh.



Stunning game to look at. I wanted to explore everything in this game. :)

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Did a 2 hour sitting to wrap up the last bits of the story and finished this last night as well.


Have to say that I'm unsure how I sit with the game. The lack of interactivity and real gameplay left me feeling a little hollow. Having come off of the back of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter where you had puzzles and murders to solve, this did seems to be lacking in those key areas.


It is a shame because the world they've put together in the game and the atmosphere is spectacular. Visually the game is stunning and the music and use of it throughout to punctuate certain moments is handled superbly. It really draws you in to what feels quintessentially British, which the whole games feels. But it also does a great job of creating tension in the atmosphere, particularly in relation to the story and trying to understand what has happened. On that level, the game really can't be faulted as it's beautiful to look at and listen to.


But from a gameplay perspective, it doesn't quite hold up to the likes of other similar games, at least in my eyes. I can forgive it the slow pace of movement as it seems deliberate to allow you to experience the atmosphere, the aesthetics and more importantly the narrative. But without the substance there beyond listening to the recordings and pieces those together for the correct order of events in your head, it could have offered a bit more.


On the topic of the narrative, I think the story was great and told very well with the recordings and such that you encounter throughout Yaughton/Tipworth. I'm happy enough with the ending as well purely because of the nature of what's happened up to that point.


With it ending as it did in the observatory, and Kate getting her "partner" in the light, my interpretation of who you play is that you are essentially Kate but after she's connected with the light.


In other words, I thought of it as you were just another one of those orbs of light floating about which would sort of explain why you could see the memories or occurrences as you do in the world. As the inhabitants are all infected with the light, so to speak, and as there's that orb that floats about leading you to certain points to interact with them, I thought that that would be a suitable explanation for how you can see these things in the world and interact with them.


It would also explain why you would hear Kate's recordings on the radios but would also be able to hear the conversations that happened over the phone as well seeing as the light had managed to get into there.



In the end, I enjoyed it but I think it could have been a bit more interactive as it were.

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Have to say that I'm unsure how I sit with the game. The lack of interactivity and real gameplay left me feeling a little hollow. Having come off of the back of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter where you had puzzles and murders to solve, this did seems to be lacking in those key areas.


It sounds like maybe you are comparing it too much to games like Ethan Carter though. Yes it could be similar to those but thats not what they were going for. I guess its just a problem with what we think the game should be and what the devs wanted the game to be.

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Did a 2 hour sitting to wrap up the last bits of the story and finished this last night as well.


Have to say that I'm unsure how I sit with the game. The lack of interactivity and real gameplay left me feeling a little hollow. Having come off of the back of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter where you had puzzles and murders to solve, this did seems to be lacking in those key areas.


Maybe playing both of these games back to back wasn't the best idea. I don't think this game was intended to be a puzzle game of that sort of nature. In a way, it is a puzzle game of a different variety as you're putting the pieces of conversations and timelines together. At least, that's what I found.



With it ending as it did in the observatory, and Kate getting her "partner" in the light, my interpretation of who you play is that you are essentially Kate but after she's connected with the light.


In other words, I thought of it as you were just another one of those orbs of light floating about which would sort of explain why you could see the memories or occurrences as you do in the world. As the inhabitants are all infected with the light, so to speak, and as there's that orb that floats about leading you to certain points to interact with them, I thought that that would be a suitable explanation for how you can see these things in the world and interact with them.


It would also explain why you would hear Kate's recordings on the radios but would also be able to hear the conversations that happened over the phone as well seeing as the light had managed to get into there.



In the end, I enjoyed it but I think it could have been a bit more interactive as it were.


I'm not sure...There's moments where you actually "see" Kate's parts, such as the conversation with her and Stephen at the very start and at various points. I don't think that you are Kate, maybe perhaps another villager?


I wonder if the world is some kind of limbo, which Kate escapes from in the end to enter Heaven? There was a feel of purgatory about the game, I felt. Maybe the "character" is also part of this limbo and reaches ascendance at the end? There is something vaguely religious about the ending.


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I've just read this which analyses the story of the game and puts it into some sort of logical order/sequence. It also gives some idea about what happens with the ending.


I think I love this game so much more after reading that. My favourite chapter was Wendy's...that ending...


Almost lost it at the end of her chapter where she looks up to the sky and says it's just like Eddie coming home. Utterly heartbreaking. I love the characters in this game.



Also, fucking LOL. Ine is obviously a filthy foreigner and thought Rhys (guy in the game,

the one who fancies Rachel

was pronounced Rice. :laughing:

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